Introduction To Modeling and Simulation

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Introduction To Modeling

and Simulation
Dr. A. K. Dey
Lecture 1
Introduction to Simulation
 A Simulation is the imitation of the operation of a
real-world process or system over time
 A System is defined to be a set of elements which
interact or interrelated in some fashion
 Elements having no relationship with the set of elements
that have been chosen as system can not affect the system –
hence irrelevant
 A System may consist of sub systems or may be a part of a
larger system
 Elements that often make up the system are called
 Entities that comprise a system need not be tangible e.g, a
queuing system is made up of customers, queue and servers
 Customers and servers are physical entities but queue itself
is a concept
05.06.2008 2
More components of a system
 An Attribute is a property of a system
 An Activity represents a time period of specified length
 State of system is defined to be that collection of
variables necessary to describe the system at any time ,
relative to the objective of the study
 In the study of a bank possible state variables are number of
busy tellers, number of customers waiting in the queue or
being served, arrival and service times of the next customer
 An Event is defined as an instantaneous occurrence
that may change the state of the system

05.06.2008 3
More terms of a system
 Endogenous – used to describe the activities
and events occurring within a system
 Exogenous – is used to describe activities and
events in the environment that affect the
 In the bank – arrival of a customer is exogenous
event and completion of service of a customer is
endogenous event

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Examples: Banking System
 Entities – Customers
 Attributes (property of an entity)– Checking account
balance, making deposits, getting a draft made
 Activities (time period of specified length) – Time
taken to make a deposit, time taken to get a draft
 Events – arrival, departure
 State variables – Number of busy tellers, number of
customers waiting

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Examples: Rail System
 Entities – Commuters
 Attributes (property of an entity)– Origination ,
 Activities (time period of specified length) –
 Events – arrival at station, arrival at destination
 State variables – Number of commuters waiting
at each station, number of commuters traveling

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Examples: Production System
 Entities – Machines
 Attributes (property of an entity)– Speed ,
Capacity, Breakdown rate
 Activities (time period of specified length) –
Welding, Cutting, Stamping
 Events – breakdown
 State variables – Status of machines – busy,
idle or down
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Examples: Communications System
 Entities – Messages
 Attributes (property of an entity)– Length ,
 Activities (time period of specified length) –
 Events – arrival at destination
 State variables – Number of messages waiting
to be transmitted
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Examples: Inventory System
 Entities – Warehouse
 Attributes (property of an entity)– Capacity
 Activities (time period of specified length) –
Issue, Receipt
 Events – Demand
 State variables – Level of inventory,
Backlogged demands

05.06.2008 9
Introduction to model
 A model is a system that is used as a surrogate for
another system
 Reason for using a model
 Helps in understanding the behaviour of a real system before
it is built
 Cost of building and experimenting with a model is less
 Models can be used to mitigate risk – pilots can be taught
how to cope with wind sheer while landing
 Models have the capability of scale time or space in
favourable manner – wind sheer can be produced on demand

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Types of Models
 Broadly there are two types
 Physical

(Scale models, prototype plants,…)

 Mathematical

(Analytical queuing models, linear

programs, simulation)

05.06.2008 11
Building a simulation gas station
 Assume
 single pump served by a single service man
 arrival of cars as well their service times are random.
 At first identify the:
 states: number of cars waiting for service and number of
cars served at any moment
 events: arrival of cars, start of service, end of service
 entities: these are the cars
 queue: the queue of cars in front of the pump, waiting for
 random realizations: inter-arrival times, service times
 distributions: we shall assume exponential distributions for
both the inter-arrival time and service time.
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Ten Types of Models
 Iconic - physical models that are images of the real
world; dimensions are usually scaled up or down; for
example, models of cars might be constructed and
tested in a wind tunnel
 Analog - model that substitutes one set of properties
for another; may be iconic or mathematical; electric
resistance often used as an analog of the friction of a
fluid flowing in a pipe; this approach is not as widely
used as at one time – digital computers have allowed
the development of other modeling techniques that
have replaced analog models

