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Elisa Adelina (1733040104

2. Veronica Yulinar (173304010491)
3. Ernita Silalahi (173304010492)
4. Sally Angelika (173304010493)
A gerund phrase will begin with a gerund, an ing word, and will
include other modifiers and/or objects. Gerund phrases always function as
nouns, so they will be subjects, subject complements, or objects in the
sentence. Read these.
Examples: ... Eating ice cream on a windy day = subject of the verb can be.
Gerunds are words that are formed with verbs but act as nouns.
They’re very easy to spot, since every gerund is a verb with ing tacked to
its tail. There are no exceptions to this rule.
Like all things grammar, gerunds do take a tiny bit of detective
work to spot. The problem here is that present participles also end with
the letters ing. Besides being able to spot gerunds, you should be able to
tell the difference between a gerund and a present participle.
Let’s go back to the definition of a gerund for a moment.
Remember that gerunds are words that are formed with verbs but act as
nouns. Present participles do not act as nouns. Instead, they act as
modifiers or complete progressive verbs. To find gerunds in sentences,
just look for a verb + ing that is used as a noun. It’s that simple.
As you read these examples of gerunds, notice the verbs
they contain, and notice that every single one of them
ends in ing.
By the end of this quick lesson, you’ll have no problem
recognizing gerunds when you see them.
 Swimming in the ocean has been Sharon’s passion since
she was five years old.
 Let’s go dancing at the club tonight.

 I delayed telling Jerry the bad news.

 Holly decided that flying above the clouds was the most
incredible experience she’d ever had.
 Bill avoided doing his math assignment because the
World Series was on.
A gerund is one of three types of verbals.
A verbal is formed using a verb, but it
functions as a different part of speech in the

Gerunds function as nouns in the sentence.

Typically, a gerund is used as a "thing" or an
"idea," and gerunds always end in "-ing". They
can function as subjects, direct objects, objects
of the preposition, and predicate nouns.
1. Sebagai subjek untuk kata kerja.
- Writing is my hobby - (menulis adalah hobi saya)
- Smoking is not good for health - (merokok tidak baik untuk kesehatan)
2. Sebagai objek.
- Ranti loves writing - (Ranti suka menulis)
- I don’t like smoking - (saya tidak suka merokok)
3. Digunakan sebagai pelengkap (komplemen) kata kerja yang tidak lengkap
(incomplete verb). Biasanya didahului to be.
- The things which Ijem enjoys are eating, drinking, and sleeping.
Hal-hal yang Ijem senangi adalah makan, minum, dan tidur)
- My favorite activity is reading, writing, and shopping.
(Aktifitas kesukaanku adalah membaca, menulis dan belanja)
4. Digunakan di belakang “No” membentuk kalimat pendek yang menyatakan
larangan atau peringatan.
- No Parking! (dilarang parkir!)
- No Smoking! (dilarang merokok!)
- No running ! (dilarang berlari!)
5. Digunakan seperti kata sifat atau sebagai penjelas kata benda (Noun modifier).
- Sleeping-bed (kasur tidur)
- Reading-room (ruang baca)
6. Digunakan sebagai Appositive (keterangan tambahan) dalam suatu kalimat.
- Her hobby, swimming, has helped to keep her healthy.
(Hobinya, berenang, telah membantunya agar tetap sehat)
- My hooby, writing, is interesting.
(Hobiku, menulis, menarik)
7. Gerund setelah kata depan (preposition) : by, in, on, at, of, after, before, without,
besides, etc.
- After passing High School, I will enter the University.
(Setelah tamat SMA, aku akan memasuki Universitas)
- Before going abroad, we must study English.
(Sebelum pergi keluar negeri, kita harus belajar bahasa Inggris)
8. Gerund setelah ngkapan-ungkapan tertentu.
- It is not use : tidak ada gunanya
- Worth : patut
9. Gerund dalam bentuk kalimat Negative.
- I consider not going there again.
(saya mempertimbangkan untuk tidak ke sana lagi)
- He admitted not seeing Eka.
(Dia mngaku tidak melihat Eka)
- I suggested him not telling Sam about that matter.
(Saya menyarankan untuk tidak mengatakan kepada Sam tentang hal itu)
10. Ada 3 kata kerja Gerund, yang kalau diikuti V1 + ing
mempunyai arti yang berbeda dengan diikuti To + V1 yaitu
kata kerja “Stop, Remember dan Forget”

1. She stops drinking.

(dia berhenti minum untuk mengerjakan sesuatu)
2. She stops to drink.
(dia menghentikan sesuatu untuk minum)

1. I remember walking with you.

(saya ingat pernah berjalan denganmu)
2. I remember to walk with you.
(saya ingat berjalan denganmu)

1. I forget refusing you.

(saya lupa pernah menolak kamu)
2. I forget to refuse you.
(saya lupa untuk menolak kamu)

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