TUGAS - Bahasa Inggris Ut

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1. Greetings/opening
2. Introduce yourself/group
3. Convey the purpose and objectives in the presentation
4. Convey the contents of the material
5. Do ask question and answer session
6. Make conclusions about the material
7. Closing
Unit 1
A. Greetings
* Greetings is a phrase used to greet someone.
* Greetings are divided into two situations namely formal and informal.
Example :
Formal Greetings :
-Hello !
- Fine
- Thank you
- I’m very well
- Good Morning
Example for Dialog 1 :
Ditha : Hello, Win. Good Morning.
Windi : Good Morning. How are you?
Ditha : Fine, thank you. And you?
Windi : I’m very well. Thank you
Informal Greetings
- Hi
- Fine
- Thanks
- She is all right
- They are fine
Example for Dialog
Ditha : Hi, Windi. How are you?
Windi : Fine. Thanks.
Ditha : How is your mother?
Windi : She is all right. She stays with my sister in the village. What about your parents?
How are they?
Ditha : They are fine. They live in the village too.

* Greetings are also usually used to ask about someone like a phrase :
- How is your mother?
- How is your parents?
- How are they?

* And the last greetings is also usually used to ask the news with the phrase “How are you?”
then we too can answer with various answers such as expressions :
- Fine, thanks you.
- Just fine, thank you
- I’m very well, thank you.
Unit 2
Self Identifications and Personal Information is identity and information about
yourself. Information that weneed to know to get our identity both written and
oral is :
 Name
 Place of birth / date of Birth
 Address
 Nationality / citizenship

* The question phrase used to ask the name is:

What’s your name please?
May I have your name, please?
What’s your first name?
What’s your last name?
What’s your middle name?
The question phrase used to ask the place and date of birth is :
- What is your birthplace?
- What is your birthday?

The question phrase used to ask for an address, telephone number, and postal code is :
* What’s your address?
* Where do you live?
* What’s your telephone number?
* What’s your zip code?

The question phrase used to ask the origin or ethnicity is :

* Where are you from
* Where do you come from?

And lastly if we are acquainted with someone and we are happy to meet us then we will
express sentences like:
* I’m happy to meet you.
* I’m glad to meet you.
* I’m pleased to meet you.
* It’s nice to meet you.
Unit 3
*Introduction oneself and others explain about
introducing yourself and someone or someone else.
Usually use expressions such as giving greetings to
people who are introduced and also answering
greetings that are spoken by people who are being
Like the following example :
Dialog I
Avi : Hello ! Good morning. Iam Avi. I’m a new student in
the class.
Selvi : Good morning. My name is Selvi. I’m the class leader.
Avi : How do you do? I am happy to meet you.
Selvi : How do you do? I am happy to meet you too.
Avi : Who is the school principal?
Selvi : Mr.hadi
Avi : Thank you, Selvi.
Usually to introduce my self using the word I am
or my name. Like the sentence
I am Avi
My name is Selvi
In the example dialog above
And as for ways to ask other people’s names,you
can use the words Are you and Is your name. And
also usually marked with a question mark (?) at
the end of the sentence.
If you are asked using Are you then you can
answer with Yes, I am, and No, I am not, and If
you asked using your is then answer with Yes, it is
and No, it is not.
Unit 4
Explain the states or feeling of someone related to physical or
As on example Dialog I :
Avi : Hi, Selvi. You look so miserable.
Selvi : I feel tired ! How about you ?
Avi : No, I’m not tired, but I’m sleepy.

