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Case Analysis

How to manage a good

working relationship with your
01 Misreading the Boss -
Subordinate Relationship

02 Understanding the Boss

& Yourself

03 You and Your Needs

04 Whose Job is it?

Sample Case
Case: Karpal Singh Vs Rahimah
Case: Karpal Singh Vs Rahimah

Case:Karpal Singh has been serving as a clerk in a

manufacturing company. He is motivated and knows how to
get his job done effectively on time. Karpal is not popular
with his colleagues. He alienates himself from company’s
functions. Karpal resents being told what to do. He thinks he
is the best among his peers and should be promoted to
become a senior clerk.

Rahimah, Karpal’s boss is a strict, serious and a meticulous

woman. She is a driver and would push her subordinates to
get the jobs done. Rahimah sets high performance
standards for her down lines and often make sure that they
do the job her way, Rahimah likes to mingle with her
subordinates and would assist them in when they are in
Last year Karpal confronted Rahimah for not
recommending him for a promotion. He listed down his
active achievements and presented them to Rahimah.
However, Rahimah told hjm not to complain and that
promotion is her prerogative. Karpal lost his temper and
accused her cronyism and discrimination. Rahimah lost
her cool and order him to get out of his office. Karpal
yelled back and called her a bitch. Soon, Rahimah issued
a warning letter for his misconduct.

After that incident, Karpal began to do his work shoddily.

He would do his work at his own pace. Often, he would
procrastinate his work and when Rahimah confronted him,
he would give all kind of excuses for not being able to
meet the target time.
Misreading the Boss - Subordinate Relationship
1 Personality Conflicts.
2 Mutual Dependance.
3 Unrealistic assumptions and expectations.
4 Subordinates fail to recognize the
importance of their help and cooperation to
thier boss.
5 Good Understanding.
6 Healthy working relationship.
• Infographic Style

the Boss &

Boss Yourself
Understanding your Boss
Understanding of Boss Objective

Strength and weakness

Be sensitive to Boss’s Work style

Reduce unnecessary conflicts and problems

Understanding Yourself
Knowing your own strength
weakness and personal style
Analyzing the past experience
Overdependance and
Counterdependance leads to
subordinates failure
Get the constructive feedback
You and Your Need’s

The relation between employers

and employees is usually a one-way
street, when it should be a two-way. As
important are
employer's expectations from employees,
employees needs and expectations are
equally important too
Content D - 90%
Pay is important, But pay only goes so far.

1 Best practices can create excellence, but every
task doesn't deserve a best practice or a micro-
managed approach.

2 Goals are fun. Everyone—yes, even you—is at
least a little competitive, if only with themselves.
Without a goal to shoot for, work is just work. And
work sucks.

3 We all like to feel a part of something bigger.
Striving to be worthy of words like "best" or
"largest" or "fastest" or "highest quality" provides
a sense of purpose.
4 While every job should include some degree of
latitude, every job needs basic expectations
regarding the way specific situations should be
5 Everyone wants to offer suggestions and ideas.
Make it easy for employees to offer suggestions.

6 Employees don’t want to work for a paycheck;
they want to work with and for people.

7 Most people can deal with a boss who is
demanding and quick to criticize... as long as he
or she treats every employee the same..
8 Every job should have the potential to lead to
something more, either within or outside your
JOB is it?
Whose Job is it

Everybody, Somebody,
Anybody, and Nobody
There was an important job to be done and
Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.
Somebody got angry about that, because it was
Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody
could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody
wouldn't do it.
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody
when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.
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