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Dr Jaya Krishna

 Anderson-Fabry disease
 Angiokeratoma corporis diffusum
 Alpha –galactosidase A deficiency
 Lysosomal storage disease
 Incidence :1 in 40,000 to 1 in 1,20,000 live births
 seen in all ethnic and racial groups
 Inherited in an X-linked manner (Xq21.3-q22)
 Males- affected earlier, Females- carriers


Frame shift

Non sense


Splice site
Deficiency of α-galactosidase A

Prevent degradation of sphingolipids (globotriaosylceramide,Gb3)

Gb3 accumulates in lysosome of tissue & fluids

kidneys; cardiac myocytes; autonomic system; cornea; endothelial,

perithelial , & smooth muscle cells of blood vessels; & histiocytic &
reticular cells of connective tissue
 Angiokeratoma

 Pseudoacromegalic facies

 Lower limb edema and lymphedema

 Raynaud like phenomenon

 Sweating abnormalities
 Cutaneous hallmark fabry disease

 Appear between ages 5-12y ( males) 8-25 y ( females)

 Pinpoint to 4mm - dark red to blue-black - macular and/or papular
lesions (do not blanch on pressure).
 Males- Bathing trunk area distribution, palms and soles, vermillion
border of lips,
 Females- sparsely distributed (trunk and proximal limbs)
 Variable overlying hyperkeratosis - genitalia and umbilicus
 1/3rd males and 2/3rd females – not have angiokeratomas

other presentations:

 Early angiokeratomas or macular hemangiomas

 Cherry angiomas

 Telangectasia
Angiomatous lesions vermilion border lip

Angiomatous lesionsmucosa of lower lip

Angiokeratomas and telangiectatic
vessels ( angiokeratoma corporis

Dermatoscopicangiokeratomas and
upper dermal vessel tortuosity.
H&E section


• Epidermal thining
• Orthohyperkeratosis
• Acanthosis at the


• Dilated capillaries
in papillary dermis
• Supraorbital ridges
• Periorbital fullness
• Large bitemporal width
• Busty eyebrows
• Broad nasal base
• Full lips
• Prominent chin
Lower limb edema and

• Glycosphingolipid accumulation
• Recurrent edema
• Primary abnormality of lymphatics
• Higher serum levels VEGF-A
 Reduced sweating
Autonomic neuropathy
Substrate accumulation in sweat glands
 Heat intolerance
 Hyperhidrosis
Common in females
Localized to palms and soles
 Cold intolerance
 Abnormal vasoreactivity of digital vessels
- Autonomic dysfunction
- Abnormalities of NO synthetase
- Increased Oxidative stress in vascular
endothelium and smooth muscle
 Development of extremities pain in cold environments
 Fluoroscopic NFC –more bushy capillaries and clusters
EM-Multiple electron-dense inclusions in
a cutaneous vascular endothelial cell
(×9000 magnification)
EM-At highest power (×223,000 magnification) light and
dark bands with a periodicity of 4 to 6 nm are identified.
 Early manifestation- Seen in first decade

 Fabry Pain-proximally radiating pin prick, shooting, burning sensation in hands and

 Triggers- stress, exercise and changes in body temperatures

 Pain declines over time


Glycolipid accumulation In Dorsal root ganglia and peripheral nerves

Loss of small myelinated and non myelinated fibres

Loss of dermal unmyelinated fibres

BUT, preservation of large myelinated fibres

 Cornea verticillata
(whorled streaks)
 Does not affect vision
 R/o Amiodarone/chloroquine
 Lenticular changes
 Posterior opacity (fabry
 Vascular lesions
 Conjunctiva
 Retina

Vision loss ( secondary to

retinal artery occlusion)
 Isosthenuria ( inability to concentrate urine)
 Microalbuminuria
 Proteinuria Renal disease leading cause of death in
men with Untreated fabry disease
 Renal insufficiency
 Renal failure (ESRD)
 Hypertension and other complications
Kidney biopsy (light microscopy): the purple stain is on the
podocytes where there is the most prominent collection of Gb3 in the
kidney. Courtesy Pr Laura BARISONI, New-York University, New
York, USA
Kidney biopsy (electron
microscopy): glycosphingolipid inclusions
of various size and shape are seen in the cells
of distal tubules of the kidney in Fabry disease.
LVH in a fabry patient

 Left ventricular hypertrophy

 Arrhythmias
 Myocardial infarction
 Chest pain
 ECG changes mimic MI
 Mitral regurgitation
 Aortic Root dilatation Heart disease is currently the major cause
of death for men and women
 Congestive heart failure Most frequent complication in women
with fabry disease
 Early stroke Stroke and other neurological complications
severely decrease ability to function
may be lethal
 Vertigo/dizziness
 Small vessel ischemia - key feature
 Ischemic or hemorrhagic strokes- early in life
 Strokes affecting posterior circulation
Increased prevalence of Factor V leiden
Stroke in a patient affected with
Fabry disease: axial brain MRI
section showing stroke of the left
cerebellar hemisphere that revealed
Fabry disease in an otherwise
asymptomatic 27-year-old male
Dolichoectasia of the vertebro-basilar circulation:
time of flight magnetic resonance angiographies showing ectatic
vessels in four patients affected with Fabry disease.
• Cornea verticillata
• Conjunctival vessel Chronic Renal Failure
• Retinal vessels
• Fabry cataract
• Hypertension
NON • Left ventricular
CUTANEOUS hypertrophy
FINDINGS • Valvular regurgittions
• Postprandial flank
pain • Coronary vascular
• Diarrhea disease
• Constipation • Arrhythmias
• Malabsorption

