Cloud Based Services Technology Plan and Business Plan

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Ahmed Bahey
Ayman Amin
Esraa Ali
Karim El Gammal
Ramy Omar Ibrahim

 Core Business Idea

 What Is Already There
 Regional totals for R&D Expenditure
 Vision & Mission &Values
 Competencies
 SWOT Analysis
 Business strategy
 Initiatives of the business strategy
 Technology Strategy
 How to Maintain a Competitive Edge?
 Marketing strategy
 Case Studies
Core Business Idea

 The idea is to allow researchers who are in sake of computational power

to gain it without huge add cost to their research labs and institutes.

 Provide the researchers with the computational power, tools and

consultancy needed to establish their scientific experiments through a
web based service.

 Scientists from many different fields will use that service in order to
advance their research, including:
 Biotechnology , Chemistry
 Nanotechnology,
 Particle & Nuclear physics,
 Astrophysics, and gravitational-wave science
Test Bed

Company Open Clouds of Google/IBM EGEE Open TerraGrid PlanetLab EmuLab Open Cloud Amazon EC2 LANL/NSF
Name Science Grid Magellan Cirrus Consortium cluster

Type of Examine Data- Fields as System Scientific Systems and Systems Interoperabi Commercial Enterprise
Research scientists intensive diverse as high and applications services lity across use systems
cloud application energy physics, services and research clouds using
computing research earth and life open APIs
Approach/ Open cloud Open Computing A cluster Multi-site A collection A single-site Multi-Site Raw access Re-use of
Distributed services for source- support of hetereo of nodes cluster with heterogeneo to virtual LANL’s
Service Computing scientific based infrastructure serveral clusters hosted by flexible us clusters machines retiring
computing developmen for over 10,000 hundred super research control clusters
t tools researchers computer computing institutes
world-wide, s
-Computers from supported
networked by google
together and IBM

Partners NSF and DOE IBM, Google, HP, Intel, Many univ. Many univ. Univ. of 4 centers Amazon Carnie
Stanford, IDA, KIT, and and Utah Mellon U,
organization organization LANL, NSF
U. UIUC, s s
Washington, Yahoo!
Market US US US EU US US Global Global US Global US
Cost Commercial Not Det. Not Free, Not Det. Not Det. Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial
Yet upon
with univ.
Regional totals for R&D Expenditure (GERD)
and Researchers, 2002 and 2007*

GERD, researchers data and related indicators: UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) estimations, May 2009.
GDP: World Bank (World Development Indicators, as of February 2009), and UIS estimations.
Population: United Nations Population Division; World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision, and UIS estimations.
% GERD World
* Ref: Data Center, UIS : UNESCO Institute for Statistics 

Boosting Innovation…with maximum power


Providing processing capabilities, software and

expertise to scientific researchers in an integrated
web solution accessible from everywhere.

Maintain superiority delivering our customer needs

with continuous development.

Dedication to every client's success

Incremental Progress & Long-term focus
Team Work
Respect for individuals

 First to provide 3 services

 Technical consultancy
 Variety of scientific modeling Tools
 Ever-growing processing power
 Accessible from everywhere
 Unique in delivering consultancy service to developing
countries market
SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses

1. Tailored programming 1. Upstarting company

2. Expertise in emerging fields as 2. Stage of building competencies
nanotechnology and molecular
3. Integrated web solution
(hardware, tailored software,
4. Continuous program development
5. Leader in local market
Opportunities • Focus on emerging technologies • Focus on emerging technologies (W1,
(S2,O2) W2, S2)
1.Wide market • Develop a market plan focusing on • Market the idea of integrated web
2.Low competition in emerging integrated web solution (S2,O3) solution (W1, O3, O4)
technologies • Continuous development of expertise
3.High purchasing cost (S1,S4,S3,O4)
4.Need for expertise • Adaptation of software to customers (
5.Various needs S1, S2, O5)
Threats • Develop service in a competitive • Rapid development of competencies
quality and price (S2, T1, T2) and expertise (W2, T1, T2)
1.Foreign competition • Market the benefits of integrated web • Development of a well defined
2.Established consultancy firms solution (S2, S3, S4, T1, T2) strategy and well known brand (W1,
3.New local firms • Form a solid experience of the know T1, T2, T3)
how of program development (S4, T1,
T2, T3)
Business strategy

Focus on services for emerging technologies

Continuous development of expertise

Compete with price while maintaining quality

Rapid development of competencies and solutions

Make a well-known brand

Ensure the security & legitimacy of data and procedures

Initiatives of the business strategy

Focus on emerging technologies

 Hire experts in emerging technologies as nanotechnology and
molecular dynamics…etc
 Purchase software of these technologies

