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Resident Physics Lectures


George David, M.S.

Associate Professor of Radiology
Ultrasound Transducer
 Acts as both speaker & microphone
 Emits very short sound pulse
 Listens a very long time for returning echoes
 Can only do one at a time

Speaker Microphone
transmits sound pulses receives echoes
Piezoelectric Principle
 Voltage generated when certain materials are
deformed by pressure
 Reverse also true!
 Some materials change dimensions when
voltage applied
 dimensional change causes pressure change
 when voltage polarity reversed, so is
dimensional change
US Transducer Operation

 alternating voltage (AC) applied to

piezoelectric element
 Causes
 alternating dimensional changes
 alternating pressure changes
 pressure propagates as sound wave
Ultrasound Basics
 What does your scanner know about
the sound echoes it hears?
I’m a scanner,
Jim, not a

What does your scanner know
about echoed sound?
How loud is the echo?

inferred from intensity of electrical pulse from transducer

What does your scanner know
about echoed sound?
What was the time delay between
sound broadcast and the echo?
What else does your scanner know
about echoed sound?
The sound’s pitch or frequency
What Does Your Scanner Assume
about Echoes
(or how the scanner can lie to you)

 Sound travels at 1540 m/s

everywhere in body
 average speed of sound in soft tissue

 Sound travels in straight

lines in direction
 Sound attenuated equally
by everything in body
 (0.5 dB/cm/MHz, soft tissue average)
Luckily These Are Close Enough to Truth To Give
Us Images

 Sound travels at 1540 m/s

everywhere in body
 average speed of sound in soft tissue

 Sound travels in straight

lines in direction
 Sound attenuated equally
by everything in body
 (0.5 dB/cm/MHz, soft tissue average)
Dot Placement on Image
 Dot position ideally indicates
source of echo
 scanner has no way of knowing
exact location
 Infers location from echo

Dot Placement on Image

 Scanner aims sound when

 echo assumed to originate from
direction of scanner’s sound
 ain’t necessarily so

Positioning Dot
 Dot positioned along assumed line
 Position on assumed line calculated based upon
 speed of sound
 time delay between sound transmission & echo

Distance of Echo from Transducer
 Time delay accurately measured by scanner

distance = time delay X speed of sound

distance = time delay X speed of sound

What is the Speed of Sound?

 scanner assumes speed of sound is that of soft tissue
 1.54 mm/msec
 1540 m/sec
 13 usec required for echo object 1 cm from transducer (2
cm round trip)

13 msec
1 cm
So the scanner assumes the wrong
 Sometimes
•Luckily, the speed of
sound is almost the
same for most body

soft tissue ==> 1.54 mm / msec

fat ==> 1.44 mm / msec
brain ==> 1.51 mm / msec
liver, kidney ==> 1.56 mm / msec
muscle ==> 1.57 mm / msec
Gray Shade of Echo
 Ultrasound is gray shade modality
 Gray shade should indicate
echogeneity of object

? ?
How does scanner know what gray
shade to assign an echo?

 Based upon intensity (volume, loudness) of


? ?
Gray Shade

 Loud echo = bright dot

 Soft echo = dim dot

 Deep echoes are softer (lower volume) than

surface echoes.
Gray Shade of Echo

 Correction needed to compensate for sound

attenuation with distance
 Otherwise dots close to transducer would be
Echo’s Gray Shade

 Gray Shade determined by

 Measured echo strength
 accurate
 Calculated attenuation

Who am I?
Charles Lane
Attenuation Correction
 scanner assumes entire Tissue Attenuation Coefficient
body has attenuation of (dB / cm / MHz)
soft tissue
 actual attenuation • Fat 0.6
varies widely in body
• Brain 0.6
• Liver 0.5
• Kidney 0.9
• Muscle 1.0
• Heart 1.1
Ultrasound Display
 One sound pulse produces
 one image scan line
 one series of gray shade dots in a
 Multiple pulses
 two dimensional image
obtained by moving direction
in which sound transmitted
How Do We Move the Beam?

