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Engineering 36

Distributed Loads
Bruce Mayer, PE
Licensed Electrical & Mechanical Engineer

Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE

1 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
Distributed Loads
 The Load on an Object may be Spread
out, or Distributed over the surface.

Load Profile, w(x)

Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE

2 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
Distributed Loads
 If the Load Profile, w(x), is known then
the distributed load can be replaced with
at POINT Load at a SPECIFIC Location
 Magnitude of the
Point Load, W,
W  w x dx   
is Determined span

by Area Under
the Profile Curve

Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE

3 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
Distributed Loads
 To Determine the Point Load Location
employ Moments (1st Moment of Force)
 Recall: Moment = [LeverArm]•[Intensity]
 In This Case
• LeverArm = The distance from
the Baseline Origin, xn
• Intensity = The Increment of Load, dWn,
which is that load, w(xn) covering a
distance dx located at xn
– That is: dWn = w(xn)•dx
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE
4 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
Distributed Loads
 Now Use Centroidal Methodology
x   LeverArm Intensity    x wx dx
span span
n n

 And Recall:
 x  xW x is the Centroid Location 
 x wx dx
 Equating the
Ω Expressions n n

find x span

Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE
5 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
Distributed Loads on Beams

L • A distributed load is represented by plotting the

W   wdx   dA  A load per unit length, w (N/m). The total load is
equal to the area under the load curve.

OPW   xdW • A distributed load can be REPLACED by a

L concentrated load with a magnitude equal to
OP A   xdA  x A the area under the load curve and a line of
0 action passing through the areal centroid.

Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE

6 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE
7 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
Example:Trapezoidal Load Profile
 Solution Plan
• The magnitude of the
concentrated load is equal
to the total load (the area
under the curve)
• The line of action of the
concentrated load passes
through the centroid of the
 A beam supports a
area under the Load curve.
distributed load as
shown. Determine the • Determine the support
reactions by summing
equivalent concentrated moments about the
load and the reactions beam ends
at the supports.
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE
8 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
Example:Trapezoidal Load Profile
• The magnitude of the concentrated load is
equal to the total load, or the area under the
curve. 1500  4500 N
F  6m F  18.0 kN
2 m
• The line of action of the concentrated load
passes through the area centroid of the curve.

63 kN  m X  3.5 m
X 
18 kN
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE
9 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
Example:Trapezoidal Load Profile
 Determine the support reactions
by summing moments about the
beam ends After Replacing the
Dist-Load with the Equivalent
 M A  0 : B y 6 m  18 kN 3.5 m  0
B y  10.5 kN

 M B  0 :  Ay 6 m  18 kN6 m  3.5 m  0

Ay  7.5 kN
Ay By
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE
10 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
3D Distributed Loads
 The Previous 2D Dist Load Profile had
units of Force per Unit-Length
(e.g., lb/in or N/m)
 If 3D The Force acts over an AREA and
the units become Force per Unit Area,
or PRESSURE (e.g., psi or Pa)
 Knowledge of the Pressure Profile
allows calculation of an Equivalent Point
Load and its Location
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE
11 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
Pressure Loading
 Consider an Area
Subject to a
Pressure Load
 The incremental
Force, dFmn,
Results from Uniform Pressure Profile
pressure p(xm,yn)
 Then the Total Force,
acting on the
F, on the Area
incremental area
dAmn= (dxm) (dyn) Fp   dF   px, y dA
area area

Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE

12 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
Pressure Loading: Total Force
 The Differential Geometry is shown below


 Then the Total Pressure Force

Fp   dF   px , y dA
m n mn

  px , y dy dx 

all x, all y
m n
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE
13 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
Pressure Loading – Pressure Ctr
 Use MOMENT dF 
Methodology in pdxdy
2-Dimensions to find yn
the Location for the
Point Force Fp
 Then the Moment
about the y-axis due  Then the Total y-axis
to intensity dFmn and Moment
LeverArm xm x   d x

d x  xm  pxm , yn dxdy

  x p x
m m , yn dxdy
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE
14 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
Pressure Loading – Pressure Ctr
 Recall also dF 
Ωx = XC•Fp pdxdy

 Equating the two Ω ym

X C Fp   x p x
m m , yn dxdy
 The Similar
 Isolating XC Expression for YC

 x p x
m m , yn dxdy  y p x
n m , yn dxdy
XC  surface
YC  surface

Fp Fp
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE
15 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
Pressure Loading Summarized
 Given a surface with Pressure Profile
 The Equivalent Force, Fp, Exerted on
the Surface due to the Pressure
Fp   p x
all x, all y
m , yn dx dy 
 Fp is located at the Center of Pressure
at CoOrds (XC,YC)
 x p x
m m , yn dxdy  y p x
n m , yn dxdy
XC  surface
YC  surface

Fp Fp
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE
16 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
WhiteBoard Work

Lets Work
These Nice

Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE

17 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
Engineering 36

dy µx µs
 sinh 
dx T0 T0

Bruce Mayer, PE
Registered Electrical & Mechanical Engineer

Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE

18 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
Beam Problem
 For the Negligible-Wt Beam Find
• Equivalent POINT-Load and it’s Location
(Point of Application, PoA)
• The RCNs at Pt-A

Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE

19 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
Pressure Problem
 Find the Equivalent POINT-LOAD and
its Point of Application (Location) For
the Given Pressure Distribution

Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE

20 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE
21 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE
22 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE
23 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE
24 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
Pressure Loading
 The Differential Geometry is shown belwo


 Then the Total Pressure Force

Fp   dF
mn 
 p x m , yn dAmn

  p x
all x, all y
m , yn dx dy 
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE
25 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx
Engineering-36: Engineering Mechanics - Statics Bruce Mayer, PE
26 • ENGR-36_Lec-24_Dist_Loads.pptx

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