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Monday, April 15, 2019
1. Separating elements in a list
◦ Yesterday I bought carrots, apples, oranges and peas.
◦ This store specializes in rock, pop, and stoner.
2. Vocatives
◦ Hello, John. How are you?
◦ Good afternoon, mister.
What is the difference?
Call, John


Call John.
3. Before fanboys
1. Last week I visited my friends, for I wanted to see them.
2. Neither my mother, nor my father likes to dance.
3. I am hungry, so I will eat.
4. After connectives
◦However, many people disagree with the notion
of […]
◦Consequently, the amount of vitamins present in
5. To separate dependent clauses
from independent ones

◦ After she walked into the room, the lights went off.
◦ If you call me after midnight, I will never answer.
What are dependent and
independent clauses?
Dependent clause Independent clause
◦After she walked
into the room,
What are dependent and
independent clauses?
Dependent clause Independent clause
◦ A dependent clause is a group of ◦ An independent clause is
words that also contains a subject
and a verb, but it is not a complete a group of words that
thought. Because it is not a can stand on its own as
complete thought, a dependent
clause cannot stand on its own as
a sentence: it has a
a sentence; it is dependent on subject, a verb, and is a
being attached to an independent complete thought.
clause to form a sentence.
What are dependent and
independent clauses?
Dependent clauses Independent clauses
1. Because I woke up late 1. I run every morning.
this morning… (what
happened?) 2. Summer is my favorite
2. When we arrived in season.
class… (what occurred?)
3. If my neighbor does not 3. It’s cold today.
pay his rent on time…
(what will happen?)
5. To separate dependent clauses
from independent ones

◦ After she walked into the room, the lights went off.
◦ If you call me after midnight, I will never answer.
What are dependent and
independent clauses?
Dependent clause Independent clause
1. After she walked into 1. the lights went off.
the room, 2. I will never answer.
2. If you call me after
The semicolon
◦ Using the semicolon
can be tricky, as
sometimes many
people have no idea
where to place it;
however, the following
slides will explain 4 main
1. Semicolons connect related
independent sentences
1. I ordered a vegan cheeseburger for lunch; life’s too
short for counting calories.
2. Money is the root of all evil; I don’t believe the reverse
is necessarily true.
3. Martha has gone to the library; Andrew has gone to
play soccer.
2. Delete the Conjunction
When You Use a Semicolon
◦I saw a magnificent albatross, and it was
eating a mouse.

◦I saw a magnificent albatross; it was eating

a mouse.
3. Use Semicolons in a Serial List

1. I need the weather statistics for the following cities:

London, England; London, Ontario; Paris, France;
Paris, Ontario; Perth, Scotland; Perth, Ontario.
2. My plan included taking him to a nice—though not
necessarily expensive—dinner; going to the park to
look at the stars, which, by the way, are amazing this
time of year; and serenading him with my accordion.
4. Use Semicolons With
Conjunctive Adverbs
1. I needed to go for a walk and get some fresh air; also, I
needed to buy milk.
2. Reports of the damage caused by the hurricane were greatly
exaggerated; indeed, the storm was not a “hurricane” at all.
3. The students had been advised against walking alone at night;
however, Cathy decided walking wasn’t dangerous if it was
early in the evening.
4. I’m not all that fond of the colors of tiger lilies; moreover, they
don’t smell very good.
there are many reasons why cycling every
day might be beneficial for you first by
exercising regularly your body burns fat
and stays healthy second when you cycle
every day you avoid traffic jams and you
can go faster to university or school (or
even to your job!) third less pollution will be
produced fewer cars will be in the streets
all in all riding a bicycle can be very
There are many reasons why cycling every
day might be beneficial for you. First, by
exercising regularly, your body burns fat
and stays healthy. Second, when you
cycle every day, you avoid traffic jams,
and you can go faster to university or
school (or even to your job!). Third, less
pollution will be produced; fewer cars will
be in the streets. All in all, riding a bicycle
can be very helpful.

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