 Electronically
 Phased Arrays
Sound Wave Definition?
 Sound is a Wave
 Wave is a propagating (traveling)
variation in a “wave variable”

 “An elephant is big, gray, and looks

like an elephant.”
Sound Wave Variable
 Examples
 pressure (force / area)
 density (mass / volume)
 temperature
 Also called acoustic variable

Sound is a propagating (moving)

variation in a “wave variable”
Energy & Power
 Power
 rate of energy use
 Units: watts or milliwatts
 Energy = Power X Time
 Units: kilowatt-hours


300 KW-hr.
Light Bulbs rated in power!

Electricity billed in energy!

 Intensity of Sound Beam
intensity = power / cross sectional area
Sound Wave Variation
 Freeze time
 Measure some acoustic variable as a function of

Pressure Acoustic
Density Value
 Make multiple measurements of an acoustic
variable an instant apart
 Results would look the same but appear to move in

 Track acoustic variable
at one position over
Sound Waves
 Waves transmit energy
 Waves do not transmit matter
 “Crowd wave” at sports event
 people’s elevation varies with time
 variation in elevation moves around stadium
 people do not move around stadium
Transverse Waves
 Particle moves perpendicular to wave travel
 Water ripple
 surface height varies with time
 peak height moves outward
 water does not move outward
Compression (Longitudinal)
 Particle motion parallel to direction of
wave travel

Motion of
Individual Coil

Wave Travel
 Material through which wave moves
 Medium not required for all wave types
 no medium required for electromagnetic waves
 radio
 x-rays Talk louder!
 infrared I can’t hear
 ultraviolet you.
 medium is required for sound
 sound does not travel through vacuum
Sound Waves
 Information may be encoded in wave energy
 radio
 TV
 ultrasound
 audible sound
Sound Frequency
# of complete variations (cycles) of an acoustic
variable per unit time

 Units
cycles per second
1 Hz = 1 cycle per second
1 kHz = 1000 cycles per second
1 MHz = 1,000,000 cycles per second
 Human hearing range
20 - 20,000 Hz
Sound Frequency
 Ultrasound definition
> 20,000 Hz
 not audible to humans
 dog whistles are in this range
 Clinical ultrasound frequency range
1 - 10 MHz
1,000,000 - 10,000,000 Hz
 time between a point in one cycle & the
same point in the next cycle
 time of single cycle
 Units
 time per cycle (sometimes expressed
only as time; cycle implied)

of acoustic


Period = -------------------
 as frequency increases, period decreases
 if frequency in Hz, period in seconds/cycle

Period = 1 / Frequency
 if frequency in kHz, period in msec/cycle
 if frequency in MHz, period in msec/cycle
1 kHz frequency ==> 1 msec period
1 MHz frequency ==> 1 msec period
Reciprocal Units

Frequency Period Units

Hz (cycles/sec) seconds/cycle

kHz (thousands msec/cycle

of cycles/sec)
MHz (millions of msec/cycle
Sound Period &
Frequency are
determined only by the
sound source. They are
independent of medium.

Who am I?

Burt Mustin
Propagation Speed
 Speed only a function of medium
 Speed virtually constant with respect to frequency
over clinical range
 Speed depends on medium’s
 Density (mass per unit volume)
 more dense ==> lower speed
 Stiffness (or bulk modulus; opposite of elasticity or
 more stiffness ==> higher speed
 “same letter, same effect”
 distance in space over which single cycle
 distance between a given point in a cycle &
corresponding point in next cycle
 imagine freezing time, measuring between
corresponding points in space between
adjacent cycles
Wavelength Units
 length per cycle
 sometimes just length; cycle implied
 usually in millimeters or fractions of a millimeter for
clinical ultrasound
Wavelength Equation
Speed = Wavelength X Frequency
(dist./time) (dist./cycle) (cycles/time)

 As frequency increases, wavelength

 because speed is constant
Speed = Wavelength X Frequency
(dist./time) (dist./cycle) (cycles/time)
mm/msec mm/cycle MHz

Calculate Wavelength for 5 MHz sound

in soft tissue

Wavelength = 1.54 mm/msec / 5 MHz

5 MHz = 5,000,000 cycles / sec = 5 cycles / msec

Wavelength = 1.54 / 5 = 0.31 mm / cycle

Wavelength is a
function of both the
sound source and the

Who am I?
John Fiedler
Pulsed Sound
 For imaging ultrasound, sound is
 Not continuous
 Pulsed on & off
 On Cycle (speak)
 Transducer produces short duration sound
 Off Cycle (listen)
 Transducer receives echoes
 Very long duration


