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Jair Ibhar López Camacho


My Past
Five years ago I was studying in high school
Five years ago I had a rabbit
Five years ago I was in love with a girl who is now my best friend
Five years ago I played a game that no longer exists
Five years ago I was very lonely
Five years ago I was studying in high school and i
had a rabbit, he died when I was fourteen
At school there was a girl that I liked a lot, but she
had a boyfriend, so I just became her friend
I was very lonely, so I spent my time playing a
game that no longer exists instead of going out
with people
My Present
I am currently studying online
I'm starting to write science fiction books
I currently do not have a job, I'm looking for one
I currently have three dogs
I currently go out a lot with my friends to walk
I'm currently only studying online, since I do not
have a job, but I'm looking for one
so I'm dedicating myself to writing science fiction
books on an internet platform, although I've also
had a lot of trouble having three dogs, since you
have to wash them, take them for a walk and feed
them, but sometimes I relax going out with my
friends to walk
When I finish studying online I'm going to study
cinematography: to do that, first I need to finish high
school and find a university where they teach that
When I earn a lot of money, I will make a rescue center
for stray animals: to do that, I need to get a job where I
get paid a lot
When I learn to speak Chinese, I will work as a
translator: for that, I must study every day
I'm going to study Chinese to be able to speak it
perfectly, so I can work for a while as a translator,
at the same time I'm going to study
cinematography, and so use both things to earn
money, when I earn a lot of money I'll do a rescue
center for stray animals
1. Is it difficult to learn to speak Chinese?
2. How long did it take you to learn to speak
Chinese completely?
3. Can you make a lot of money working as a
4. How hard is studying cinematography?
5. Is it worth studying cinematography?

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