Let It Grow: Lesson by Ms. Glover

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Lesson by Ms. Glover

What we will cover

• Lesson objective(s):
After this lesson the students will have learned how to plant a seed. They
will work as a cooperative group to achieve a common goal.
• State Standards:
LS1.C: Organization for Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms
We will be using a pot, soil, scoop,
watering can, tray, mini plant, bean
seeds, sequence cards, necklaces with
copies of sequence cards on them
What do you know about plants?
• How do they start?
• What grow in the ground?
• What grows from different trees?
• Are plants a certain color?
• Do we eat things we grow?
Why are plants important?
• How do plants help us live?
• Why do they need soil?
• How can we help take care of them?
How do we plant a flower
• Get a pot
• Fill the pot with soil
• Plant the seeds
• Water the plant
• Put the plant in the sunlight
• Evaluate the students throughout the lesson and after with verbal questions.
Allow the students to use the sequence board if they need it. Encourage
social interaction by asking questions about other student's jobs. (What job
did Billy have?)
Check for understanding
• Take pictures off of sequencing board and mix them up. Call on students
one at a time and have them put the tasks back in the correct order.
More information
Learn all about worms

Importance of watering your garden


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