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Survival Literature • Define:

Why do we take risks • Dehydration

• Exposure
• Hubris
• Idealism
• Idyll
• Intimidate
• Itinerary
• Obsession
• Primal
• Security
• Self-reliance
• Will
• Terrain

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Done With

My house is torn down–

Plaster sifting, the pillars broken,
Beams jagged, the wall crushed by the bulldozer.
The whole roof has fallen
On the hall and the kitchen
The bedrooms, the parlor.

They are trampling the garden–

My mother's lilac, my father's grapevine,
The freesias, the jonquils, the grasses.
Hot asphalt goes down
Over the torn stems, and hardens.

What will they do in springtime

Those bulbs and stems groping upward
That drown in earth under the paving,
Thick with sap, pale in the dark
As they try the unrolling of green.

May they double themselves

Pushing together up to the sunlight,
May they break through the seal stretched above them
Open and flower and cry we are living.
Copyright © 2000 by Ann Stanford. Reprinted by permission of Copper Canyon Press. All rights reserved.

Jens Martensson 3
On the Edge of Survival

Short Story Short Story

• Search and Rescue • The Fine Madness of the Iditarod

• Look for: Examples of risk • Look for: Examples of risk

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Answer the following questions:

• 1. Why do people take risks? Use evidence

from the texts to support your answer.
• 2. Is a rescuer a risk taker? Why or why not?

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Take quiz individually. Worksheet may be completed in groups or individually.

1. Take quiz.
2. Fill out the worksheet
3. If time, begin character evolution paper.
When 90% of class is done, we will watch
summary recap.

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William Golding
• As Lord of the Flies was being written…
• In 1951 Golding was living in Salisbury with his
wife Ann, and two children, David and Judy.
Golding and Ann read to their children and the
books were often island-based adventure
stories. While sitting in front of the fire in their
flat Golding said ‘Wouldn’t it be a good idea if I
wrote a book about children on an island,
children who would behave in the way children
really would behave?’ This idea grew into Lord
of the Flies.
• The novel was rejected by a number of
publishers before finally being published by
Faber and Faber in 1954.
• (Taken from Golding’s personal website)

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Biography Continued.
Born 1911 Died 1993 War Service

• His father, Alex, was a schoolmaster, while his • Golding spent six years in the Royal Navy on a
mother, Mildred, was active in the Women's boat, except for a seven-month stint in New
Suffrage Movement. Since the age of seven, York, where he assisted Lord Cherwell at the
Golding had been writing stories, and at the age Naval Research Establishment.
of twelve he attempted to write a novel. • During World War II, he fought battleships at the
• After graduating from Oxford in 1935, Golding sinking of the Bismarck, and also fended off
continued the family tradition by becoming a submarines and planes. Lieutenant Golding was
schoolmaster in Salisbury, Wiltshire. His even placed in command of a rocket-launching
teaching career was interrupted in 1940, craft.
however, with the outbreak of World War II • Of his World War II experiences, Golding has
(1939–45). Lieutenant Golding served five years said, “I began to see what people were capable
in the British Royal Navy and saw active duty in of doing. Anyone who moved through those
the North Atlantic, commanding a rocket years without understanding that man produces
launching craft. evil as a bee produces honey, must have been
• (Taken from Encyclopedia of World Biography) blind or wrong in the head.”
• Taken from

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Britain in WWII
How did war impact the country?
• The British Army, an all-volunteer force until
1939, was small in comparison to its enemies at
the start of the Second World War in 1939, as
it had been in the First World War. By the end of
the Second World War 2.9 million men had
served in the British Army,with some 300,000
Military Deaths and 376,239 wounded.
• From 7 September 1940, London was
systematically bombed by the Luftwaffe for 56
out of the following 57 days and nights. Most
notable was a large daylight attack against
London on 15 September.
• The Hull Blitz was the bombing campaign that
targeted the English port city of Kingston upon
Hull by the German Luftwaffe during the
Second World War. Large-scale attacks took
place on several nights throughout March 1941,
resulting in over 200 deaths.

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Did WWII affect the author?

Assignment: Write a paragraph based on the

information presented in this presentation and
the text in Lord of the Flies answering the
following question:

Do you think WWII affected the writing of this

story? Why or Why not? Use evidence from the
Powerpoint and the text.

This will be graded and entered in Gradebook.

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Civilization Vs. Savagery

Civilization Savagery
Team 1

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What do think the following symbolize?

The boys The fire

The island The parachutist
The scar The beast
The plane crash The Lord of the Flies
The conch Piggy’s glasses

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Next Steps

• Finish Character Evolution Paper

• If Done:
• Begin reading Phantom of the Opera –or—
• Read for IRLA progress

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