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1793 to
La Marseillaise - English lyrics
What! These foreign cohorts! We too shall enlist
Arise children of the fatherland When our elders' time has come
The day of glory has arrived They would make laws in our courts!
What! These mercenary phalanxes To add to the list of deeds
Against us tyranny's Inscribed upon their tombs
Bloody standard is raised Would cut down our warrior sons
Good Lord! By chained hands We are much less jealous of surviving
Listen to the sound in the fields them
The howling of these fearsome soldiers Our brow would yield under the yoke
The vile despots would have Than of sharing their coffins
They are coming into our midst We shall have the sublime pride
To cut the throats of your sons and themselves be
The masters of destiny Of avenging or joining them
Tremble, tyrants and traitors Drive on sacred patriotism
To arms citizens Support our avenging arms
Form your battalions The shame of all good men
Tremble! Your parricidal schemes Liberty, cherished liberty
March, march Join the struggle with your defenders
Let impure blood Will receive their just reward
Against you we are all soldiers Under our flags, let victory
Water our fields Hurry to your manly tone
If they fall, our young heroes
What do they want this horde of slaves France will bear new ones So that in death your enemies
Of traitors and conspiratorial kings? Ready to join the fight against you See your triumph and our glory!
For whom these vile chains
These long-prepared irons? Frenchmen, as magnanimous warriors
Frenchmen, for us, ah! What outrage Bear or hold back your blows
What methods must be taken? Spare these sad victims
It is us they dare plan That they regret taking up arms against
To return to the old slavery! us
But not these bloody despots
These accomplices of Bouille
All these tigers who pitilessly
Ripped out their mothers' wombs
Early Years 1793-1799 THE General
Napoleon Bonaparte:
1793 - Drove British out of France forever
1796 - Was sent by The Directory to North
Italy across the Alps and defeated the
Austrian army.
1797 - Forced peace with Austria
1798 - In Egypt: Attempts to cut off British
trade in Asia by taking Egypt and putting his
navy in charge of the Mediterranean and the
Red seas
- Is beaten by Admiral Horatio Nelson BUT
no one in France learns of the defeat b/c he
sent spies to stop stories of the loss to
1799 – French scientists & historians in
Egypt discover the Rosetta Stone, the key to
reading hieroglyphics but the British take it
Napoleon in 1794 sketch
in 1801 after defeating Napoleon’s army
Glory Years 1799 – 1803 RULER - Consul
RULER: Glory Years 1799 - 1802 Consul
1799 - The Consulate Years:
1799 – Napoleon seizes control of the
government in a coup d’etat.
1799 - Napoleon gets rid of The Directory
and replaces it with a 3-man Consul and a
4th constitution is written which makes him
1st Consul or a virtual dictator by 1801
1800 - Napoleon forces Spain to hand over
Louisiana in America; he intends to infiltrate
North America and eventually conquer it
1802 - Under a 5th Constitution, Napoleon
makes himself 1st Consul for Life or an
absolute ruler for life
1802 – Absolute Ruler: 1. Sets up a legislature which has no authority;
2. sets up representative institutions which have no power; 3.
introduces censorship of the press; 4. appoints judges & strengthens
police; 5. improves education;6. makes all executive decisions
1803 - sells Louisiana to the US for $15 million
Glory Years 1802 - 1804
1804 - crowns himself
Emperor Napoleon I to make title hereditary
1804 – The Napoleonic Code is a Civil Code that
gave post-revolutionary France its 1st cohesive set of
laws re: property, colonial affairs, the family, etc.
It called for: equality for all citizens; abolishing
feudalism; promoting religious tolerance; men have
authority over families; women have no rights as citizens;
slavery restored in colonies
Glory Years 1805 General
Napoleon plans to Conquer Europe
1805 - Napoleon used economic warfare, the
Continental System in which he closed all European
ports using a naval blockade to prevent British ships
from entering the ports
Britain retaliated w/ its own blockade to stop neutral
ships bound for France and send them to Britain to be
searched – British navy was more successful
1805 - Russia, Austria, & Sweden declare WAR on
1805 - France defeats Austria/Russia at the Battle of
Austerlitz*** & forces them and Prussia to join to the
Continental System