How do you feel? In the Dialog above is one of the expressions used to ask
someone’s feelings.
The other expressions are like :
• How does she feel ?
• How does he feel ?
• Is he happy?
• Is she depressed ?
• Are you hungry ?
And the following are expressions used to express a person’s
psychological or physical feelings for example :
 I feel tired
 We are tired
 They are tired
 I feel sleepy
 I feel hungry
 I feel sad
The charts below show the condition or feeling of someone expressed in
positive, negative, and interrogative forms :
tired tired tired
I’m sleepy I’m not sleepy Are You sleepy
hungry hungry hungry
thirsty thirsty thirsty
Unit 1
A. Jobs ( Professions)
The phrase of the question used to ask
a.Job or professions is:
1.What is your occupation?
2.What is job?
3.What is work?
4.What do you do ?
5.What kind of job do you have?
6.What kind of work do you do?

B. Expression that we can use to answer question aboout the proffesion

For example:
1.I’m astudet.
2.I’m housewife.
3.I’m a mechanic.

C. If we are retired or not working ,that folowing expression can beused

For example:
1.I’m unemployed
2.I’m retired.
3.I’m ouut of work.
4.I’m jobless

D. An expression that can be used to ask someone else’s job or profession

that is for women is:
1.What is her occupation?
2.What is her job?
3. What is her work?
4.What does she do?
5. What kind of job does she have?
6. What kind of work does she do?
E. A phrase that can be used to ask someone else’s job or profession that is for men is.
1. What is his occupation ?
2. What is his job?
3. What is his work?
4. What does he do?
5. What kind of job does he have?
6. What kind of work does he do?

F. The answers to these questions.

For example:
1. She is an artist
2. She is a singer.
3. She is a dentist.
4. She is a stewardess.
5. She is an orthopedist.
6. He is an actor.
7. He is a teacher.
8. He is a ophthalmologist.
9. He is a pilot.
10.He is a taxi driver.
Before the noun there is the word “a” or “an”. These two words are called
article. We can used article “a” if the noun begins with aconsonant sound.
For example :
- Singer a singer
- Dentist a dentist

We can use article “an” if the noun begins with a vowel sound. For
example :
- Artist an artist
- Actor an actor
Unit 2
A.Daily Routines
Daily Routines are activities that are carried out every day.


Daily routines that is work events, or situations that are always, ordinary
or habits that occur in the future. Daily routines is as follows :
- I always wake up at 04.00 o’clock in the morning
- I wake up at 04.00 o’clock in the morning every day
- I usually wake up at 04.00 o’clock in the morning

Description of time used is:

Always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never.
 In the form of simple present the verb used is the first form of verb.
If the subject is { I You They We} then the verb used is a verb without
any changes. But if the subject is { she he it my mother it and caroline}
then the word needs to add the latter “s” or “es” to the sentence with
the subject.
Simple the added present is divided into 3 types namely is :
1. Statement (Subject + verb 1)
The subject used in positive sentences is {I you they we} then the verb
used the first form or without latter “s” or “es”.
Example :I work
you study
The subject used in positive sentences is {he she it my mother it and
caroline} then the verb used needs to be added with the latter “s” or
Example: He works
It studies
2. Negative (Subject + Do/Does not + verb1)
Negative sentences are marked with the word Not in negative sentences
and interrogative sentence with the subject he, she, it, my son, Anna
there is no addition of “s” to the verb.
Example : {I you they we} do not work
{she he it} does not study
But if the verb ends with letters sh, ch, ss, and x then it neends to add
“es” to the word.
Example: wash washes
catch catches
pass passes
fix fixes
If the verb ends with consonant + y then change “y” to “I” then add
Example : study studies
try tries
3. Question (Do/Does + subject + verb1)
The question sentence is indicated by the presence of assistive verb do/does
or the use of to be is, am, are at the beginning of the question sentence.
Example: Does my son work?
Do you help your mother to do the house work?


