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Structural conversation is a type of conversation in

English, but in accordance with grammar. So grammar is

a very important element in a conversation

Functional conversation is a type of conversation in English,
which functions to create a person's ability to use a language
according to circumstances or situations.

In situational conversations, we use a language in
accordance with the situation, the example of the use of
language while in the office must be different from the
language we use when being at the mall.

Polite Expression Responding

Can you help me put the books on the table? Sure.

Open the window, please? Okay.

Excuse me, can you show me where the It is on the second floor, next to headmaster’s
teacher’s office is? room.

Will you buy me some chocolates, please? No big deal.

Would you please give the letter to the teacher? No problem.

Could you tell me how to make a sushi, please? Absolutely.

Could you mind … ? Yes.

May I help you? Certainly.

Do you need any help? It’s fine.

Would you please … ? Of course.

Note : The word that is underline is Polite Expression.
• Will you give me his number?
• The weather is so hot. Can you please open the window?
• If you see Lisa, would you please tell her that I wanna
meet her soon?

Polite expressions in sentences can use

infinitive verb for all the phrases
mentioned above, except for the phrase • Will you not give me his number?
‘would you mind ...?’. for the phrase • The weather is so cold. Can you please not open the
‘would you mind ...’ we must use the window?
word verb –ing or the word participle
verb • If you see Lisa, would you not please tell her that I wanna
meet her soon?

Shop keeper : Good afternoon. Can I help you?

Vira : Good afternoon. Sure. I want to buy a book.

Shop keeper : What kind of book?

Vira : English book. Would you mind showing me the section of English book?

Shop keeper : No problem. The English book is in that section, near the novel section.

Vira : All right. Thank you.

Shop keeper : You are welcome.

Idiom is an expression whose meaning is not predictable
from the usual meanings of its constituent elements.

An idiom is also an expression that has a different

meaning from every word in it. For example, if someone
says to you "Your calves attract my heart", maybe you
will think weird, where the calves might attract
someone's heart because what can attracts something
In general, English idioms is a hand instead of a calf. The phrase is idiom which
are used to express ideas, means that his calves tease or attract attention. or
ideas or even advice to maybe he is joking with you.
someone using subtle
expressions or not their
true meaning. more
precisely Idioms are used
as Proverbs.

• Your guess is as good as mine
It has meaning that To have no idea, do not know the answer to a question.
• To hear something straight from the horse’s mouth
The meaning of this Idiom is To hear something from the authoritative source.
• Wouldn’t be caught dead
Would never like to do something

• Taste of your own medicine
Means that something happens to you, or is done to you, that you have done to someone
• Take with a grain of salt
This means not to take what someone says too seriously.
• Piece of cake
A job, task or other activity that is easy or simple.

• It’s raining cats and dogs
To rain cats and dogs means to rain very heavily (a downpour).
• Oh no! You spilled the beans!/ you let the cat out the bag
To spill the beans means to let out a secret.
• Why are you feeling blue?
To feel blue means to feel sad.

• That jacket costs an arm and a leg.
An arm and a leg means a large amount of money.
• It is not rocket science.
Not rocket science means something is not difficult.

Metaphor is form (figurative language) which is used to
explain or describe something by referring to other things that
are considered to have characteristics similar to something or
someone who wants to be described.

For example, "Her face shone A metaphor is a figure of speech that uses pictures, stories or
like the sun". With this wide real examples to express the qualities or qualities possessed
definition, metaphors classify
themselves in a number of by someone or something, or to represent things that are less
other figures from phrases tangible.
such as metonymy,
synecdoche, synonym,
catachresis, parable and so
on. All of these words conform
to the basic framework of
figures of speech which
achieves its objectives by
comparison, association or

1. The school was a prison for him.
Which means "The school is a prison for him"
The point is that it is very clear that school does not mean truly prison for him. This was
immediately understood, however it showed that the school had certain characteristics
that meant the same as prison. The possibility is that the person referred to as ‘him’ or
him in the example sentence feels like he's locked in his school. or feels like a prisoner
in prison.

2. All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their
exits and their entrances.
The sentence above is one of the figurative meanings of William Shakespeare.
The meaning is "The world is a stage, and all men and women are only players. They
have their exits and entrances. "

3. Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
The meaning is "the art of washing away from the soul of dust in everyday life".
This simple metaphor comes from Pablo Picasso.

4. All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the mind.
This figurative example is from the artist Khalil Gibran. The meaning is "All our
words are just crumbs that fall from the feast of the mind".

5. Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners
who make our souls blossom.
An example of this last figurative meaning comes from Marcel Proust. The
meaning is "Let us thank the people who make us happy, they are like a charming
gardener who makes our soul bloom."

Stella Grant is a 17-year-old girl with a rare disease, cystic
fibrosis. Like other teenagers, Stella likes social media and
shares her stories, which are mostly about her life in the
hospital. Stella meets another patient with cystic fibrosis, Will
Newman. Intensive meetings and interactions bring both to
the relationship. Both of them struggled to establish a love
relationship over the illness they suffered.

 Oh, this disease is a prison
Analysis : This conversation is included of metaphore statement.
Which means, the disease is a prison for him. Where he cannot do anything as he pleases.
In that case, he can’t hug the girl because they must keep their distance for six feet apart
Or they can endanger themselves

 To understand death, you have to look at birth

Analysis : This conversation is included of metaphore statement.
While we’re in the womb, we’re living that existence not knowing that our next existence is just an
inch away. So maybe it’s the same with the death

 They can be light and funny but pack a wonderful punch
Analysis : This conversation is included of metaphore statement.
Which means, the cartoon can show a character that is funny and brave

 They’re subsversive
Analysis : This conversation is included of metaphore statement.

Well, don’t get close enough to touch them for their safety and yours.
Analysis : This conversation is included of prohibited sentence. It’s explain that the
woman prohibited him to be close enaough with other patient.

 Will, in order for this to work, you need to keep up with your regimen
Analysis : This conversation is included of command and request statement. It’s
explain that the man should following the regimen for the success of the

I think a well drawn cartoon can say a lot more than words ever could
I think that’s really good
Analysis : This conversation is included of opinion sentence. It used to respond a
statement or thing

And please be careful
Analysis : This conversation is included of polite expression.

Will : What is that?

Stella : Oh, those are lungs
Analysis : Those conversation is included of question and answers sentence


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