Kinds of Sentences

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The Four Kinds of

A sentence is a group
of words that
expresses a complete
It ends with a
punctuation mark.
Declarative Sentence
It tells something about a person,
place, thing or an event. It is
also called telling sentence. It
ends with a period (.)
Mayon Volcano is in Albay.

This sentence
TELLS about
Mayon Volcano.
Declarative Sentence
The three island groups of the
Philippines are Luzon, Visayas,
This sentence
TELLS about
three island Again, it ends
groups of the in a period.

The tarsier is an
endangered animal.
Interrogative Sentence
It asks a question. It is also
called an asking sentence.
It ends with a question
mark (?). Usually starts
with who, what, where,
when, why and how.
Mayon Volcano is in Albay.

Where is Mayon Volcano?

This sentence ASKS

about the location of
Mayon Volcano.
The tarsier is an
endangered animal.

Why is tarsier endangered?

This sentence ASKS

about the tarsier.
Interrogative or asking
sentences may also begin
with is, am, are, was, were,
do, does, and did.
Does Mayon Volcano erupt?

Starts with DOES

and asks about
Mayon Volcano.
Is tarsier our national
Starts with IS and
asks about Tarsier. Still, ends with
a question mark.
Continue answering Book
Exercise (pp.286-287)
Book Exercise (pp.286-287)
A. 1. Our friends attend the
par ty.
2. Used clothes are sold in that
3. Earl Patrick and Mark Joseph
both have two names.
4. Nobody uses those guitars
B. 1. Where will we find the
2. Did the vendor count the
jackets in the box?
3. How is the machine used?
4. Was your book returned
1.interrogative - ? 8. declarative - .
2. declarative - . 9. declarative - .
3. declarative - . 10. declarative - .
4. interrogative - ? 11. declarative - .
5. interrogative - ? 12. declarative - .
6. declarative- . 13. declarative - .
7. interrogative - ? 14. interrogative -
15. declarative - .
Imperative Sentence
A sentence that gives
directions is an
imperative sentence.
It states a request or
a command.
A command gives direction
with force or authority.

Go to the
principal’s office.
Water the

Raise your hand if

you have a question.
A request gives direction in
a polite way. It uses the
words “please” or “kindly”.

Kindly go to the
principal’s office.
Please water the plants.

Kindly raise your hand

if you have a question.
An imperative sentence usually
ends with a period (.). If it is said
with a strong request, it ends
with an exclamation mark(!)
Exclamatory Sentence
This sentence expresses strong
feeling. It could show
happiness, excitement, anger,
or surprise. It ends with an
exclamation point (!).
I’m afraid of the

I love this gift!

Yahoo! I won!

What a beautiful
Now it’s your turn!
Remember the
four kinds of
sentences and
don’t forget
that they
begin with a
capital letter
and ends with
their own
Book Exercise!
pp. 321-323
Get your Journeys
book. We will
check your
Open page 323.
1. IM 6. IM
2. No mark 7. No mark
3. No mark 8. IM
4. IM 9. No mark
5. IM 10. IM
1. C 6. R
2. R 7. C
3. R 8. C
4. C 9. C
5. C 10.R
1. Wa s h t h e d i s h e s .
2. E s c o r t o u r g u e s t t o h i s ro o m .
3. P l e a s e / K i n d ly g i ve m e my c h a n g e .
4. Help me.
5. P l e a s e / K i n d ly c l e a n yo u r e a rs .
6. P l e a s e / K i n d ly l e n d u s yo u r s p e a ke r s .
7. Wr i t e yo u r s c o r e s .
8. Ta ke m e h o m e .
9. P l e a s e / K i n d ly s i n g my favo r i t e s o n g .
1 0 . K i n d ly / P l e a s e h a n d t h i s t o t h e
1. P l e a s e / K i n d l y t u r n t h e k e y.
2. E x p l o r e t h e c ave .
3. Please/Kindly fix the antenna.
4. H a n d i n yo u r r e p o r t s .
5. P l e a s e / K i n d l y r e c i t e t h e s e n t e n c e s a b o ve .
6. G o b a c k t o yo u r r o o m .
7. P l e a s e / K i n d l y t e l l m e w h a t yo u r p l a n i s .
8. P l e a s e / K i n d l y w a t c h t h e v i d e o c a r e f u l l y.
9. G i ve a b i g h a n d t o J e r e m y !
1 0 . R e m o ve yo u r f o o t o n t o p o f t h e t a b l e .

The Four Kinds

Interrogative of Sentences


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