Present progressive is the work or activity that is being done at the moment.
Example : He takes a bath and prays.
He puts on his clothes, and he eats breakfast.
The example sentence is done in the form of simple present tense but can be
changed into the form of present continuous tense if the activity is being
carried out.
Example : - After getting up, he always takes a bath and prays. It is 05.00 in the
morning now. Therefore, he is taking a bath or he is praying now.
- After praying, he puts on his clothes, and he eats breakfast. It is 05.30
in the morning at the moment. Perhaps he is putting on his clothes or he is eating
The verb for present tense continouos tense is to be + verb + ing
For to be is am are plus form versb –ing.
1. STATEMENT (Subject + am/is/are + -ing)
Example : I am working.
( you they we ) are working.
( he she it ) is working.
2. NEGATIVE (Subject + am/is/are not + -ing)
Example : I am not working.
( you they we ) are not working.
( he she it ) is not working.
3. QUESTION ( Am/is/are + subject +v1 + -ing)
Example : I am working ?
Are ( you they we ) working ?
Is ( he she it ) working ?


Simple past used to discuss activities or activities in the past. For example
yesterday, last night, this morning, or two days ago.
The following is the simple past :
Subject + verb2 + object
Example : I taught English
He worked overtime
Subject + be(was/were) + adjective/adverb/noun
Example : ( I she he it ) was at school.
( you they we ) were at school.
Subject + did + Not + verb1
Example : I didn’t work
You didn’t work
Subject + be( was/were) + Not + adjective/adverb/noun
Example : ( I she he it ) was not at school
( you they we ) were not at school.
Did + subject + verb1 ?
Example : Did she work?
Did you work?
Was/were + subject + adjective/adverb/noun
Example : Was ( I she he it ) at school?
Were ( you they we ) at school?
Will or be going to is an activity that will be carried out in the future. To express it
we use will or be going to :
Example :
1. I will get up at 4.00 o’clock tomorrow morning.
2. I am going to get up at 4.00 o’clock tomorrow morning.
3. She will go to school by bus tomorrow.

Will and be going to are used to convey plans or activities carried out in the
future. Verbs used after will and be going to are the first form of vebs such as get
up go or play.
1.STATEMENT (be going to )
Example : -I am going to get up at 04.00 o’clock tomorrow morning
-( you we they ) are going to get up 04.00 o’clock tomorrow morning
- ( he she it ) is going to get up 04.00 o’clock tomorrow morning
Example : I will get up at 04.00 o’clock tomorrow morning.

2. NEGATIVE (be going to)

Example : - I am not going to get up at 04.00 o’clock tomorrow morning.
- ( you we they ) are not (aren’t) going to get up at 04.00 o’clock
tomorrow morning.
- (he she it) is not (isn’t) going to get up at 04.00 o’clock tomorrow

Example : - I will not (won’t) get up at 04.00 o’clock tomorrow morning.
- ( you they we ) will not (won’t) get up at 04.00 o’clock tomorrow
- ( he she it ) will not (won’t) get up at 04.00 o’clock tomorrow
3. QUESTION (be going to)
Example : - Am I going to get up at 04.00 o’clock tomorrow morning?
- Are (you they we) going to get up at 04.00 o’clock tomorrow
- Is (she he it) going to get up at 04.00 o’clock tomorrow
Example : - Will I getup at 04.00 o’clock tomorrow morning?
- Will (you they we) get up at 04.00 o’clock tomorrow morning?
- Will (she he it) get up at 04.00 o’clock tomorrow morning?
1. Tari : Hello, Vina …. 1. Tari : ….

Vina : Good evening. Vina : I’m Vina.

2. Mr. Fandi : Hi! Riski …. 2. Fandi : May, I have your name, please?

Riski : I’m very well. Thank you. Riski : ….

3. Cristine : Hi! Stevi. How are you doing? 3. Avi : What your address ?

Stevi : …. Ditha : ….

4. Randy : Hi! Fatur …. 4. Randy : ….

Fatur : Fine. I got a good mark in English Fatur : At Jalan Eka Bakhti No. 54, Semarang

5. Annisa : ….. 5. Annisa : Where were you born?

Carina : She is very well. Thank you. Carina : ….