1805- The Battle of Trafalgar between the French and British navies at the entrance to
the Mediterranean Sea is a win for Admiral Nelson again! France loses and Britain stays
#1 in world trade for the next 100 years
1807- Russia needed manufactured goods from Great Britain so it secretly imported
them and ignored the blockades and undermined the Continental System
More War Years 1808 -
1812 General Bonaparte
1808 - Napoleon invaded Spain to get to
Portugal to force the Continental System on it;
The Spanish fight back, using guerilla warfare
and beat Napoleon.
1811- 600,000 troops from 20 nations form the
French army called the GRAND ARMY, the
largest military force ever assembled to date.
1812 – The only areas not under France are:
Britain, Portugal, Sweden, and Ottoman Empire
Napoleon invades Russia with 420,000
Grand Army. Tsar Alexander I orders Russians
to retreat using the scorched earth policy
Russian troops set Moscow on fire before
French take it; French leave; retreat causes
deaths by cold, starvation
Retreat from Russia
1813 - Napoleon arrives in Paris while his
troops finish the 1000 mile walk from
Moscow; 20,000 survive
1813- British Duke of Wellington defeats
French in Spain; Prussia declares war on
France; Battle of the Nations - Russia,
Prussia, Britain, and Austria defeat
French at Battle of Leipzig
1814 - Napoleon abdicates
Napoleon exiled to Elba Island
Louis 18th takes throne
1814 - Congress of Vienna starts to
discuss peace, the balance of power,
protect monarchies,& to draw new map
of Europe

Glory Years 1813 - 1814

1814 - Napoleon Abdicates
1815 - Napoleon Returns
1815 – The 100 Days - Return of the GENERAL

March 1815 – Napoleon escapes from

Elba and enters Paris to begin his
"Hundred Days" rule [which lasted 94
days because days were measured in
metric measurements back then]. He
puts together a 100,000 man army.
King Louis XVIII flees.
British and Prussians gather in Belgium
to confront Napoleon one last time
Waterloo and Goodbye Napoleon
June 18, 1815 – the Battle of Waterloo is a 1
day battle in Belgium with 68,000 British troops
under the Duke of Wellington vs. 105,000
French troops under Napoleon;
The British were losing but 89,000 Prussian
troops arrived &helped to defeat Napoleon.
Wellington fought his
last battle at Waterloo.
He became a hero, all Napoleon fled to Paris
over Europe. He was
head of troops during the
occupation of France and He abdicated for a 2nd time on June 22
advocated a non-punish
peace deal. He
organized loans to He was exiled St. Helena Island
restore French finances
and oversaw the
in the mid-Atlantic.
withdrawal of troops after
3 years. He returned to
Britain in 1818 and
Treaty of Paris is signed in November
became Prime Minister in
in 1815. He dies on the island in 1821.
After Napoleon: The Congress of Vienna
WHO Attend: 5 great powers: Prussia, Russia, Austria, Great Britain,
Main Goal: Stability - restore the balance of power
Secondary Goal: prevent future French aggression by surrounding
France with strong countries.
France’s area is reduced to her frontier borders of 1789.
Belgium, Luxembourg, and Netherlands are countries &
become buffer countries.
39 German states are loosely joined as a newly
created German Confederation, dominated by Austria.
Switzerland is an
independent state. Ruling
families return to power in France, Spain, and parts of Italy
Atlantic Slave Trade is outlawed. All agree, only Britain did anything to
stop it.
OTHER: France had to pay an indemnity of 700 million francs and
pay for an occupation army [British and Prussian] in seventeen

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