(not to scale)
Pulse Cycle
 Consists of
 short sound transmission

 long silence period or dead time

 echoes received during silence

 same transducer used for

 transmitting sound
 receiving echoes

sound silence sound

Pulsed Sound Example
 ringing telephone
 ringing tone switched
on & off
 Phone rings with a
particular pitch
 sound frequency

sound silence sound

Sound Pulse
 frequency • pulse repetition
 period frequency
 wavelength • pulse repetition
 propagation speed period
• pulse duration
• duty factor
• spatial pulse
• cycles per pulse
Pulse Repetition Frequency

 # of sound pulses per unit time

 # of times ultrasound beam turned on & off per
unit time
 independent of sound frequency
 determined by source
 clinical range (typical values)
 1 - 10 KHz
Pulse Repetition Period
 time from beginning of one pulse until
beginning of next
 time between corresponding points of adjacent

Pulse Repetition Period

Pulse Repetition Period
 Pulse repetition period is reciprocal of
pulse repetition frequency
PRF = 1 / PRP
 as pulse repetition frequency increases, pulse repetition
period decreases
 units
 time per pulse cycle (sometimes simplified to just time)

 pulse repetition period & frequency

determined by source
Pulsed Sound
 Pulse repetition frequency & period independent sound
frequency & period

Same Frequency
Higher Pulse
Repetition Frequency

Higher Frequency
Same Pulse
Repetition Frequency
Pulse Duration
 Length of time for each sound pulse
 one pulse cycle =
 one sound pulse
one period of silence
 Pulse duration independent of
duration of silence

Pulse Duration
Pulse Duration
 units
 time per pulse (time/pulse)
 equation
pulse duration = Period X # cycles per pulse

(time/pulse) (cycles/pulse) (time/cycle)

Pulse Duration Period

Pulse Duration
Longer Pulse Duration

Same frequency; pulse repetition frequency,

period, & pulse repetition period

Shorter Pulse Duration

Pulse Duration

Pulse duration is
a controlled by
the sound
source, whatever
that means.
Duty Factor
 Fraction of time sound generated
 Determined by source
 Units
 none (unitless)
 Equations

Duty Factor = Pulse Duration / Pulse Repetition Period

Duty Factor = Pulse Duration X Pulse Repetition Freq.

Pulse Duration

Pulse Repetition Period

Spatial Pulse Length
 distance in space traveled by ultrasound
during one pulse

Spatial Pulse Length
Spatial Pulse Length

Spat. Pulse Length = # cycles per pulse X wavelength

(dist. / pulse) (cycles / pulse) (dist. / cycle)

 depends on source & medium

 as wavelength increases, spatial pulse length
Calculate SPL for 5 MHz sound in
soft tissue, 5 cycles per pulse

(Wavelength=0.31 mm/cycle)
Spat. Pulse Length = # cycles per pulse X wavelength

SPL = 0.31 mm / cycle X 5 cycles / pulse = 1.55 mm / pulse

Spatial Pulse Length
Spat. Pulse Length = # cycles per pulse X wavelength

Wavelength = Speed / Frequency

 as # cycles per pulse increases, spatial pulse

length increases
 as frequency increases, wavelength decreases &
spatial pulse length decreases
 speed stays constant
Why is Spatial Pulse Length
Spat. Pulse Length = # cycles per pulse X wavelength

Wavelength = Speed / Frequency

Spatial pulse
length determines
axial resolution
 Definition
Acoustic Impedance = Density X Prop. Speed

(rayls) (kg/m3) (m/sec)

 increases with higher

 Density
 Stiffness
 propagation speed
 independent of frequency
Acoustic Impedance of Soft
 Density:
 1000 kg/m3
 Propagation speed:
 1540 m/sec

Acoustic Impedance = Density X Prop. Speed

(rayls) (kg/m3) (m/sec)

1000 kg/m3 X 1540 m/sec = 1,540,000 rayls

Why is Acoustic Impedance
 Definition
Acoustic Impedance = Density X Prop. Speed

(rayls) (kg/m3) (m/sec)

 Differences in acoustic impedance determine

fraction of intensity echoed at an interface

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