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Ten Types of Models
 Stochastic - probabilistic model that uses randomness
to account for immeasurable factors (e.g., weather)
 Deterministic - model that does not use randomness
but uses explicit expressions for relationships that
may or may not involve time rates of change
 Discrete - model where state variables change in
steps as opposed to continuously with time (e.g.,
number of cattle in a barn); may be deterministic or

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Ten Types of Models
 Continuous - model whose state variables change
continuously with time (e.g., biomass in a field); usually
sets of differential equations used; initial conditions
required (can be difficult to obtain for some systems!)
 Combined - model where some state variables change
continuously and others change in steps at event times;
for example, a field of hay might be modeled using a
combined approach with the biomass modeled
continuously during growth and then as a discrete event
when harvested

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Ten Types of Models
 Mathematical - abstract model usually written
in equation form
 Object-oriented - use objects that are
abstractions of real world objects and develop
relationships and actions between objects;
comes from field of artificial intelligence
 Heuristic - heuristics (rules) are used to model
the system; comes from field of artificial

05.06.2008 16
What is Simulation?
 A Simulation of a system is the operation of a model,
which is a representation of that system.
 The model is amenable to manipulation which would
be impossible, too expensive, or too impractical to
perform on the system which it portrays.
 The operation of the model can be studied, and, from
this, properties concerning the behavior of the actual
system can be inferred.

Introduction 17
Designing and analyzing manufacturing
Evaluating H/W and S/W requirements for a
computer system
Evaluating a new military weapons system or
Determining ordering policies for an
inventory system
Designing communications systems and
message protocols for them
Introduction 18
Designing and operating transportation
facilities such as freeways, airports, subways,
or ports
Evaluating designs for service organizations
such as hospitals, post offices, or fast-food
Analyzing financial or economic systems

Introduction 19
Types of Simulation Models
System model

deterministic stochastic

static dynamic static dynamic

Monte Carlo

continuous discrete continuous discrete

Continuous Discrete-event Continuous Discrete-event
simulation simulation simulation simulation
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Stochastic vs. Deterministic
 Stochastic simulation: a simulation that contains
random (probabilistic) elements, e.g.,
 Examples
 Inter-arrival time or service time of customers at a restaurant or
 Amount of time required to service a customer
 Output is a random quantity (multiple runs required to
analyze output)
 Deterministic simulation: a simulation containing no
random elements
 Examples
 Simulation of a digital circuit
 Simulation of a chemical reaction based on differential equations
 Output is deterministic for a given set of inputs
05.06.2008 21
Static vs. Dynamic Models
 Static models
 Model where time is not a significant variable
 Examples
 Determine the probability of a winning solitaire hand
 Static + stochastic = Monte Carlo simulation
 Statistical sampling to develop approximate solutions to
numerical problems
 Dynamic models
 Model focusing on the evolution of the system
under investigation over time
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Continuous vs. Discrete
 Discrete
 State of the system is viewed as changing at discrete points
in time: arrival of a customer in a queuing system
 An event is associated with each state transition
 Events contain time stamp
 Continuous
 State of the system is viewed as changing continuously
across time: rise if water level in a dam
 System typically described by a set of differential equations
 Few systems in practice are wholly discrete or

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Discrete & Continuous Systems
 Essential to remember that
 A discrete simulation model is not always used to model a
discrete system
 Similarly, a continuous simulation model is not always
used for a continuous system
 Simulation models may also be mixed – both discrete and
 Choice of discrete or continuous simulation models is
a function of
 Characteristics of the system
 Objective of the study

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Discrete & Continuous Systems
 Communication channel
 Modeled as discrete – if characteristics of
movement of each message is important
 Modeled as continuous – if flow of messages as
aggregate over the channel is important
 In this course we will study only
 Models that are discrete, dynamic and stochastic

05.06.2008 25
Discrete event systems (DES)
 DES are dynamic systems which evolve in
time by the occurrence of events at possibly
irregular time intervals
 DES abound in real-world applications
 Examples include traffic systems
 flexible manufacturing systems

 computer-communications systems

 production lines

 flow networks.

