Ingles Grupo 2

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*Acevedo Calgua, Carlos
*Ccencho Matamoros, Jhon Michel
*Huaraca Ruiz, Deysi Magali
*Meza Ninayala, Yemily Daniela
*Saavedra Marmanillo, Mery Herlinda
*Signori Centty, Marina Vianella
 Our project is going to help Young people to have fun in a healthy
way. It will be lelocated in Incho, near the crowded avenue called
Mariategui( ben blocks from Continental University).We want to
make the Project in order to give people of Huancayo a good way
of healthy lifestyle. This project will harbor 750 people because it
ABSTRACT: will have 5 sports fields and a big pool. So, the area is about 1000
m2 .The project will went with many trainers (couch) that will help
people to work out. This project is a good way of get young people
distracted of social Networks.
 This multifunctional complex will have three pools.
 This multifunctional complex will design buy Engieneer Vadillo.
 This multifunctional complex will build buy new tecnology.
 This multifunctional complex will do in ten months.
 This multifunctional complex you will see to different typical sance
of Huancayo
 This multifunctional complex you will make to crafts only
 This multifunctional complex you will run proffessional Athletic
 This multifunctional complex you will buy healthy food.
 This multifunctional complex we will sell deport clothes.
 This multifunctional complex you will swim from 8:00 am to 6:00
 This proyect management is going to improve the way that
persons live.
 We’re going to desing thios proyect to join many atractives in the
same build.
 We´re going to offer a aolution to optimeze contruccion proyects.
 The contruccion process is going to base on a new methology of
 We´re going to analize the way ofthe life of people in this zone .
INTENTIONS:  We´re going to link the comun problems in this zone to solve all.
 In this multifuncional complex you going to be able to have
healthy fun with your Friends .
 We´re going to detect the problems about bad structures .
 We are going to do benefic party.
 We are going to have cars for childrens in a Little park near to tha

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