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Prof. C.V.Reddy, Ph.D


Table of Contents
Sources of Biomass
Various types of Bio Fuels
Conversion Technologies
Wet Processes
Dry Processes
Biogas Generation & types
Aerobic & Anaerobic Digestion
Factors Affecting Generation of Biogas
Classification of Biogas Plants
Different Indian Digesters
Digester Design Considerations
Gasification Process- Gasifiers- Applications

Biomass is organic matter produced by plants, both

terrestrial, aquatic and their derivatives. Biomass
can be considered a renewable energy source
because plant life renews & adds to itself every

Solar energy-photosynthesis –Biomass- energy conversion

• Bioenergy is energy contained in living or recently living biological organisms
• Organic material containing bioenergy is known as biomass
• Biofuels are renewable transport fuels including:
– Bioethanol
– Biodiesel
– Biogas
– Biobutanol
Biomass is the largest renewable energy source in use today.
There are two main forms of biomass:
Raw biomass consists of forestry products, grasses, crops, animal manure,
and aquatic products, such as kelp and seaweed.
Secondary biomass is material that comes from raw biomass, but has
undergone significant changes. These would include items such as paper,
cardboard, cotton, natural rubber products and used cooking oils.
Photosynthesis Process

Photosynthesis is a
chemical process
that converts
carbon dioxide into
especially sugars,
using the energy
from sunlight.
Sources of Biomass
• Biomass is biological organic matter derived from living or
recently-living organisms
• Bioenergy is the energy contained (stored) in biomass
• Biomass is an extremely important energy source, available
nearly everywhere
• Biomass encompasses a large variety of materials, including
wood from various sources, agricultural and industrial residues,
and animal and human waste
• Two forms of biomass :
Raw: forestry products, grasses, crops, animal manure, and
aquatic products (seaweed).
Secondary: materials that undergone significant changes from
raw biomass. Paper, cardboard, cotton, natural rubber products,
and used cooking oils.
Various Types of Bio Fuels

The energy stored in dry biomass like wood & straw is most
easily released by direct combustion or it can be converted into
liquid & gaseous fuels by a variety of techniques.
Wood Straw
Municipal refuses
Liquids ( Alcohols& vegetable oils Methanol &
Gases etc
Conversion Technologies

A wide verity of conversion technologies are available for

manufacturing premium fuels from biomass.
Each biomass resources-wood, dung, vegetable waste can
be treated in many different ways to provide a wide spectrum
of useful products.
The choice of the process is determined by a number of facts-
the location of the resources & its physical conditions, the
economics of competing process & availability of a suitable
market for the product.
Conversion Technologies

Biomass Conversion
Biomass Conversion

Direct Thermo chemical Biochemical

combustion Conversion conversion

Gasification Liquefaction

Digestion fermentation
Conversion Technologies Contd…
Thermo-chemical Conversion
1.Gasification- takes place by heating the biomass with limited oxygen to
produce low heating value gas or by reacting it with steam & oxygen at high
pressure & temperature to produce medium heating value gas.

2. Liquefaction- by converting it to methanol (methyl alcohol CH3OH)

ethanol (ethyl alcohol CH3CH2OH) or converted to high heating value gas.

3. Pyrolysis-
A wide range of energy-rich fuels can be produced by roasting dry woody
matter like straw and woodchips. The process has been used for centuries
to produce charcoal. The material is pulverized or shredded then fed into a
reactor vessel and heated in the absence of air.

Pyrolysis can also be carried out in the presence of a small quantity of

oxygen ('gasification'), water ('steam gasification') or hydrogen
('hydrogenation'). One of the most useful products is methane, which is a
suitable fuel for electricity generation using high-efficiency gas turbines.
Biochemical Conversion

1. Anaerobic digestion involves the microbial

digestion of biomass. The process takes place at
low temperature up to 60oC & requires a moisture
content of at least 80%, and generates a gas
consisting of CO2 & methane (CH4).