05.06.2008 26
Discrete event systems (DES)
 Most of these systems can be modeled in terms
of discrete events whose occurrence causes the
system to change from one state to another
 In designing, analyzing and operating such
complex systems, one is interested not only in
performance evaluation but also in sensitivity
analysis and optimization.

05.06.2008 27
Discrete event system simulation
 It is modeling of systems in which the state variable
changes only at a discrete set of points in time
 Simulation models are analyzed by numerical
methods rather than by analytical methods
 Analytical methods apply deductive reasoning to
 Differential calculus can be used to calculate EOQ
 In case of simulation – model is “run” rather than
 An artificial history of the system is generated (with
the help of computer) based on system characteristics
and observations are collected to be analyzed
05.06.2008 28
Steps in Simulation Study
Problem Formulation

Setting objectives & Plan

Model Conceptualization

Data Collection Fundamentally

an iterative
Model Translation
Verify model

Validate model

Experimental Design Over to next slide

05.06.2008 29
Steps in Simulation Study
From previous slide

Production run & Analysis

More runs?

Documentation & Reporting


05.06.2008 30
Problem Formulation
 Initial step
 Identify controllable and uncontrollable inputs
 Identify constraints on the decision variables
 Define measure of system performance and an
objective function
 Develop a preliminary model structure to interrelate
the inputs and the measure of performance
 May be the problem needs reformulation as the study

05.06.2008 31
Setting Objectives & Plan
 What do you (or the customer) hope to accomplish
with the model
 May be an end in itself
 Predict the weather
 Train personnel to develop certain skills (e.g., driving)
 More often a means to an end
 Optimize a manufacturing process or develop the most cost
effective means to reduce traffic congestion in some part of a city
 Often requires developing a business case to justify
the cost
 Improved efficiency will save the company $$$
 Example: electronics
 Even so, may be hard to justify in lean times
 Goals may not be known when you start the project!
 One often learns things along the way
05.06.2008 32
Develop Conceptual Model
 An abstract (i.e., not directly executable) representation of
the system
 What should be included in model? What can be left out?
 What abstractions should be used
 Level of detail
 Often a variation on standard abstractions
 Example: transportation
 Fluid flow?
 Queuing network?
 Cellular automation?
 What metrics will be produced by the model?
 Appropriate choice depends on the purpose of the model

05.06.2008 33
Data Collection
 Regardless of the method used to collect the
data, the decision of how much to collect is a
trade-off between cost and accuracy
 Constant inter play between construction of
the model and the collection of needed input
 Changes with the degree of complexity of the
 Data should be collected for the validation as

05.06.2008 34
Model translation
 Model requires great deal of information and
 Needs to be translated into computer
recognizable format using either special
purpose or general purpose languages
 Focus of this course will be using Excel for
model building
 Arena characteristics will be introduced

05.06.2008 35
Verification & Validation
 Verification focuses on the internal
consistency of a model
 Validation is concerned with the
correspondence between the model and the
 Validation is applied to those processes which
seek to determine whether or not a simulation
is correct with respect to the "real" system
 Validation is concerned with the question "Are
we building the right system?“
05.06.2008 36
Verification & Validation
 Verification seeks to answer the question "Are
we building the system right?"
 Verification checks that the implementation of
the simulation model (program) corresponds to
the model
 Validation checks that the model corresponds
to reality
 Calibration checks that the data generated by
the simulation matches real (observed) data.

05.06.2008 37
Experimental Design
 Alternatives to be simulated must be determined
 Good experimental design
 Randomization
 Replication
 Local control

 For each system decisions needed

 Length of the initialization period
 Length of the simulation run
 Number of replication

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Production runs and analysis
 To measure performance of the simulation
system so designed
 Also to determine if more runs needed till
results are consistent

05.06.2008 39
Documentation & Reporting
 Two types
 Program
 Needed if it is to be used again
 May need to be applied for different system by different
 For modification

 Progress
 Provides important written history of simulation project
 Should be frequent as the project progresses

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 Success depends how well previous steps were

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