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LD101 102

Site Visit
20th Intake
Structure / Growth Form / Feature
They are big trees 30–35 m tall, rarely 45 m, with a trunk
over 1 m trunk diameter, with an elongated or rounded
much-branched crown and a long straight stem. Bark is
grey and smooth, flaking on older branches. Leaves are
dark and glossy, smooth.
It is planted along expressways, major roads, and in urban
landscapes as an ornamental tree because of its attractive
growth form. It is also tolerant of a wide range of soil types
from waterlogged to drier conditions.
Landscape Uses
General, Roadside Tree, Naturalistic Parks & Gardens,Shade
Providing Tree
Mix & Match
Groundcover plants or shrubs or ferns may provide solutions
to enjoy a lively display of contrasting colors, shapes and
textures .

Fern, Shrubs & Groundcovers


Structure / Growth Form / Feature

A highly ornamental, dwarf form of Pandanus that
generally grows to only about 0.5 m. It has
attractive, long, narrow grass-like leaves edged
with clear yellow. and will form a dense cover.
The leaf edges have sharp prickles, so it should
not be planted close to paths and walkways. To
develop full foliage colouration, it should be
planted in full-sun; in shady locations the leaves
may revert to all green.
Landscape Uses
General, Container Planting and suitable for the
indoors and outdoors. It is ideal for above-ground
Mix & Match
It is used as a ground cover, combined with
garden rocks to create a striking landscape
effect & flower shrubs can be added for a lively
display of contrasting colors, shapes and textures.

Structure / Growth Form / Feature

Small to medium-sized tree or big shrub, with oval to cylindrical
dense crown, usually up to around 3 to 5m tall under cultivation,
An individual tree about 7 meters tall.The young leaves of
Syzygium myrtifolium are often either yellow or orange. There is
a cultivar with dark red young leaves and bright pink to maroon
flowers. They are often used as a hedging plant or ornamental
tree, also sculptured into topiaries or even made into bonsai.
Takes pruning very well, can be trimmed regularly into various
shapes includes hedge forms, after which the plant sends out
new foliar flush all over the pruned surfaces. Sensitive to
transplanting, with fairly high mortality rate, transplanted
specimens tend to shed leaves and require a period of time to
recover from shock.
Landscape Uses
formal screen, informal screen, formal hedge, large planter,
shade tree.It is frequently planted close together so that it form
a thick hedge.
Making bonsai-Wiring is a very pains-taking operation as the
branches are brittle, the bark is very, very thin and the tertiary
twigging is very delicate. Wire in summer using aluminium.
When bending thicker branches try to use a twisting motion.
Observe wired trees carefully, the branches thicken rapidly
and wire will soon begin to pinch. New growth will turn
up to the light and grow vertically.

Structure / Growth Form / Feature

Herbaceous creeping shrub, up to 70cm height, forms dense
mounded mats over Rounded stems, rooting at nodes, stolons
up to 2m in length or more. Resistant, Easy to Grow. This plant is attractive to bees,
butterflies and/or birds. The plants spread by the rooting stems
and occasionally by seed.
Landscape Uses :
General, Coastal, Flowerbed / Border, Container Planting
Mix & Match
It can grow wild in open, disturbed areas at lower elevations,
where it can form a dense groundcover and crowd out other low-growing plants.
The plants are creeping and mat-forming so it can be
Mixed with many variety of plants from big trees to
other groundcovers ,shrubs ,pebbles and garden rocks
to add a lively
display of contrasting
colors, shapes and
Structure / Growth Form / Feature
The tree grows up to 15m, forming a broad, flat-topped crown. The
trunk is typically short, branching often close to the base.
The patch-work appearance of the trunk will be seen from the
results of the peeling bark.
Large tree to 20m, can be pruned at a young age to develop
street tree form. Canopy becomes more dense with age and trunk
thickens to a very robust size.Bright yellow flowers held on the ends
of stems, bark is a dappled grey through brown, giving the tree the
appearance of a leopard, hence the name. Develops relatively
large shiny seed pods.Suited to open area plantings where the
magnificence of the tree can be achieved over time.
Landscape Uses :
General, Roadside Tree, Naturalistic Garden
Mix & Match
As they are tall trees and branches are
not so thick so we can place variety of plants
such as flower plants , bushes, ferns,shrubs &
groundcovers combined with garden rocks
to create a striking landscape effect & flower,
shrubs can be added for a lively display of
contrasting colors, shapes and textures.
Structure / Growth Form / Feature
Terrestrial fern to 20cm tall forming dense stands
where growing conditions are ideal. It can spread
aggressively in the landscape producing dense
crowns of long, drooping leaves.
Landscape Uses :
Parks & Gardens, Groundcover, Interiorscape/ Indoor
Plant, Container Planting, mass planting; container or
above-ground planter; naturalizing; hanging basket;
suitable for growing indoors. They can also be used in
groupings, or lush specimen plants on the right
Mix & Match
It is used as a ground cover, combined with garden
rocks to create a striking landscape effect & flower
shrubs can be added for a lively display of contrasting
colors, shapes and textures.