2. Fermentation is the breakdown of complex

molecules in organic compound under influence
of a ferment such as Yeast, bacteria, enzymes etc.
Wet Processes
The wet processes are: Anaerobic Digestion, Gasification & Fermentation

• Anaerobic digestion is a biochemical conversion process that occurs in

the absence of oxygen and consists of the demolition, by micro-organisms, of
complex organic substances (lipids, proteins, glucides) contained in vegetal and
animal by-products, which produces a gas (biogas) made of methane (50-70%)
and the rest is mainly CO2 and has an average heating value of 23,000 kJ/m3.
• The resulting biogas is collected, dried, compressed and stored, and can be
used as a fuel to feed gas boilers and produce heat (also coupled with turbines
for the production of electric energy), or to feed combined-cycle plants, or
internal combustion motors (boat engines with a low number of turns are
suitable for this).
• At the end of the effluent fermentation process the main nutritional elements that
were already present in the raw material are kept intact (nitrogen, phosphorus,
potassium), by favoring the mineralization of organic nitrogen. The effluent
results to be an excellent fertilizer.
• Anaerobic digestion plants can be fed through residues with a high humidity
content, like animal faeces, civil waste (waste water), food waste and the organic
fraction of urban solid waste.
Wet Processes-Aerobic digestion

• Aerobic digestion is the metabolization of organic

substances through micro-organisms, whose
development depends on the presence of
oxygen. These bacteria convert complex
substances into simple ones, releasing CO2 and
H2O and highly warming up the substrate,
according to their metabolic activity. The
resulting heat can then be transferred outside,
through fluid heat exchangers. In Europe the
aerobic digestion system is used to treat waste
Dry Processes
• The dry processes are: Combustion and Pyrolysis

The most obvious way of extracting energy from biomass, the technology of direct
combustion is well understood, straightforward and commercially available. Combustion
systems come in a wide range of shapes and sizes burning virtually any kind of fuel, from
chicken manure and straw bales to tree trunks, municipal refuse and scrap tyres. Some
of the ways in which heat from burning wastes is currently used include space and water
heating, industrial processing and electricity generation. One problem with this method is
its very low efficiency. With an open fire most of the heat is wasted and is not used to
cook or whatever. One method of improving this in developing countries is to build stoves
out of mud and scrap iron.

A wide range of energy-rich fuels can be produced by roasting dry woody matter like
straw and woodchips. The process has been used for centuries to produce charcoal.
The material is pulverized or shredded then fed into a reactor vessel and heated in the
absence of air. Pyrolysis can also be carried out in the presence of a small quantity of
oxygen ('gasification'), water ('steam gasification') or hydrogen ('hydrogenation'). One of
the most useful products is methane, which is a suitable fuel for electricity generation
using high-efficiency gas turbines.
A mixture containing 55-65% methane, 30-40% CO2
& rest being impurities (H2, H2S & N2)

Slow burning gas has a heating value between

21000 – 23000 kJ/kg.

Biogas is produced by digestion, pyrolysis, or hydro

Biogas Generation & Types

The process of bio-gas production is anaerobic in nature

and takes place in two stages. The two stages have been
termed as acid formation stage and methane formation

In the acid formation stage, the bio-degradable complex

organic compounds present in the waste materials are
acted upon by a group of acid forming bacteria present in
the dung. Since the organic acids are the main products in
this stage, it is known as acid forming stage.

In the second stage, groups of methanogenic bacteria act

upon the organic acids to produce methane gas.
Advantage of Anaerobic Digestion

1. Heating (Calorific) value of gas

2. New sludge production (smaller quantity)
3. Stable sludge
4. Low running cost
5. Low odour
6. Stability
7. Pathogen reduction
8. Value of sludge
9. Low nutrient requirement
Factors Affecting Bio-digestion
1. pH or hydrogen-iron concentration ( 7-7.5)
2. Temperature ( 35-38oC)
3. Total solid content of the feed material
4. Loading rate
5. Uniform feeding
6. Diameter to depth ratio (0.66 to 1.00)
7. Carbon to nitrogen ratio (30 :1)
8. Nutrients ( C, H2, O2, N2, P & S)
9. