FR & SR An Overview

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An Overview

Prepared by: Savithri S Mani

What are the different types of pay
Pay – comprehensive – includes
substantive pay, special pay, personal pay
and other emoluments
Substantive pay – pay to which a gs is
entitled on his appointment substantively
or by reason of his substantive position in
Presumptive pay - means the pay to which
a gs would be entitled, presuming that he
held the post substantively and was
performing its duties. It includes special
pay only if he performs or discharges the
work or responsibility
Basic pay – different stages of pay in the
pay scale at which pay will be fixed.
Personal Pay – for protecting from loss – personal
Special pay – arduous nature of duties or specific
addition of work – attached to the post – is taken into
account for calculating of encashment of leave, licence
fee and in certain circumstances for fixation of pay
Compensatory allowance – given to meet personal
expenditure due to special circumstances
Subsistence allowance – monthly allowance granted to a
gs – equal to half pay leave salary – can be increased or
decreased by 50%
Officiating Pay – Pay drawn while a GS officiates
in a post, I.e. when he performs the duties of a
post on which another person holds a lien.
Overseas pay – Pay granted to a Government
servant in consideration of the fact that he is
serving in a country other than the country of his
Reemployment – appointment after retirement
Extension of Service – extension of the service in
the same cadre / post beyond the date of
Apprentice – a person recruited for training with
a view to future employment – service does not
count for increment – only entitled to hpl on mc
for one month and EoL
Probationer - a person appointed with definite
conditions of service like departmental exam –
service is counted for increment. Increment is
not granted during the period of probation
A person on probation – he holds a post on
substantive basis and is appointed to another
post. Entitled for pay fixation – Draws increment
Fee is a recurring or non-recurring payment to a
government servant as remuneration for service
done by him for a private person or body or for a
public body including a body administering a
local fund from a source other than the
consolidated fund of India / state / union
territory. Unless specially exempted by
Government where the fees exceed Rs. 1500/-
(in a FY)one-third is to be credited to Govt. (the
amount retained should not fall below Rs. 1500)
Honorarium – is a recurring or non-
recurring payment granted to a
government servant from the consolidated
fund of India / State / Union Territory as
remuneration for a special work of an
occasional or intermittent character.
Government do not have any share in the
case of honorarium.
(FR 9 (6-A), 9(9) and SR 12)
Identical Scale – minimum, maximum, the
period and the rate of increments are
identical – duties and responsibilities
attached to the posts are not taken into
Same time scale – scales are identical,
they fall within a cadre or a class in a
cadre, - duties and responsibilities are of
similar character or degree
Foreign Service – paid from a source other
than Consolidated Fund of India / State /
Deputation out of India – Posted
temporarily for duty out of India but paid
from Consolidated Fund of India / State /
Temporary Post is a post carrying a definite rate
of pay sanctioned for a limited period and a
person can be appointed against that post to
perform its duties.
Supernumerary post is a permanent post
created in an abstract form simply to
accommodate the lien of a Government servant.
Later it is abolished
Tenure post – is a permanent post (sanctioned
without limit on its existence) but individual can
hold it for a limited period
Define Duty
Duty means the period during which a GS
performs the duties of a post.
– Service as a Probationer / apprentice –
followed by confirmation
– Joining time
– During instruction or training in India
– Even during interval if to be appointed later
Define Lien
‘Lien’ means the right / title of GS to hold a
regular post, whether permanent or temporary,
either immediately or on the termination of the
periods of absence.
A GS retains a lien:
– While performing duties
– While on foreign service or holding a temporary post
or officiating in another post
– During joining time
– While on leave
– While under suspension
Service Book
Contemporary record in minute details
To be maintained for every GS except for
those recruited against purely temporary
vacancies not likely to last for more than a
year and not eligible for permanence
Must be maintained from the date of his
first appointment and to be transferred
with him
Service Book
– Every step in the GS’s official life
– Every period of suspension, interruption, etc. with its
– Reduction to lower post, with reasons;
– Certificate of annual verification of services; and
– The fact of availing Leave Travel Concession for
himself and / or for his family
– To be attested by HOD or by an officer authorised by
Service Book
Statements / Declarations etc.
– Electing scale of pay and statements of fixation of
initial pay in the relevant scales of pay
– Certificate of medical fitness obtained at the time of
initial entry in GS
– Declaration of details of family obtained under Rs. 54
(12) of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972
– Home town declaration furnished by the GS
– All nominations in respect of DCRG, Group Insurance
Scheme etc.
Service Book
Service book to be shown to GS every year and
his signature obtained
When transferred to a foreign service and
transfer back, SB has to be sent to Accounts
Officer for noting down the details.
Photograph of the GS has to be affixed on the
first page.
Only copy of SB to be given to GS on
retirement, resignation or discharge etc.
Joining Time
Transfer in Public interest
Distance from old HQ to new HQ
Within same station & no change of residence 1
No JT for temp transfer not exceeding 180 days.
Actual transit time will be admissible.
Unavailed JT to be credited to EL on order to join
before lapse of JT or when he is taking his family
subsequently within the time limit. (1 m before
relieving or 6 months after relieving. Can be
extended in deserving cases)
Joining Time
Distance (in JT Admissible Involves road
Kilometers) journey for
more than 200
1000 or less 10 days 12 days

