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Objectives :
 Identify several roles performed by
teachers in the society.
 Discuss the values of teachers as
community leaders; and
 Appreciate the role of teachers in the


Society leader and teacher

Model of
School Character

 The key to understand the teaching profession
is to know the personal and professional lives
of teachers.
 1. it is important for us to understand the
teachers are products of the family where
they belong.
 2. We need to recognize the teachers are also
shaped by the society where they live.
 3. It is already a fact that the schools they
attended are also contributory to the
development of their expertise, talents,
knowledge, skills, and philosophy as a
Teacher as individual person
 Understanding the teaching profession
requires deeper appreciation of the lives
of teachers as individuals in the society.
 Teacher are given high regard in the
society for multiple roles they perform
aside from teaching.
 Teacher Education Institutions should
embrace generation to meet the
different challenges .
Cohen, Manion, And Morrison
Teaching is more than just a simple
job. Some people, especially those
who choose it to be their profession,
regard teaching as a high calling
and commitment to make positive
changes in the society and in the
lives of all people they teach.
Cohen, Manion, And Morrison
Teachers are modern heroes and
heroines. They are servant leaders,
knowledge providers, and
community organizers.
It also important to understand the
life of a teacher as an individual
Teachers Have Different
Talents and Skills
It is always desirable for
teachers to possess
various skills and talents
that they can use and
share as they perform
their teaching task.
For example:
Teachers with musical talents
are great assets.
They can organize a school
choral group and integrate
musical experiences in the
classroom instruction.
For example:
Teachers are also good in
various types of performing arts.
They can organize theater
group, teach different dance,
and other forms of performing
Teacher must be creative
 In designing classroom environments and
in organizing school activities.
 By selecting instructional methods and
strategies appropriate for their students.
 Teachers are skillful in improvising different
types of teaching devices and other
instructional materials.
Teacher are blessed with
special talents and skills.
 Brain – to always thing critically, and
 Eyes – to see the individual needs,
strength and nature of each student.
 Ears – to listen to students’ ideas and
 Hearts - to love all the students regardless
of who and what they are.
Teacher are blessed with
special talents and skills.

 Hands- to guide students and show the right

 Mouth – to speak the truth,dicuss knowledge
and speak wisdom to students.
 Feet – to walk with the students, explore the
surroundings and discover new knowledge
and information.
 Nose - to breathe deeply and relax when
feeling tired or pressured.
Reflect and write your answer
to the following questions:
 What are the personal characteristics of an
ideal teacher.
 What talents and skills do you have that can be
shared or used when you become a full-fledged
 Think of teacher whom you consider to be
talented and skillfull in his or her teaching. How
do his or her talents benefited his or her
Teacher Have Different Needs
 Teachers have different needs.
 Teachers have economic needs.
 Teachers need security and justice.
 Teachers need to be recognized and
appreciated to boast their emotion and
self esteem.
 Teachers need spiritual support.
 Teachers need role clarity.
Teacher Have Different Needs
Teachers have social
Teachers need to cope
with various challenges
and changes.
Reflect and write your answer
to the following questions:
 1. what other needs of teachers can you
 2. As future teachers, what do you think is
the best way that the government can do
to meet the needs of the teachers?
 Do you believe that teachers are unfairly
treated compared to other profession?
Teacher have individual rights
 Article III of the 1987 Philippine
As an individual, every teacher is entitled to
enjoy all human rights identified by the
Ensure their Employers give their privileges
and fair treatment in doing their duites.
Their status as employee is protected by a
system granting them permanency status or
Teacher have individual rights
 The Manual of Regulations for private
School teachers.
 Magna Carta for public school teachers.
1. It guarantees that all teachers enjoy their
rights and ensure justice in the conduct of
their duties as professionals.
2. They are free to organize or join any
professional organizations that will help
them grow professionally.
Teacher have individual rights
3. The freedom of expression that
guarantees their voices to be heard and
4. For tertiary faculty members, the enjoy
academic freedom that enables them to
do research and publish their scholarly
works and opinions.
Teacher have individual rights
R.A. 232
R.A. 7836
The code of Ethics of Professional Teachers
Teachers’Common Issues
1. Human rights violation
2. Unfair labor practices
3. Abuse of authority
4. Victims of kidnapping
Teachers’ Rights
 Right to enjoy dignified life
 Free from any forms of threat and danger.
 Protected by the state from any form of
 Article XIII Section to Section 3:
 Constitution enshrine the commitment of the
state to ensure social justice, human rights,
and labor rights of each individual that
includes teachers.

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