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Scrawny - thin

He came home after three months from college looking

terribly scrawny.
Protested - Objected, complained

We protested to ban plastics from India completely.

Backyard - backside of a house

The old man grew vegetables in his backyard.

Sacking - made up of sack

The cop drew his rifle from its sacking cover.

Kitten - baby of a cat

Perhaps we could find a home for the kitten.

Lapping - licking

The dog is lapping the water

Mewing - the sound made by a cat

My pet was mewing continuously to sign that it was

Half-shell - half rounded portion of a coconut

Half-shell of a coconut was thrown away when a man

had broken the coconut in front of the temple
Twig - a woody shoot

A young twig is easier twisted than an old tree.

Sparkling - shining brightly

His eyes were sparkling with happiness.

Scream - to yell, to shout

The man began to scream horribly.

Creature - living being

The crocodile is a strange-looking creature.

Pour - spill, transfer

Don't pour hot water into the glass or it will crack.

Descended From- - a descendent of or comes from the
same family.

He was descended from a noble family.

Shell - hard outlining cover

The snail went back into its shell.

Breed - race
Spaniels are my favorite breed of dog.
Emblem - sign, symbol
The dove is an emblem of peace.
Expectantly - hopefully

He looked expectantly at Sarah, but she didn't speak.

Remind - recall

Remind me to take my umbrella with me, please.

Stowaway - someone who hides himself/herself in a
ship or an aircraft to travel unnoticed

A stowaway was discovered on the ship.

Weird - strange or unusual

It was a weird old house, full of creaks and groans.

Shrieked- An expression of excitement, pain or terror

"Stop it! Stop it!" shrieked Jane.

Alarmed - to be cautious of a potential danger

I was slightly alarmed by what Susan told me.

Startled - to feel sudden shock

I was startled by her question.

Bounced- move quickly

She bounced the ball against the wall.

Scurried - move fast with short quick steps

A brown rat scurried across the road.

Whizzing - move quickly through the air

A young and blind couple were walking arm-in-arm across

this busy intersection with cars whizzing by in every
Howled - cried, screamed

A lone wolf howled under the full moon

Grunted - groan

The invisible man grunted as the bullet hit him.

Track - path

She had spent years trying to track down her parents.

Gilded - moved along smoothly

The autumn sun gilded the lake.

Stumbled - followed haltingly

He stumbled blindly on through the dark building.

Crept - moved slowly
The cat crept silently towards the bird.
Glazed - shining

The pot had been badly glazed.

Tuft - a bunch or collection of something

He had a small tuft of hair on his chin.

Chatting - talking

Friends are chatting charmingly together.

Snooze - short sleep

Dad is taking a snooze in the other room.

Leaned - be in or moving into a sloping position

Dad leaned forward, his elbows resting on the table.

Gaze - look steadily

We gazed down into the valley from on high.

Choke - overwhelm and make
someone speechless with emotion

She choked with emotion when she spoke about her

deceased father.
Generosity - the quality of being kind and

He thanked them for the

extraordinary generosity they had shown.
Feeble - lacking physical strength

An old or sick person is often feeble.

Rumble - make a continuous deep sound

We could hear the rumble of distant thunder.

Withered - become dry

The grass withered because there was no water.

Apparently - clearly

The police apparently thought this explanation perfectly

Alms - Charity, something (such as money or
food) given freely to relieve the poor.

It was their religious duty to give alms to the poor.

Wail - Cry in pain

One of the small children began to wail with terror.

Booming out - resonant sound

Ladies and gentlemen,' his voice boomed out.
Betel leaf - piper leaf

One old woman chewed betel nut and nodded weakly as

the bullets boiled in.
Chew - cud

Children are always told to chew their food up well.

Stained - smudge

The blackberry juice stained their fingers.

Wearily - tired

The old tramp shambled wearily up the path.

Blisters - boils/ bubbles on skin from burns or

These shoes have given me blisters on my heels.

Shabby - in poor condition

She wore shabby old jeans and a T-shirt.

Sturdy - strongly built

The camera was mounted on a sturdy tripod.

Nodded - to move head up and down to show
agreement with something.

She merely nodded acknowledgement of his statement.

Beamed - smiled

Solomon looked at his sons and beamed proudly.

Gleaming - shining

The house was gleaming with fresh white paint.

Odd-looking - shabby

He wore an odd-looking old overcoat.

Glanced - to see

She glanced at herself in the mirror.

Scurried around- to move in hurry

Ants scurried around the pile of rotting food.

Lurking - waiting quietly (without attracting

A crocodile was lurking just below the surface.

Groan - to make a deep inarticulatesound
response to pain or despair

He fell to the floor with a groan.

Brashly - cheekily or smartly

Govt brashly announced during election that NEET

exam must be turned around.
Sores - Inflammation, (Source of pain)

She got sores in her lips.

Hardly worn - not worn

This hockey player had hardly worn sports jacket.

Flung - thrown forcefully

The explosion flung him into the sea.

Dropping - to put down

The apple tree leaned to the field, dropping its flowers on

the grass.
Muttering - speak softly, to murmur

He was muttering away to himself.

Upsetting - hurtful, shocking

Her father scolded her for upsetting her mother.

Vendor - salesman, merchant

The vendor signs a contract with the purchaser.

Flashed - shining

As the star flashed over Bethlehem, the east three kings

would see it.

Vanished x appeared
Stiff x slack
Snapped x fixed
Pleasant x unpleasant
Curiously x inquisitively
Effortless x effortful
Miserably x Joyfully
Mysteriously x apparently
Wonder x expectation
Shiver x stillness
Unappreciative x appreciative
Wail x rejoice
Whisper x howl
Gleam x dull
Weary x enthusiastic
Incarnate x disincarnate

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