1001-2000 12 “ 15 “

Above 2000 *15 “ 15 “

* Only 12 days, if the journey is performed by air

Joining Time
No credit to EL if the JT of one day is
admissible from transfer and the same is
not available.
JT can be combined with leave of any kind
and any duration, except CL
Holidays cannot be prefixed. But if
holiday(s) follow(s) JT, it shall be deemed
to have been extended to cover such
Joining Time
JT treated as duty and pay & allowances at old
If increment falls during the period of JT, the
enhanced pay will be drawn only on joining duty
JT may be extended upto 30 days by HOD and
beyond 30 days by departments of GOI
Fresh spell of JT if again transferred while in
JT commences on the same day if forenoon and
if afternoon the next day
Joining Time
Penalty for overstayal
– No pay or leave salary
– Period – dies non
– Period will not count for pension or for
– Willful absence to be treated as misbehaviour
under FR 15. Action to be taken under the
relevant discipline rules.
Date of Birth
Declare at the time of entry – Matriculation
certificate or Municipal Birth certificate
Or declare approximate age or year or month and
year of birth
Assumed date of birth
– If approx. age only – the number of years representing
the age declared to be deduced and assumed date
arrived at
– If the year of birth only is declared, assumed date will be
1st July of the year
– If the month and the year are declared, assumed date
will be 16th of that month of the year
Date of Birth
Entry of DOB to be made in service records
Normally cannot be altered except for clerical
error. Else prior order of HOD required
Subsequent alteration – sanction of Ministry /
– Written request within five years of his entry in to
Government service
– Genuine bona fide mistake had occurred
– The change would not make him ineligible to appear
in the examinations and entry to GS
– Belated claims to be rejected.
Change of Name
Addition / deletion or change in name / surname.
– Deed in the prescribed form to be executed
– To be advertised in prominent local newspaper as well
as Gazette of India
– Submit copy of deed, ad & notification
– Changed will be entered in service records
Addition / change in surname on account of
marriage / remarriage of a female GS – only
intimation with details
Reversion to maiden name on divorce / death of
husband of Female GS – only intimation & request
Generally to be accepted
– Alternative arrangements may take time
– Vigilance case is pending
If it is cheaper to the public exchequer and the
case do not involve moral turpitude or the evidence
is not strong, may consider accepting – approval of
HOD (Gr. C & D) – Minister (Gr. A & B)
To be accepted by Appointing authority
Effective Date - Competent authority to
– The date from which alternative arrangements
can be made; or
– If on leave – either immediately or on
termination of leave
– Where notice is prescribed, leave may be
counted towards notice period
Resignation - Withdrawal
Before it becomes effective – deemed to be
automatically withdrawn
Accepted but GS not relieved – normally to be
allowance otherwise reasons to be given in
After it has become effective
– Resignation was tended under compelling
circumstances and there is a material change in the
– Do not reflect on his integrity, efficiency or conduct
Resignation - Withdrawal
– That the conduct of the person was in no way
improper during the period from the date on which the
resignation became effective to the date of request for
– That the period of absence from duty between the
date on which the resignation became effective and
the date on which the person is allowed to resume
duty is not more than 90 days;
– That the period of absence from duty between the
date on which the resignation became effective and
the date on which the person is allowed to resume
duty is not more than 90 days
Resignation - Withdrawal
That the post which was vacated by the GS on
the acceptance of the resignation or any other
comparable post, is available
That the GS did not resign his post with a view
to taking up an appointment in a private
commercial company, or public sector
undertaking / body controlled and financed by
the Government
The acceptance order will include condonation
of interruption in service but the period will not
qualify for service.
Medical Certificate of Health -
A GS recruited through a competitive exam
A temporary GS when transferred
A retired GS on reemployment immediately
A GS appointed in a temp vacancy for a period
not exceeding three months
A person reemployed after resignation provided
he has been certified fit according to medical
standards not lower than those required for his
new post.
Unauthorised absence
Unauthorised absence not covered by
grant of leave will constitute interruption in
service entailing forfeiture of past service
for the purpose of pension.
Requires condonation by the appointing
authority which should be considered by it
suo moto
Only individual cases will be treated as
dies non
Unauthorised absence
Unauthorised absence will be treated as break in
– During a strike declared illegal – industrial
– Acting in combination or in concerted manner, such as
during a strike of other employees
– Remaining absent unauthorisedly or deserting a post –
by an individual employee
– Strike includes a general, token, sympathetic or similar
strike and participation in a bandh or similar activities
Attendant disabilities
Dies non – period will be counted out for
increment, leave and pension
Break in service – ineligibility to LTC, to appear
in departmental examination etc.
Will not affect special pay, allowances and
promotion through DPC
For the purpose of pension, to be condoned by
Order imposing Break In.Service to be issued
after giving opportunity
Unauthorised absence in
continuation of leave
Will be debited against half pay leave
account. Excess if any will be treated as
No leave salary
Will also render to disciplinary action
treating as misconduct.
Dies Non
When the official remains absent from duty
without prior information
When on duty in office, the official leaves
the office without proper permission; and
The official remains in office, but refuses
to perform duty assigned to him
Dies non can not be marked for late

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