Burns and Firs Aid

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Burns and firs aid


What are burns?

 Burns are characterized by severe skin damage

that causes the affected skin cells to die.
 Most people can recover from burns without
serious health consequences, depending on the
cause and degree of injury. More serious burns
require immediate emergency medical care to
prevent complications and death.
Burn levels
There are three primary types of burns: first-, second-, and third-
degree. Each degree is based on the severity of damage to the skin,
with first-degree being the most minor and third-degree being the
most severe. Damage includes:
 first-degree burns: red, nonblistered skin
 second-degree burns: blisters and some thickening of the skin
 third-degree burns: widespread thickness with a white, leathery
 There are also fourth-degree burns. This type of burn includes all of
the symptoms of a third-degree burn and also extends beyond the
skin into tendons and bones.
Burn levels

1. Ожоги кисти: 1 — I и II степени; 2 — II и III степени; 3 — глубокий ожог III и IV степени

Common Causes of Burns
 Thermal burns. Touching a very hot object raises the
temperature of your skin to the point that your skin
cells start dying. Very hot metals, scalding liquids, and
flames all cause thermal burns. Steam can, too.
 Chemical burns. Strong acids, solvents or detergents
that touch your skin can cause it to burn.
 Radiation or ray burns. Sunburn is a type of radiation
burn. Other sources of radiation, like X-rays or
radiation therapy to treat cancer, can also cause
First aid for a major burn
Steps to take until emergency arrives include:
 Make sure you and the person who’s burned are safe and out of
harm’s way. Move them away from the source of the burn.
 Cover the burned area. Use a clean cloth or bandage that’s
moistened with cool, clean water.
 Separate fingers and toes. If hands and feet are burned, separate the
fingers and toes with dry and sterile bandages.
 Remove clothing from burned areas, but don’t try to remove clothing
that’s stuck to the skin.
 Avoid immersing the person or burned body parts in water.
 Watch for shock.

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