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Database Basics


Six Principles of Database Design

With great power comes great responsibility. As a database designer, it's up to

you to craft a set of properly structured tables. If you get it right, you'll save
yourself a lot of work in the future. Well-designed databases are easy to
enhance, simpler to work with, and lead to far fewer mind-bending problems
when you need to extract information.

Sadly, there's no recipe for a perfect database. Instead, a number of

recommendations can guide you on the way. In this section, you'll learn about a
few of the most important.

Tip: Building a good database is an art that takes practice. For best results, read
these guidelines, and then try building your own test databases.
1. Choose Good Field Names

Access doesn't impose many rules on what field names you can use. It lets you use
64 characters of your choice. However, field names are important. You'll be
referring to the same names again and again as you build forms, create reports, and
even write code. So it's important to choose a good name from the outset.

Here are some tips:

Keep it short and simple. The field name should be as short as possible. Long
names are tiring to type, more prone to error, and can be harder to cram into forms
and reports.

CapitalizeLikeThis. It's not a set-in-stone rule, but most Access fans capitalize the
first letter of every word (known as CamelCase), and then cram them all together to
make a field name. Examples include UnitsInStock and DateOfExpiration.

Avoid spaces. Spaces are allowed in Access field names, but they can cause
problems. In SQL (the database language you'll use to search for data), spaces
aren't kosher. That means you'll be forced to use square brackets when referring to
field name that includes spaces (like [Number Of Guests]), which gets annoying
fast. If you really must have spaces, then consider using underscores instead.
Be consistent. You have the choice between the field names Product_Price
and ProductPrice. Either approach is perfectly reasonable. However, it's not a
good idea to mingle the two approaches in the same databasedoing so's a
recipe for certain confusion. Similarly, if you have more than one table with
the same sort of information (for example, a FirstName field in an Employees
table and a Customers table), use the same field name.

Don't repeat the table name. If you have a Country field in a Customers table,
it's fairly obvious that you're talking about the Country where the customer
lives. The field name CustomerCountry would be overkill.

Don't use the field name Name. Besides being a tongue-twister, Name is an
Access keyword. Instead, use ProductName, CategoryName, ClassName, and
so on. (This is one case where it's OK to violate the previous rule and
incorporate the table name in the field name.)

You should also give careful thought to naming your tables. Once again,
consistency is king. For example, database nerds spend hours arguing about
whether or not to pluralize table names (like Customers instead of Customer).
Either way's fine, but try to keep all your tables in line.
2. Break Down Your Information

Be careful that you don't include too much information in a single field. You
want to have each field store a single piece of information. Rather than have a
single Name field in a table of contacts, it makes more sense to have a
FirstName and a LastName field.

There are many reasons for breaking down information into separate fields.
First of all, it stops some types of errors. With a Name field, the name could be
entered in several different ways (like "Last, First" or "First Last"). Splitting the
name avoids these issues, which can create headaches when you try to use the
data in some sort of automated task (like a mail merge). But more importantly,
you can more easily work with data that's broken down into small pieces. Once
the Name field's split into FirstName and LastName, you can perform sorts or
searches on just one of these two pieces of information, which you couldn't
otherwise do. Similarly, you should split address information into columns like
Street, City, State, and Country that way, you can far more easily find out who
lives in Nantucket.
3. Include All the Details in One Place

Often, you'll use the same table in many different tasks. You may use the
Dolls table to check for duplicates (and avoid purchasing the same
bobblehead twice), to identify the oldest parts of your collection, and to
determine the total amount of money you've spent in a given year (for tax
purposes). Each of these tasks needs a slightly different combination of
information. When you're calculating the total money spent, you aren't
interested in the Character field that identifies the doll. When checking for
a duplicate, you don't need the DateAcquired or Purchase-Price

Even though you don't always need all these fields, it's fairly obvious that it
makes sense to put them all in the same table. However, when you create
more detailed tables, you may not be as certain. It's not difficult to imagine
a version of the Dolls table that has 30 or 40 fields of information. You
may use some of these fields only occasionally. However, you should still
include them all in the same table. You can easily filter out the information
you don't need from the datasheet, as well as in your forms and printed
4. Avoid Duplicating Information

As you start to fill a table with fields, it's sometimes tempting to include
information that doesn't really belong. This inclusion causes no end of
headaches, and it's a surprisingly easy trap to fall into. Figure 2-22 shows this
problem in action with a table that tries to do too much.
5. Avoid Redundant Information

Another type of data that just doesn't belong is redundant

informationinformation that's already available elsewhere in the database, or
even in the same table, sometimes in a slightly different form. As with
duplicated data, this redundancy can cause inconsistencies.

Calculated data's the most common type of redundant information. An

AverageOrderCost field in a Customers table is an example. The problem here
is that you can determine the price of an average order by searching through all
the records in the Orders table for that customer, and averaging them. By
adding an AverageOrderCost field, you introduce the possibility that this field
may be incorrect (it may not match the actual order records). You also
complicate life, because every time a customer places an order, you need to
recalculate the average, and then update the customer record.
Here are some more examples of redundant information:

• An Age and a DateOfBirth field (in a People table). Usually, you'll

want to include just a DateOfBirth field. If you have both, then the
Age field contains redundant information. But if you have only the
Age field, you're in trouble unless you're ready to keep track of
birthdays and update each record carefully, your information will
soon be incorrect.

• A DiscountPrice field (in a Products table). You should be able to

calculate the discount price as needed based on a percentage. In a
typical business, markups and markdowns change frequently. If you
calculate 10 percent discounts and store the revised prices in your
database, then you'll have a lot of work to do when the discount drops
to nine percent.
6. Include an ID Field

As you learned earlier, Access automatically creates an ID field when you

create a table in Datasheet view and sets it to be the primary key for the
table. But even now that you've graduated to Design view, you should still
add an ID field to all your tables. Make sure it uses the AutoNumber data
type so Access fills in the numbers automatically, and set it to be the primary

In some cases, your table may include a unique field that you can use as a
primary key. Resist the temptation. You'll always buy yourself more
flexibility by adding an ID field. You never need to change an ID field. Other
information, even names and social insurance numbers, may change. And if
you're using table relationships, Access copies the primary key into other
tables. If a primary key changes, you'll need to track down the value in
several different places.

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