Continuous development of expertise

 Organize training courses to develop necessary expertise
 Continuous research of how to customize software to customers

Compete with price while maintaining quality

 Optimize price to be competitive in foreign and local markets while
maintaining quality
Initiatives of the business strategy

Rapid development of competencies and solutions

 Develop skills and provide customized solutions as soon as
possible to compete with existing competitors

Ensure the security & legitimacy of data and

procedures respectively
 Hire consultants to sustain the legitimacy of procedures and
security of customers’ data
Growth Plan

Combine open source libraries

Build the interface
Reach the market
Get all available libraries (partner ship with available
modeling & simulation companies)
Build our own libraries
Build our own cloud
Conquer the market
Technology Strategy Target

Provide a custom Simulation and Modeling

interface across many independently managed
computing and storage clusters.
Technology Strategy
”Evaluating Alternatives”
Technology Strategy
”Evaluating Alternatives”

Grid Computing
Technology Strategy
”Evaluating Alternatives”

Cloud Computing

On-demand resource provisioning

Capturing the Potential of Cloud Computing

Enables Customization
Reduces Cost (Pay as you go)
Secure (Centralized)
Supports Green IT (Efficient Utilization)
How to Maintain a Competitive Edge?

Continuous development and training

Provide an in-house infrastructure
Adapt to the latest high processing technology
Provide the Service on internet2
Tactical Initiatives for Tech. Strategy

 Continuous development and training

 Having an R&D department
 Developing strategic alliances with different partners
 Having a team of professional sim & mod solutions consultants and
 Provide an in-house infrastructure
 Hosting our own cloud
 Building our own security system
 Adapt to the latest high processing technology (ex.
Quantum Computing)
 Directing research to promising high processing technology
 Fast adoption of the latest technological trends in the field
 Meet the high-performance demands of research
 Hosting our services on internet2
SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses

1. Tailored programming 1. Upstarting company

2. Expertise in emerging fields as 2. Stage of building competencies
nanotechnology and molecular
3. Integrated web solution
(hardware, tailored software,
4. Continuous program development
5. Leader in local market
Opportunities • Focus on emerging technologies • Focus on emerging technologies (W1,
(S2,O2) W2, S2)
1.Wide market • Develop a market plan focusing on • Market the idea of integrated web
2.Low competition in emerging integrated web solution (S2,O3) solution (W1, O3, O4)
technologies • Continuous development of expertise
3.High purchasing cost (S1,S4,S3,O4)
4.Need for expertise • Adaptation of software to customers (
5.Various needs S1, S2, O5)
Threats • Develop service in a competitive • Rapid development of competencies
quality and price (S2, T1, T2) and expertise (W2, T1, T2)
1.Foreign competition • Market the benefits of integrated web • Development of a well defined
2.Established consultancy firms solution (S2, S3, S4, T1, T2) strategy and well known brand (W1,
3.New local firms • Form a solid experience of the know T1, T2, T3)
how of program development (S4, T1,
T2, T3)
Marketing strategy
Marketing strategy

 Brand the product “S&M it”
 Competitive online web solution with the highest processing power
built by experts
 Creating Market pull
 Partnerships with Universities and Research Institutes
 Organizing conferences in the simulation tools fields
 Fund research projects
 Partner ship with simulation and modeling companies.
 Competitive price offering all available and newly developed libraries
with competitive price keeping quality standards
Marketing strategy

 Place
 Online for access
 Market segment (Research Institutions & Universities, Developing
 Research Institutions and companies
 Attract customers by showing the benefits of the integrated web solution
 Express uniqueness by pointing to the expertise, high quality service and competitive
 keeping customers aware of promotions on the web interface.
 Partnerships with Universities and Research Institutes
 Organizing conferences in the simulation tools fields

 Developing countries
 Competitive price is important
 Advertise by campaigns, special offers and seminars in universities and
research institutions
Case Studies

Google Docs
Antivirus Engines
Google & Sakai

 Case for software as a service

 What Sakai users wanted to do
 Create documents in a user-friendly environment
 Store documents in a central location
 Share documents easily with classes and groups managed in their
enterprise online learning platform
 What they did
 Used the rSmart Sakai CLE online learning platform to save costs and
take control of their technology
 Integrated Google Docs with the Sakai CLE to streamline sharing without
the hassle of managing user access
 What they achieved
 Cost-efficient content management, collaboration, and online learning
 Seem less integration between key enterprise platforms
Websense Filtering Engines

Case for showing the power of integration & partner


Group multiple filtering engines in one solution

Managed to be the best filtering software for its
Users are sure any updates will reach them the
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