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Chicken Pox

Krishna V. Gandhi
T.Y.Bsc Nursing

 Chickenpox is highly infectious diseases caused by

vericella zoster virus form of herpes virus.
 The causative agent of chicken pox is V-Z virus, a
DNA virus and also called as “human (alpha) herpes
 The source of infection is usually a case of
 Mild, highly contagious diseases chiefly affecting

 An acute contagious diseases especially of the

children that is marked by low grade fever and
formation of vesicles and that is caused by herpes
virus of the genus vericella virus.
Etiology of Chicken pox

 Steroid Therapy.
 Malignancy.
 Immunocompromised State.
 Pregnancy.
Incubation Period
•7 to 21 Days
•Man is the only Reservoir.

•The virus found in oropharyngeal secretion, lesion of

skin and mucosa.The virus can also be found in the
vesicular fluid during the virus can also be found in
first 3 days of life of illness.

•The scabs are not infective.

•The period of infectivity is mainly 1 to 2 days before

and 4 to 5 days after the appearance of rash.
•The virus usually tends to die out before pastular stage &
absent in crusts.

• The diseases is highly communicable during second attack

rate of chicken pox is very high.90% of house hold contacts.
Mode Of Transmission

 Droplet Infection.
 Direct face to face personal contact.
 By touching the Blisters, Saliva & mucus of infected
 Coughing and sneezing.
 Indirect by touching contaminated items freshly
soiled, such as clothing from an infected person.
Host Factor

 There is no age limit for this illness though majority

of the cases occurs at young children of 5-10 years of
 One attack gives durable immunity.
 Second attack of chicken pox are rare.
 Neonates are usually protected of maternal
antibodies for 1 st few months but may affect in
absence of maternal antibodies.
Pathophysiology of Chicken Pox

The causative organism varicella zoster virus enter

through the respiratory system.

Colonies in the upper Respiratory tract.

Viral replication take place in regional lymph node

our the 2 to 4 Days.
Primary viremia spreads the virus to
reticuloendothelial cell in the Spleen ,Liver.

After a week vriamia disseminates the virus

to the viscera & skin.
Clinical Feature

 1)Pre Eruptive (Predormal phase)

->Sudden onset of fever
->Back pain
-This stage may be overlooked in many cases.
 2)Eruptive phase
->Rash with Fever ->Macule ->Papule
->Vesicle -> Scab, Pastule ,Crust
 The distribution of rash is symmetrical
•Mucosal Surface including buccal, pharyngeal &
conjunctiva are generally involved.

• Axilla may be affected but palms and soal are not


• Pleomorphism
•Scabbing begins after 4 to 7 days of appearance of rash.

•Itching may be severe in pastular stage.

•Rarely the rash may become hemorrhagic and the

diseases becomes severe in patient with
immunosuppresive therapy .

•Rash appears in 2 to 4 crops and temperature rises with

each fresh crop of rash.

•The vesicles look like dew-drops and superficial, which

easily ruptured and surrounded by an area of
Diagnostic Evaluation

 Complete Medical History.

 Physical Examination.
 Virus Isolation.
 Antibody Test
Medical Management

1)Antipyretic Drug :- Relief from Itching

2)Antiviral drugs
4)Antipyretics :- to treat fever
-Avoid Aspirin
-Steroid contraindicated
5)Calamine lotion

 Superadded skin infection

1) Cellulites
2) Abscess
 Septicaemia
 Bronchopneumonia
 Encephalitis
 Secondary Neurological Problems
1)Cerebral Ataxia
2)Optic Neuritis
3)Facial Nerve palsy
•Children who have never had chickenpox can be vaccinated
at 12 to 15 month & 4 -6 year of age.

•Adolescent & adult who have never had chicken pox also
get vaccinated. The vaccine has provide to be very effective
in severe chicken pox.

•The American academy of pediatrics and family physician

recommended that the children vaccinated for chickenpox .

•A booster vaccine is recommended again at 11-12 years of

•Adult & Adolescents
-2 doses 0.5 ml each interval of 8 weeks .
Nursing Management

 Prevent Infection :-
-It can be spread by direct contact with the fluid inside
the blister.
-Wear groves to perform dressing or change the Bed
sheets or when in direct contact with the patient.
-It is spread by air borne, droplet so wear a mask to
prevent resp spread.
-Maintain oral hygiene by special mouth care with
non-irritating mouthwash & saline gargle.
-Sponge Bath with antiseptic lotion.
•Treat Itching :-
-Cut the patient finger nails short & encourage frequent hand

-Soothing skin lotion such as calamine & cool bath prevented

reduce itching.

•Others :-
-Encourage fluid & a healthy diet lesion is present inside

-Soft fluid that are easy to swallow.


 Chicken pox is usually a self limiting diseases with

good prognosis.
 In case of serious complication in immuno-
compromised it has worsened prognosis.
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