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Early Cells

Ethan Vanstratum
How are cells affected by the movement of water?
I think that after 3 days, the egg will become larger due to being placed in water. Also, it will
probably become sticky and gooey. It might smell bad too.
Data And Observations
At Zero hours the egg was normal and hadn’t changed yet and had the circumference of 16cm.

After 24 hours it got larger and had slightly started to fade in color and had the circumference of 17.5

After 48 hours it got even larger and had started to get gooey and had the circumference of 18.2cm.

After 72 hours it got larger again and began to get squishy and had the circumference of 18.6 cm.
Question #1
How much did the eggs change in size?The egg went from being 16 centimeters in circumference to 18.6
centimeters in circumference. So, that means that the egg's circumference grew 2.6 centimeters.
Question #2
Was your hypothesis correct why or why not?My hypothesis was correct. The egg did grow in size by 2.6
centimeters, and it became sticky. It also smelt bad from the vinegar.
Question #3
Evaluate the lab and data collected. What type of transport occurred in this lab? Explain your answer,
including evidence from your experiment to support your explanation.

Osmosis occurred in this lab. I know this because water was transported to make the egg expand, and
this occurs in osmosis.
Question #4
Consider how lettuce or spinach placed in water becomes firm and crisp. Use what you have learned
about cell membranes to explain this observation.

In lettuce and spinach, there is a cell membrane that doesn't allow too much water to pass through into
the cell. Also, they contain cell walls that help keep them stiff and sturdy.
Question #5
If you were to continue this experiment by removing the egg from the water and covering it in syrup,
what do you think would happen. Explain your prediction.

I think that the egg would expand. This is because this is what happened to the egg in the other 2
substances. But, I think that the egg's color will also change based on the color of the dye, because the
egg will take in the color along with the dye.

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