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Group Number 9
Aniket Dhanawade (301612)
Aadesh Rao (301646)
Abhishek Drode (301614)
Gifty Johnson(301620)

Under the Guidance of

Dr. Savitha Upadhya (Professor, FCRIT, Vashi)
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Fr. C. Rodrigues Institute of Technology, Vashi
November 2, 2019
Presentation Outline

1. Introduction (Problem statement and objective) (3-4)

2. Literature Survey (5)
3. Implementation (8)
4. Summary (11)
5. References (12)

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1. Introduction

1.1 Problem statement

 Cheques are extensively used for transactions in various organizations and the
details of the cheques are still manually entered in a PC.
 In present existing systems signatures are manually verified which is a time
consuming process.

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1.2 Project Objective

 To develop a system that scans a cheque and extracts the information from it
namely Date, Bank Name, Amount, Payee & Cheque Number and display all
these details in an Excel sheet.
 To develop a system that is able to verify signatures digitally.

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2. Literature Survey

2.1 Optical Character Recognition (OCR) [1]

OCR is the electronic or mechanical conversion of images of typed, handwritten or printed text into
machine-encoded text, whether from a scanned document, a photo of a document or from subtitle text
superimposed on an image.
2.2 Tesseract [1]
Python-tesseract is an optical character recognition (OCR) tool for Python which is used to recognize and
read the text embedded in images.
2.3 Open source computer vision (OpenCV) [2]
OpenCV is a library of programming functions which is used to detect and recognize faces, identify
objects, track camera movements, track moving objects, extract 3D models of objects, stitch images
together to produce a high resolution image of an entire scene, find similar images from an image

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2.4 Literature Review

 Bank Cheque Authentication using Signature [3]

 Hand written documents are the most reliable source of information. One of them is
cheque, which is a written order directing a bank to pay a particular amount of money or to
withdraw money.
 This paper explains different signature verification methods which are offline and online
signature verification methods and signature forgeries which take place on cheques.

 Offline Signature Verification and Recognition using Neural Network [4]

 The signature recognition is one of the identification techniques, which are used in our
daily life such as in the business world we sign things such as accounts and other official
 This paper covers pre-processing techniques used in image processing of the cheque which
are Normalization, Image Binarization, Data Area Croping, Thinning.

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 Handwritten Character Recognition Using Deep-Learning [5]
In this paper the handwritten character recognition process is divided into two systems.
a) Android application: The android application helps the user to click a picture of text
which is to be recognized, using their smartphone camera.
b) A server: This is the backend of their system. This server is a computer which is capable
of executing a python script.
They have used the Convolutional Neural Network Model in their system and the publicly
available NIST Dataset which contains samples of handwritten characters from thousands
of writers.

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3. Implementation

The proposed method flowchart is shown in Fig 3.1

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Fig 3.1 Flow Chart
3.2) Image acquisition

3.3) Cropped images of cheque

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3.4) Image text conversion

3.5) Converting to .csv file

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4. Summary

 The objective of the above work presented in this project is to make an automated system which will
extract information from cheques, validate the information and keep record of all the information
present. It can be used by financial institutes to reduce human efforts in verification of signature which
is done manually as well as it will keep track of all the transactions.
 In this semester, bank name, address, account number, date, amount was extracted from the cheque
using different libraries in Python like opencv and tesseract. With the help of Pandas, the data obtained
was stored in the form of excel sheet.

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5. References

1. accessed on September, 2019

3. M. Jasmine Pemeena Priyadarsini, K.Murugesan “Bank Cheque Authentication using Signature”,
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering Research
Paper, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013
4. Ankit Arora, Aakanksha S. Choubey “Offline Signature Verification and Recognition using Neural
Network”, International Journal of Science and Research, Volume 2 Issue 8, August 2013
5. Rohan Vaidya1 , Darshan Trivedi1 , Sagar Satra1 “Handwritten Character Recognition Using Deep-
Learning”, ICICCT 2018.

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