Others- Acroparesthesiaa
• High frequency SNHL Cerebrovascular disease
• Tinnitus
• Depression
 Because manifestations are non specific
 Wrong diagnosis is often made initially
Present history
 Detailed History – Past history

Family history

 Examination-
 Skin- thorough examination, biopsy

 Eye- slit lamp and fundus exam

 Heart- Echo, MRI, ECG, biopsy

 Renal- urine analysis, GFR, Creatinine clearance


 Brain- MRI

 Annual follow up is necessary

 For Boys
 Enzyme activity level
Electron microscopy- electron
 Molecular study for mutation dense lamellated
 Kidney biopsy ,heart biopsy intracytoplasmic vacuolar
with typical inclusions inclusions ( zebra bodies)
For girls
 Enzyme activity is not reliable
 Polarizing microscopy
 Molecular testing for mutations

 Kidney or heart biopsy

of urine – Birefringent
lipid globules
“maltese crosses”

X-inactivation ( Lyonisation)
All mutated turned off- no symptoms
All mutated turned on- severe like males
Random turned off- variable presentation
 Currently
- helps with testing other family members
- helps predict severity

 Future
- may have different treatments based on
specific mutation
ERT vs Chaperon vs Substrate inhibition
 Established Family history and classic phenotype
Enzyme assay
( leucocytes or plasma or cultured skin

 Diagnosis in females or males with atypical presentaion

Molecular analysis ( Gene study )

Any male or female with :
 Intermittent episodes of neuropathic pain

 Angiokeratomas at bathing trunk area

 Corneal verticillata

 Hypohydrosis

 LVH, STROKE & CKD of unknown etiology in young adulthood

 Family history

 Abnormal tissue biopsy with storage

- Symptoms management
-Enzyme Replacement (Multidisciplinary approach)
-substrate inhibition
-chaperon based therapy
-Migalastat ( for patients
with amenable mutations)
-Genetic counselling
 Enzyme Replacement Therapy as soon as diagnosis made
 First treatment for fabry disease was approved by FDA on April
 Helps but does not cure
 Better impact if started early
- microscopic level clearance
- prevent or slow progression
 Still has benefit when started late
- study on advanced disease
 Daily oral medication
 Blocks GL3 synthesis ( you can’t store what you don’t have)
 Currently in clinical trials
 Is not mutation specific
When Enzyme Replacement Therapy ?

 All classically affected males as soon diagnosis is made

 Female carriers and atypically affected males ( with marginal

levels of alpha –Gal A ) if clinical manifestations are present

 Patients who have ESRD – this may reduce cardiovascular and

neurological complications of disease
0.2mg/kg IVI every 2 weeks

1mg/kg IVI every 2 weeks

 Reduction of
 Reduces Gb3 deposition

Value of ERT
 Clear deposits  Improve GIT
from vascular manifestations
smooth muscle

Clear deposits from Glomerulus

endothelial, mesangial and
interstitial cells

• Podocytes
• Distal tubules
• Arterial smooth muscle
 CKD stage 1-2 :
Significantly reduces rate of deterioration of kidney function

 CKD stage 3-5 and Dialysis patients:

Does not fully clear Gb3 deposits from podocytes
Improves neuronal and cardiac manifestations
 Five and ten year graft survivalsimilar in patients with fabry
disease & other causes of ESRD

 Renal transpalnation with ERT is much more superior than

transplantion only

 Causes of death in transplanted patients – CVS and Neuronal

 Angiokeratoma- Liquid nitrogen,
Surgical excision
Lasers- Pulsed dye 585nm
Nd-YAG 1064nm
 Lymphedema-manual lymphatic drain massage compression
 Hyperhidrosis- Aluminium chloride hexahydrate
Botulinum toxin
 Raynaud phenomenon-
- Avoid smoking, cold, vasoconstrictors
- Avoid drugs like losartan

 Stroke- anti platelets


 Hearing – Hearing aids

 Chronic renal failure  Cardiovascular

 ACE inhibitors  Anti hypertensives

 Hemodialysis  Artificial pacemakers

 Allograft transplant  Anti arrhythmics

 Implantable


 Coronary bypass
 Fabry disease is Rare, but not uncommon disease

 Diagnosis needs high index of suspicion

 Screening of all family members of affected patient is


 Start ERT as soon as renal manifestations appear

 Treat female carrier once has manifestations

 Autosomal Dominant
 Tiny red papules to warty
in nature
 Dorsum of the fingers
and toes
 Finger tip ulceration +
 family history of chilblain
 Commonest

 Small red papules on

scrotum & genital area

 Labia majora-
- Angiokeratoma of vulva

Differential diagnosis:
 2nd – 4th decade

 Acquired in response
to trauma

 Solitary warty
papules commonly on leg

Differential diagnosis
Seborrheic keratosis,
Pigmented BCC
 At Birth

 Lower extremities in a U/L

distribution- Keratotic plaques

 Klippel-trenaunay syndrome,
Cavernous hemangiomas,
AV fistulas

 D/D –
Verrucous hemangioma
Lymphangioma circumscriptum
• Fitzpatrick’s Dermatology in General medicine 9th edition; ed Atul
B. Mehta & Catherine H. Orteu;2018;2292p

• Rook’s Textbook of dermatology;9th edition;ed Christopher

G,Jonathan B,Tanya B,Robert C,Daniel C;Wiley

• Germain: Fabry disease. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 2010


• Fabry's disease-yuri A Zarate, MD Yuri A Zarate


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