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Rizal life : Exile, Trials ,

and Death
>José Rizal
Poet, Journalist, Doctor
>June 19, 1861
>December 30, 1896
>University of Madrid, University of Heidelberg, University of Santo Tomas
>Calamba, Laguna Province, Philippines
>Manila, Philippines
>José Rizal
>José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda
José Rizal was born on June 19, 1861, in Calamba, Philippines.
While living in Europe, Rizal wrote about the discrimination
that accompanied Spain's colonial rule of his country. He
returned to the Philippines in 1892, but was exiled due to his
desire for reform. Although he supported peaceful change,
Rizal was convicted of sedition and executed on December 30,
1896, at age 35.
Exile of Rizal
 Rizal’s arrival in Manila on June 26, 1892 had
become very sensational among the Filipinos. His
popularity feared the Spaniards, and as such, payed
careful attention to his every moves – all houses
where he had been were searched and the Filipinos
seen in his company were suspected. As he had
planned, on July 3, 1892 he founded the La Liga
Filipina in the house of Doroteo Ongjunco in Tondo
Four reasons why Rizal was exiled to dapitan.
• · He brought with him from Hongkong leaflets entitled Pobres Frailes
(“Poor Friars”).
• · He was accused of dedicating his second novel, El Filibusterismo, to the
memory of the three priests who had been proven traitors to the nation but
whom he extolled as martyrs.
• · He advocated the separation from Spain as the only means of salvation
for the Philippines.
• · Charged for seeking to “de-catholicize, which is equivalent to
denationalize this Philippine land which will always be Spanish and as such,
always Catholic.

Who was the Governor General who exiled Rizal to Dapitan?

• · Governor General Eulogio Despujol
Who was the political Military Governor of Dapitan when Rizal was there?
• · Captain Ricardo Carnicero

Where is Dapitan?
• · It is located in the northern part of Zamboanga del Norte.

What is the connection of Dapitan to Bohol in particular?

• · “Dapit” means “ to invite” in the local Cebuano dialect. This refers to the
original group of Boholanos from Panglao, Bohol who were invited by Datu
Pabuaya, tha acknowledge founder of the city.
 Four days after the civic organization's foundation, Jose Rizal was arrested by the
Spanish authorities on four grounds:

1. for publishing anti-Catholic and anti-friar books and articles;

2. for having in possession a bundle of handbills, the Pobres Frailes, in which

advocacies were in violation of the Spanish orders;

3. for dedicating his novel, El Filibusterismo to the three “traitors” (Gomez,

Burgos and Zamora) and for emphasizing on the novel's title page that “the
only salvation for the Philippines was separation from the mother country
(referring to Spain)”; and

4. for simply criticizing the religion and aiming for its exclusion from the
Filipino culture.
Arrival in Dapitan

Aboard the steamer Cebu and under heavy guard, Rizal left
Manila, sailing to Mindoro and Panay, until he
reached Dapitan at seven o'clock in the evening of June 17.
From that day until July 31, 1896, Dapitan became the bare
witness to one of the most fruitful periods in Rizal's life. His
stay in the province was more than “he” living in exile – it
was the period when Rizal had been more focused on serving
the people and the society through his civic works, medical
practices, land development and promotion of education.
Trials of rizal
 On December 6, 1896, the trial of Dr. Jose Rizal by a Spanish military court for
sedition, rebellion and conspiracy, began. This leads to his execution and

- Rizal, who was imprisoned first in Barcelona and later in Fort Santiago, was
implicated in the revolution which was launched in August 1896 by the Katipunan
led by Andres Bonifacio, whose aim was to liberate the country from Spanish

- At the time of his arrest, Rizal was supposed to leave for Cuba after he was
allowed by Spanish Governor-General Ramon Blanco, who was sympathetic to
him, to serve as a military surgeon in Cuba, where there was also a revolution
against Spain.

- Before he left from his exile in Dapitan for Manila and then for Spain, Rizal
had issued a manifesto disavowing the revolution and declaring that the education
of Filipinos and their achievement of a national identity were prerequisites to
- Rizal was arrested while en route to Spain, imprisoned in Barcelona and sent
back later to Manila to stand trial. He was charged with being a traitor to Spain and
the mastermind of the revolution.

- He pleaded his innocence but he was still convicted on all three charges of
rebellion, sedition and conspiracy and sentenced to death.

- Earlier, Rizal was already considered as an enemy of the state by the Spanish
authorities with the publication of his two great novels -- Noli Me Tangere and El

- Thus, Rizal was executed on December 30, 1896 in Bagumbayan (Luneta),

which has been renamed Rizal Park in his memory.

Rizal was arrested en route to Cuba via Spain and was imprisoned in
Barcelona on October 6, 1896. He was sent back the same day to Manila
to stand trial as he was implicated in the revolution through his
association with members of the Katipunan.

During the entire passage, he was unchained, no Spaniard laid a hand on

him, and had many opportunities to escape but refused to do so.

Rizal was implicated in the activities of the nascent rebellion and in July 1892, and
was deported to Dapitan in the province of Zamboanga, a peninsula of Mindanao.

There he built a school, a hospital and a water supply system, and taught and
engaged in farming and horticulture.

Upon his return to Manila in 1892, he formed a civic movement called La Liga
Filipina. The league advocated these moderate social reforms through legal means,
but was disbanded by the governor. At that time, he had already been declared an
enemy of the state by the Spanish authorities because of the publication of his novel.
- Jose Rizal is remembered today throughout the Philippines for his brilliance, his
courage, his peaceful resistance to tyranny, and his compassion.

Born: June 19, 1861

Calamba, Laguna

Died: December 30, 1896

Bagumbayan, Manila

Cause of Death: Execution by firing squad

Prepared by:
 Christian Dave M. Fulgarinas
 Darwin Beterbo
 Jhon Ruel Siarez

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