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Sales Dialogue:
Creating and

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Learning Objectives 7
L 1 Describe the key characteristics of effective
sales dialogue.
Explain how salespeople can generate feedback
L 2 from buyers.
Discuss how salespeople use confirmed benefits
L 3 to create customer value.
Describe how verbal support can be used to
L 4 communicate value in an interesting and
understandable manner.

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Learning Objectives 7
L 5 Discuss how sales aids can engage and involve

L 6 Explain how salespeople can support product

Discuss the special considerations involved in
L 7 sales dialogue with groups.

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Key Thoughts 7
• People don’t buy when they have a problem or
dissatisfaction; they do buy when they have a
problem or dissatisfaction they want to resolve.
• Good salespeople are able to help buyer’s
understand the importance of resolving a
problem or dissatisfaction.
• People don’t buy features; they buy the
utility (value) the features provide.
• Do not under estimate the value of
understanding and effectively utilizing
sales tools and aids.

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Q. 1. Define Features, Potential Benefits,

and Confirmed Benefits.

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Features and Benefits 7
Two separate
Buyer:paper trays
Feature “Iallows
This printer
A quality or characteristic of a letters
and envelopes
paper trays.
at the
same time.”

Potential Benefit
The value a feature provides.

Confirmed Benefit
The value a feature provides that the customer
acknowledges as important.

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Q. 2. Define Selling Point.

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The Importance of a “Selling Point” 7

A selling point is the combination of a feature and

meaningful benefit statement.

When used strategically, selling points are

powerfully persuasive because they represent
solutions addressing the buyer’s most pressing

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Keys to Effective Sales Dialogue 7
Are planned and practiced by salespeople 1
Encourage buyer feedback 2
Focus on creating value for the buyer 3
Successfully communicate value gain 4
Engage and involve the buyer 5
Support customer value through objective claims 6
Good salespeople are very much like surgeons in that they are serious in what
they do and leave nothing to chance.
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Q. 3. What are two buying motives?

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Buying Motives 7
• Major buying motives
• Minor buying motives

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Check-Backs or Response-Checks 7
• Questions salespeople use throughout
a sales dialogue to generate feedback
from the buyer.
• Commonly used to:
– Confirm benefits and assess buyer’s
level of interest, and
– evaluate the level to which the
salesperson has handled a buyer’s

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Encouraging Buyer Feedback 7

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Q. 4. What is the SELL sequence for

effective presentations?

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• Select and describe a feature
• Explain what the feature does
• Lead into the potential benefit
• Let the customer talk and confirm the benefit

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Q. 5. What are the reasons for using

presentation tools and sales aids?

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Reasons for Using
Presentation Tools and Sales Aides 7

• Capture prospective buyer’s attention

• Generate interest in the recommended solution
• Make presentations more persuasive
• Increase the buyer’s participation
and involvement
• Provide the opportunity for collaboration
and two-way communication

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Reasons for Using
Presentation Tools and Sales Aides 7
• Add clarity and enhance the prospect’s understanding
• Provide supportive evidence and proof to enhance
• Augment the prospect’s retention of
• Enhance the professional image of
the salesperson and the selling

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Interesting and
Understandable Sales Dialogue 7

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Interesting and
Understandable Sales Dialogue 7

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Creating Customer Value 7
Salespeople should strive to communicate to the buyer . . .
• How the buyer’s needs will be met or how
an opportunity can be realized as a
result of a purchase.
• How the product features translate,
in a functional sense, into benefits
for the buyer.

While remembering that . . .

• Features may have many benefits.
• Not all features are important to the buyer.
• Not all benefits of a particular feature are important to the buyer.

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Ethical Dilemma 7

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Interesting and
Understandable Sales Dialogue 7
Having a
Smartphone is
Verbal Support like having your
own personal
• Voice Characteristics secretary. This Smartphone has
• Examples and Anecdotes the same features as
these other phones
• Comparisons and Analogies yet it costs 20% less.

Sales Aids
The use of printed materials, electronic materials, and
product demonstrations to engage and involve buyers.

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Q. 6. What are the components of the

sales presentation toolbox?

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Sales Presentation Toolbox 7
Visual Aids Sales Call Setting
• Product Demonstrations • Location
• Printed Materials • Positioning and Seating Arrangements
• Photographs and Illustrations • Disruptions
• Graphs and Charts
Verbal Support
• Voice Characteristics
Proof Providers Presentation Tools • Examples and Anecdotes
• Statistics And Sales Aids • Comparisons and
• Testimonials Analogies
• Case Histories
Electronic Media
• Computer-Based Presentations
• Video
• Slides
• Overhead Transparencies

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Sales Aids: Verbal Support 7

• Voice Characteristics
• Examples and Anecdotes
• Comparisons & Analogies

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Sales Aids: Sales Call Setting 7

• Location
• Positioning & Seating
• Disruptions

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Sales Aids: Proof Providers 7

• Statistics “In January, Fortune

magazine recognized
CDW as the top rated
• Testimonials technology vendor on
the basis of services
provided to the buying
• Case Histories

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Supporting Product Claims 7
Proof Providers
• Statistics – Facts that lend believability to product claims.
• Testimonials – Statements from satisfied customers of the
selling organization’s products and services
• Case Histories – A testimonial in a story or anecdotal

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Sales Aids: Visual Aids 7

• Product Demonstration & Models

• Printed Materials

• Photographs &

• Graphs & Charts

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Interesting and
Understandable Sales Dialogue 7

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Sales Aids: Electronic Media 7

• Computer-Based Presentations

• Video

• Slides

• Overhead Transparencies

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Q. 7. What is the SPES model?

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Working with Sales Aids: 7
State selling point & introduce the sales aid

Present the sales aid

Explain the sales aid


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Ethical Dilemma 7

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Group Sales Presentations 7
“When selling to groups,
salespeople can expect tough
questions and should prepare

“When selling to a group,

salespeople should take every
opportunity to pre-sell individual
group members prior to the
group presentation”

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Q. 8. What are the sales tactics for selling

to groups?

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Sales Tactics for Selling to Groups 7
• Arrival – Arrive and setup before the buying group.
• Eye Contact – Make periodic
eye contact with each
member of the buying group.
• Communication – Solicit
opinions and feedback from
each member of the buying
group and avoid taking sides.

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Handling Questions
in Group Presentation 7
• Listen carefully and maintain eye contact with
the person asking the question.
• Repeat or restate the question as necessary to
ensure understanding.
• Answer each question
succinctly and

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