My Powerpoint Presentation On The Political Organisation of The TKM

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My PowerPoint

on the Political
organisation of
the TKM
What is a political organization?

 A political organization is any organisaion that involve in

to political process.
 For example : Jamaica Labour party (JLP)

Political Organization of the Tainos

The Tainos leader were

acknowledge by the name The Cacique was a religious
cacique , his position was leader and also a
hereditary (inherit leader judge. The cacique was
poistion from ancestors) , he helped by nobles or
was honoured with the best nitayanos .
food and several wives.
Continuation  Taíno society was textured and varied, but also
of the tainos ordered. In any Taíno society, people existed
within a hierarchical structure. At the very top
were a class of noble rulers and priests. The
political priest of a Taíno village was called
the bohiques.
Below this ruling class was a class of lower nobles, including the
professional warriors. These people were known as nitaínos. Below
them were the naborias, the workers. Everyone in Taíno society fit
somewhere in this hierarchy and had a job to do.
There were also hierarchies of power between the different Taíno
villages. We have to remember that there was no single Taíno
kingdom or country, but instead groupings of dozens to hundreds of
politically independent villages. Often, several of these villages
would come together under a single ruler that occupied a position
even higher than that of the caciques of each member village. This
alliance helped make them politically, militarily, and economically
Images of Tainos reconstructed

Continuation on the political
organizaion of the kalinagos
 The leader Ouboutou was acknowledge as the"Great Captain".
 His duties was to :
 1. Decide when to raid or attack
 2. Held council meetings in the carbet
 3. Lead victory celebrations

 Below the ouboutou was the Tibutuli , They were lesser governors
, their duty was to ruled in the time of peace.
 Below the Tibutuli was the Boyez , they were priest , their duty was to:
1. performed religious activites. 2. trained boys to become priests ,
3.cared for the gods
 The chief was called ouboutu. This position was attained
by the head of the largest family. Physical strength was
Images of kalinagos home
the Maya had a well-developed political system and demonstrated a stable political
Thus, each state had a principle leader named"Ahaw", or king. Just below them were the
Batab, who were rulers of small towns and had social, religious, and military duties. They had
no salary, but they had the power to preside over a local council of officials called Ah Cuch
The so-called"Ah Kuleloob"were directly under the Batab and acted as their delegates,
and whose main responsibilities were to ensure that orders from their superiors were
Inthe lower part of the city's state power were the policemen, or also called"Tupiles"who
were in charge of maintaining peace and order in the city.
Under the king, the nobles were subdivided into two groups called"Ahkinoob"who formed
the clergy and"Almehenob"who were important warriors and wealthy farmers.
Images of maya buildings/ homes

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