Time Management

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Math Gathering

Assume the following pie chart represents your spending
over one month. The total income for the month is $1798.62.
The “Not Used” category is money left over.


Of all the monthly expenses, which one is
the largest percentage of the total?
What percentage of the month’s income is
rent? (Round to the nearest tenth.)
Assuming your monthly planned budget
estimates you will spend 25% on food.
Did you stay within budget this month?
 Answer: Rent. The largest wedge in
the pie chart is for rent, so it is the
largest percentage of the total.
 Answer: LaTeX:
\%( 550 / 1798.62 ) ∗ 100 = 30.6 % S
(Rounded to the nearest tenth.)

 Yes. 25% of 1798.62 is 449.66. Since
you only spent 365.28 on food, you
are well below your budgeted
amount for food this month. We can
also see this by looking at the food
wedge in the pie chart. 25% would be
¼ of the pie chart, and the wedge for
food looks a little smaller than that. S
-How did the man in the story live below his
potential and privileges?

-How have you similarly lived below your

potential at different times in your life?

-Elder Uchtdorf promises us that we can know

how to live up to our unique potential and
privileges. What does he say we must do to
receive that divine guidance?
“Next to the
bestowal of life
itself, the right to

direct that life is
God’s great gift President
to man” O.
Doctrine & Covenants 60:13

“…Thou shalt not idle
away thy time, neither
shalt thou bury thy
talent that it may not be
President Thomas S. Monson

“How fragile life, how certain death. We do not
know when we will be required to leave this mortal
existence. And so I ask, “What are we doing with
today?” If we live only for tomorrow, we’ll have a lot
of empty yesterdays today. Have we been guilty of
declaring, “I’ve been thinking about making some
course corrections in my life. I plan to take the first
step—tomorrow” With such thinking, tomorrow is
forever. Such tomorrows rarely come unless we do
something about them today.”

How can procrastinating rob you of
opportunities and blessings?

How can you know how God would like

you to serve today?

What two blessings did President Eyring

promise you if you choose to serve God
Step One: Evaluate Your How You Spend Your
Step Two: Align Your Daily Activities with
Your Values
Step Three: Prioritize the Things that Matter
Step One: Evaluate Your How
You Spend Your Time

“Start, Stop, Continue”

How can simple daily tasks
affect who you are

How can tracking your

time help you be a better
Step Two: Align Your Daily
Activities with Your Values

“Align what you are doing to

who you want to become.”
How can you find meaning in
everyday tasks and chores?

How does putting God in the center

of your heart provide purpose and
meaning to your activities?

How can you better use the Sabbath

to better worship God?
Step Three: Prioritize the
Things that Matter Most

“As we turn to our Heavenly Father and seek His
wisdom regarding the things that matter most, we
learn over and over again the importance of four key
relationships: with our God, with our families, with
our fellow man, and with ourselves. As we evaluate
our own lives with a willing mind, we will see where
we have drifted from the more excellent way. The
eyes of our understanding will be opened, and we
will recognize what needs to be done to purify our
heart and refocus our life.”
-President Uchtdorf

The Covey Matrix
 These are the pressing tasks and
necessary daily activities that can
easily take over your life. The
tasks in this quadrant are
characterized by project
deadlines, meetings, cooking,
cleaning, and emergencies. If you Quadrant 1:
spend all your time in this Urgent-

quadrant, you’ll never get ahead Important
in life. People in this quadrant (The
put off investing their time in Procrastinator)
others and themselves because
they are too busy to improve. If
you spend too much time in this
quadrant, you’ll start to feel
burned out and stressed.
 This is the quadrant that you want to
spend the most time because it is where
you invest time in yourself and others.
Your enrollment in this program proves
that you are willing to spend time in this
quadrant despite your busy schedule. Quadrant 2:
Items in this quadrant are usually long- Not Urgent-
term investments that pay-off over time. Important

These activities are easy to dismiss
because they don’t have deadlines, and
often don’t appear to have immediate Visionary)
benefits. People in quadrant two can be
described as visionaries because of their
ambitious approach to life. People in this
quadrant feel like they are making
progress in life and that they are making a
Quadrant three activities rob us of
our productivity and long-term
success. Items in this quadrant feel
important at the time, but after
some reflection can be seen as a Quadrant 3:
waste of time. They are typified by Urgent-
The Yes Man because people in Not

this category allow others to Important
disregard their own sense of what (The
is important. Spending time in this Yes Man)
area can leave you feeling like a
victim who doesn’t have control
over your life.
You can quickly spend more time
in this quadrant than you realize.
You may want to consider using a
program to help track your time
on electronic devices so that you Quadrant 4:
become aware of how much time Not Urgent-
you spend on things like social

media. Not everything in this Important
category is useless. A little time
spent here can be a great reward
and provide some needed time to
relax, but spending too much
time here can rob our life of
purpose and meaning.
How can using the Time
Management Matrix provide God
more opportunities to give you
insights on how to be a good

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