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MATH 7 Quiz

I. Identification
1. _____________ is an algebraic expression with only
one term.
2. This are the terms with the same variables and
raised to the same power. _____________
3. In the term 5𝑥 2 , “𝑥 2 “ is called the
4. ____________ is the polynomial with a 4th degree.
5. This is an algebraic expression with one or more
than one term. ______________
II. Solving problems
A.Evaluate the following algebraic expression
6) 3𝑥 2 + 𝑦 − 9, where x = -1 and y= 2
2𝑥 2 −3𝑦+𝑧
7) − 3𝑧 where x =1, y = 2 and z = 0
B. Add and subtract the following algebraic expressions
8) 4𝑎𝑏 − 3𝑏 + (−12 𝑎𝑏 + 8𝑏)
9) 8𝑎2 𝑏 − 7𝑎𝑏 2 − (−10 𝑎2 − 12𝑎𝑏 2 )
10) 9𝑚4 − 13𝑚3 − 7𝑚2 − 𝑚 + 3 + (4𝑚4 − 9𝑚3 − 4𝑚2 − 𝑚 − 1)

[ 3 ( x – 4y) + 2 (2x – y ) – 10 ] – [ 6 ( x - 2y) – (x + y ) + 11)
I. Multiple Choices
1. Who started the use of symbols in representing different
a. Jons Jacob Berzelius
b. Antoine Lavoisier
c. John Dalton
d. John Strutt
2. What do you call the group of three elements studied by
a. Three
b. Trio
c. Triads
d. Tres
3. Among the 7 chemist, who proposed the Law of Octaves?
3. Johannes Wolfgang Dobereiner
4. A.E. Beguyer de Chancourtois
5. Jons Jacob Berzelius
6. Antoine Lavoisier
4. What did Moseley used in arranging the elements in the periodic
table of elements?
a. Atomic mass
b. Atomic weight
c. Atomic number
d. Chemical symbol
5. What is the symbol for Gold?
a. Au b. Ag c. Hg d. Gd
II. Identification
1. William Ramsay discovered the ______________?
2. __________ is the vertical columns in the periodic
table of elements?
3. The elements are classified into __________
4. The _____ block consist of only two groups –
Group IA and Group IIA.
5. The periodic table consists of several horizontal
rows called the ___________.
III. Essay
1.How can you relate the development of
the periodic table of elements in your life?
I. TRUE or False
1. The trout is a kind of lizard that lives on caves.
2. The trout troubled Julia because of its
fascinating silver stomach.
3. Julia went back into the Dark Walk because she
was worried about the trout.
4. Shun O’Faolon was the author of the story.
5. The story is about a keen understanding of
human personality.
II. Matching type
A. B.

Find the synonym of the ff. A. Proudly

6. Incredulous B. Amiable
7. Superciliously C.Gigantic
D. Unbelieving
Find the antonym of the ff. E. miserable
8. Enormous F. Tiny
9. Ecstatic G.Hostile
III. Categorize the words as ‘t’,‘d’, or ‘ed’ according
to the sound of the final –ed or –d


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