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• Name ( Interviewee): Muhammad Umair Edhi
• Date of meeting: 1 November,2019
• Experience in Banking: 10 years
• Department: Human Resources
• Designation: Assistant Vice President- Team Leader, Rewards Management
• Establish Islamic banking as banking of first choice to
facilitate the implementation of an equitable
economic system, providing a strong foundation for
establishing a fair and just society for mankind.
• To be a premier Islamic bank, offering a one-stop shop
for innovative value-added products and services to our
customers within the bounds of Shariah, while optimizing
the stakeholders value through an organizational culture
based on learning, fairness, respect for individual
enterprise and performance.
• Shariah-compliance, Integrity, Professionalism,
Innovation, Service Excellence, Social Responsibility.
Staff that is committed, motivated and professionally
trained and who are empathic to their customers’
• The Bank employs more than 10,000 people in Pakistan and has a network of 690 branches
in 180 cities.
• The bank have permanent, contractual and on third party contract employees ( Runners and
tea boys)
• They do PMS on permanent & contractual employees.
• Teams working in HR are
1. HR Operations
2. Terminations
3. Employee Relationship
4. Performance, Rewards & Benefits
5. Talent Acquisition & Recruitment
6. Learning & development
• Bank is not using any digitalized system for PMS. They are running their PMS completely on
excel, even they have appraisal form design on excel
• They have the proper PMS policy
• Employees who join bank on and before 30 September are eligible for PMS
• The tool they use is Balance Score Card and Bell Curve
• The components of Balance Score card are
I. Financial
II. Customer
III. Internal Processes
IV. Learning & growth
• The Performance is evaluated on Objectives & values
• Appraisal form have 80% weightage of balance score card number 20% of othe rvalue factors
• PMS Is run through excel
• PMS starts from objective setting which is decided in the meeting with strategic unit
• Each staff member has to agree with his immediate manager at the beginning of the financial
year about the objectives to be achieved during the year and the levels of achievement.
• PDP plan is developed by Learning regional committee on recommendation of line manager
& staff
• Objectives consist of Financial/ Business and Values objectives. These objectives should be
assigned weights (importance) based upon business priorities in balance score card
• After the meeting it is the responsibility of the strategic unit to ensure that managers have
communicated the objectives to the staff.
• All the objectives and KPI’S of each departments are present in the Balance Scorecard.
• Weightages of the components of Balance score card varies from department to department
• PDP plan is developed at the time of giving objectives.
• Performance Review
Performance has to be reviewed and discussed at quarterly intervals, to enable reinforcement of positive performance to be given
or remedial actions to be taken.
• Quarterly Review
This is a formal “step-back” where the manager , strategic team and each staff member review progress against objectives
• Amend and update objectives as appropriate
• Review any reward issues as appropriate
• Discuss any important non-task issues

• Final Performance Review

This annual appraisal should therefore be a summary of these discussions and a stocktaking of progress made in terms of results
The manager conduct evaluation, then the manager discuss this with staff. It is important that both manager and staff agree to
the rating otherwise staff can challenge the rating which is dealt by employee relations team.
The manger and staff member should both have reviewed the document prior to the review meeting. During the meeting, the
manager and employee should review performance against objectives
Discuss key learning points and to identify resulting learning requirements
Consider objectives and development areas of the following year
Agree on a final performance rating and sign off the appraisal form (both manager & staff)
• After the final rating the appraisal forms routed towards HR
• HR review the forms and recommendations of the line managers. Before the final meeting
HR conduct the challenge process with business if they found irrationality in the
recommendations, as HR have to maintain the Bell Curve and budget
• Ratings are locked in the final meeting with HR Head & CEO
• Rewards are given according to the budget and ratings.
• Budget for the year is decided in Board meeting in Feb/March
• If employee is rated 4 which is inconsistent so they don’t follow any specific PIP but they kept
on rotating that employee in different functions/branches/departments. If they don’t see
any improvement then the staff have to move out.
1. Outstanding
2. Excellent
3. Good Performance
4. Inconsistent

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