#DK2 Empat Ranah Perkembangan

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Empat Ranah Perkembangan

Febrilian Kristiawan
Empat Ranah Perkembangan
• kemampuan motorik kasar
• motorik halus
• berbicara dan Bahasa, dan
• kognitif
Developmental milestones
in the first 2 years of life

R. Irawati Ismail. Neurology: Child Developmental Normal or Abnormal [unpublished lecture notes].
Tumbuh Kembang. Jakarta: Departemen Anak FKUI-RSCM. Lecture given: 18 September 2018.
Motorik Kasar
• kemampuan yang membutuhkan
gerakan seluruh tubuh dan yang
melibatkan otot-otot besar dari tubuh
untuk melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari.
• berdiri, jalan, berlari, dan berdiri tegak.
• kegiatan yang perlu eye-hand
• kemampuan bola (ball skills) seperti
melempar, menangkap, dan menendang
Gross Motor
• Head steady - 2.0 months
• Hands together in midline - 3.0 months
• Sit with support - 6.0 months
• Sit without support - 8.0 months
• Walks alone - 12.0 months
• Runs - 16.0 months

R. Irawati Ismail. Neurology: Child Developmental Normal or Abnormal [unpublished lecture notes].
Tumbuh Kembang. Jakarta: Departemen Anak FKUI-RSCM. Lecture given: 18 September 2018.
Fine motor
• Grasps rattle - 3.5 months
• Reaches for objects - 4.0 months
• Palmar grasp gone - 4.0 months
• Transfers object hand to hand - 5.5 months
• Thumb finger grasp - 5.5 months
• Scribbles - 13.0 months
• Builds tower of six cubes - 22.0 months

R. Irawati Ismail. Neurology: Child Developmental Normal or Abnormal [unpublished lecture notes].
Tumbuh Kembang. Jakarta: Departemen Anak FKUI-RSCM. Lecture given: 18 September 2018.
Fine Motor Early Detection
• 4 months, palmar grasp (-)
• 4-5 months: hands grasp some thing (-)
• 1 year: thumbs finger grasp (-)
• 18 months: thumb finger grasp small thing (-)

R. Irawati Ismail. Neurology: Child Developmental Normal or Abnormal [unpublished lecture notes]. Tumbuh Kembang. Jakarta:
Departemen Anak FKUI-RSCM. Lecture given: 18 September 2018.
Receptive and Expressive languange
• Smile in respons to face, voice - 1,5 months
• Monosyllabic babble - 6.0 months
• Follows one step command with gesture - 7.0 months
• Follows one step command without gesture (Give it to me) - 10.0 months
• Speak first word - 12.0 months
• Speak 4 – 6 word - 15.0 months
• Speak two word sentence - 18.0 months

R. Irawati Ismail. Neurology: Child Developmental Normal or Abnormal [unpublished lecture notes].
Tumbuh Kembang. Jakarta: Departemen Anak FKUI-RSCM. Lecture given: 18 September 2018.
Early detection
• Please aware!, if the baby can not :
• 4 months : head steady, hands fixting
• 8 months : roll back to stomach
• 12 months: sit without support
• 18 months : walking

R. Irawati Ismail. Neurology: Child Developmental Normal or Abnormal [unpublished lecture notes].
Tumbuh Kembang. Jakarta: Departemen Anak FKUI-RSCM. Lecture given: 18 September 2018.
• Stare momentarily at spot - 2.0 months
• Stare at own hand - 4.0 months
• Bangs two cubes - 8.0 months
QuickTime™ and a
• Egocentris pretend playare needed-to12.0 months
see this picture.

• Pretend play with doll - 17.0 months

R. Irawati Ismail. Neurology: Child Developmental Normal or Abnormal [unpublished

lecture notes]. Tumbuh Kembang. Jakarta: Departemen Anak FKUI-RSCM. Lecture given:
18 September 2018.
• Terdapat kelainan perkembangan neurologis anak

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