Some species of Fern

Structure / Growth Form / Features
Herbaceous rhizomatous shrub that grows in grassy clumps, up to 1.2m height.Flat strap-like
leaves, arising in fan-like arrangement from underground rhizomes.Iris-like, bright yellow with
prominent mottled brown spots, with 3 bigger outer petal segments, produced on top of rounded
infloresence stalks that arise from base of plant. Flowers short-lived, lasting only 1 day and curling
up in the evening, but plant is free-blooming. This plant can be used indoors as a lucky bamboo
or lucky mangrove. It tolerates full shade as well,
thus can be kept in low light conditions as a
house plant. It can grow in neglect in a glass of
water for years.If planted oudoors, the plant
blooms all year.Each flower lasts only one day, but
another flower will takes it's place the following day. Plant in part shade, especially in hot Summer
days. After flowering this plant makes many off-set
plant "pups" with air roots to be replanted, or allow
them to replant themselves. Can be easily
propagated from a small off-set.
Landscape Uses
Hanging Basket, flower border, groundcovers
Mix & Match
It is a unique plant since it tolerates both drought and flooding, so it can
be grown in a container with water, terrarium, aquarium or
just a small dish.It can also be mixed and grow together with a variety of
plants and trees.

Structure / Growth Form / Features

Large root climber.Leaves leathery, mid to dark green, 30 - 90cm wide, blades dissected and with
perforations flattened, to 1m long. Swiss cheese plant, after reaching maturity, has broad leaves
that can measure nearly three feet across. They are perforated with holes and deeply split along
the edges. The thick stems bear aerial roots that can be cut off if desired. The plant is a climber and
will require some support. Since the Swiss cheese vine plant can become uncontrollable, it should
be managed by pruning it back. Pruning can be done anytime the plant appears too tall or
whenever aerial roots become difficult to control, especially when growing Swiss cheese plant on a
moss pole.
Landscape Uses
Parks & Gardens, Small Gardens,
Interiorscape/ Indoor Plant, climbers
Mix & Match
The Swiss cheese vine plant prefers full sun but
will adapt to partial shade so It can grow
Mixed with many variety of plants and trees
But not under shady trees with dense crowns.
It can grow as a climber with the supports.
This plant grows best in warm conditions and
requires high humidity.It enjoys in well-drained
Soil so not suitable for wet areas.

Structure / Growth Form / Features

A densely-clumping, small to medium-sized palm with
attractive, segmented fan leaves persisting down the
stems. It produces short spikes of cream flowers among
the upper leaves, followed by waxy, white fruits.Stems are
slender. Rhapis excelsa, the Lady Palm, is grown in the
garden and used indoors in homes and offices around the
world. Rhapis adapts to a wide range of climates, soils,
and environments, making the “lady Palm” popular for
many applications.Rhapis excelsa is the most well-known
and widely cultivated species, easily adapting to most
interiors, and used in both tropical and subtropical
landscapes throughout the world.
Landscape Uses
Interiorscape/ Indoor Plant / Garden plants
Mix & Match
Rhapis cannot grow in any moist soil.So it is
More suitable for growing with the plant species that
enjoys the well-drained soil. It will be perfect
with pebbles and garden rocks at the base of
The plants.
Structure / Growth Form / Feature
Shrub with dense canopy.Ovate, variegated leaves
have a serrate,yellow leaf margin and a green center of
varying size. Leaf arrangement is opposite. Use a pair of sharp shears to remove
any shoots that grow beyond the desired growing zone.
Make cut horizontally across the branches.The spacing apart
Between the plants creates a dense hedge without
overcrowding the plants. Duranta plants produce
yellow-orange berries in clusters. The berries have
ornamental appeal and are favored by birds but are
poisonous to people and pets.Thorns develop along the branches as plants
Landscape Use
Shrubs, borders
Mix & Match
It can be matched with the medium sized plants with
wide spreading branches and leaves or taller plants
and trees than its height.