6. Tiara : Good morning,Siska. How are you? 6. Tiara : ….

Siska : ….. And what about you? Siska : Natar, 35362.

7. Feby : Hello! Good morning. 7. Feby : ….

Fita : …. Fita : December 22, 1987.

8. Vincen : Hi! Anggi ….? 8. Vincen : ….

Anggi : She is all right. Anggi : 089695846754

9. Tia : How is your father, Via? 9. Hello! My name is Tanisa. I’m from Yogyakarta. I’m …..

Via : …. 10. Hello! My name is Via. I’m Malaysian. ……

10. Jo : How is your family?

Tia : …..
1. Fani : Excuse me. Is your name Rini? 1. Ine : Are you tired?
Rina : ….. My name is Rina. Indah : …… , I am exited.
2. Mia : Hello! Nasya. How do you do? 2. Heni : How do you feel Mita? You look so sad.
Nasya : ………… Mita : ……
3. Fatur : Nayla, this is my sister, Melati. 3. Nina : Are you happy? You look so cheerful.
Nayla : Hi, Melati. ……. Intan : …..
Melati : I’m happy to meet you, too
4. Tika : Is he sleepy?
4. Rika : Are you Deri?
Reno : …… . He is hungry.
Dira : ……
5. Fita : Are you sick ? You look so pale.
5. Tira : Hello! I’m Tira. I am a new employee in this
company. Kurnia : ….
Azkia : Hello, Tira. I’m glad to meet you. 6. Inne : How do you feel Tia? You look so nervous.
Tira : …… Tia : …..
6. Wulan : Excuse me? Are you Tina? 7. A : Are you thirsty?
Tina : …… B : …. ,I am hungry.
7. Hello! ….. I’m fromWest Java. 8. Tika : How do you feel Ine? You look so puzzle.
8. Hello! ….. I’m from Canada. Ine : ….
9. Ray : Hi, Santi. This is Rina, my wife. 9. Ika : Are you sad?
Santi : Hello, Rina. I’m pleased to see you.
Dwi : ….. I am happy.
Rina : ……
10. Fia : Are you cheerful?
10. Teacher : Is your Marina, the new student?
Queen : ……. Iam serious
Marina : …..
1. I …. Some word on the board. I wear my glsses.
1. Ana : …. A. see B. sees C. am seeing D. am going to see
Dina : I’m elementary school teacher. 2. This tea is good . I …. It.
2. Tina’s father works is the rice field. He plants A. like B. don’t like C. didn’t like D. am like
the rice. He is … 3. They …. a beach ball, and they …. Catch with it.
3. He drives Kramat Jati Bus to Surabaya. He is A. have, play B. has, plays

C. had,played D. are having, playing.
4. Mr.Handi cleans the garden every morning. He 4. My parents can’t call me because they … my new
also prunes the trees. He is … telephone number.
5. Mayang works in the hospital. She helps the A.didn’t not know B. do not know
doctor observe the patients. She is …. C. Does not know D. are not know
6. Mr. Fatur repairs the windows and the doors at 5. The students … a test in class next week.
my house. He is …. A. are taking B.is taking
7. Karerina helps the family clean the house and C.is going to take D. are going to take
wash the clothes. She is ….
6. I … sour oranges yesterday.
8. Fatur : …..? A. buy B. will buy C. bought D. am going to buy
Dina : She is a singer. 7. She drank a glass of tomato juice this morning, and … a
9. Lisa : ……? glass of tomato juice tomorrow morning.
8. I … home at ten tonight
Galih : He is an actor.
9. Dennis has a cold. He ….home in bed today.
10. Beni repairs the cars in the workshop every
10. It’s hot today, and it…. Hot tomorrow too.
day. He is ……
The conclusion of this material is that we can use the
greeting expression, introduce oneself and others
including name, address, telephone number, and place
of birth and can use the language functions used to
describe work and daily routines in the form of simple
present tense, past tense, and future tense.

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