Structure / Growth form / Features

A small to medium-sized tree that grows up to 20m in
height, with a dense, shady Tree.This tree provides very
good shade. It is also aesthetically pleasing due to
its fine, fern-like leaves, and its compact size means
it is suitable for smaller spaces in parks and gardens.
It is also suitable as a roadside tree. Due to the deep
shade cast by the dense foliage, only very shade
tolerant plants should be selected for planting under
this tree.
Landcape use
Roadside tree, shading tree ,parks & gardens
Mix & Match
Many variety of low-growing plants can match by
placing it at the centre .

Structure / Growth Forms / Features

The beech is easily cultivated, though slow-growing at first.
It needs a lot of room as it can get very large. The tree is
shallow-rooted so it is best to choose a sheltered spot to avoid it
being blown over.
The bark is very sensitive to sunlight and old trunks that suddenly
become exposed to the sun (for example by the felling of
surrounding trees or raising of the canopy) will get sunburn,
which may cause the tree to die. The size and shape of
Fagus sylvatica depends on its environment. Given space,
the beech will spread its branches widely .
Landscape Uses
General, Roadside Tree, Coastal
Mix & Match
It’s perfect growing with groundcover plants & low-growing shrubs.
Hardscape/Softscape/Aquascape & Water features
The garden sculpture decorated the lawn of the landscape around around the Biopolis . Sculpture is about virus,
commemorates SARS is a complment artistic feature to the One North.Not so far from that place, there’s a water fall
The natural stone waterfall give a relaxful design style & an artistic interest naturally and aesthetically.The amount of
space that located for the sculptures and water feature nicely matched with the size of the park.
That combination of softscape and hardscape creates the relaxing atmosphere.
The pond with beautiful koi fish & aquatic plants create soothing & relaxful atmosphere for the surroundings.The stone
slates walkways & the wood deckings make complements to be a naturally beautiful pond.
Architectural Lightings

The waterfall feature with the lightings provides the most relaxing natural sounds & atmosphere,
make the sort of burbling sound of a brook or stream. They also change the temperature and
humidity of the nearby air purified, creating an attractive reflection of water with changes of lighting

The colourful lighting cubes give a architectural lighting style to the surrrond landscape & an artistic
interest at day & night. It is not only aesthetically pleasing and but also enhancing the appearance
and emotional impact of architecture through lighting systems. The colourful cubes are not giving
obstruct at daylight aslo.

The colourful lightings attempt to raise the general attractiveness of the design,blended into the
background and the surroundings buildings stand out with the assistance of the colour inspiration.
Floorings / Pavings & Bollards

Floorings & Pavings

The walkways, paving & the foorings along the
landscapes are nicely & funtionally decorated with
marble slates, colour cement aggregates , steel
Ventilated steel floorings provides better air flow
system to the underground carparkings.The
combination of geometrics shapes and curved
lines of the pavings and floorings complete the
landscaping & give a dynamic design style & an
artistic interest.
It enhances the streetscape with innovative and
funtional sphere bollards . The removable, flexible
and decorative concrete bollards highlight
architecture and communicating traffic flow
expectations to ensure that businesses and
communities remain safe.
The glass shelters with steel frames provide the
ideal cover from the winds , sun & rain while still
allowing for plenty of sunshine.
It gives unobstructed views through metal-framed
glass panels.
Modern design blends into the surrounding
architecture and their entry facades.
Thank you !

Student Name-May Thet Htar

Subject - SLD101 , 102
Lecturer- Yang Pih Foon
Intake - 20th
Programme-Specialist Diploma in Interior & Landscape Design
Date - 26.09.2013

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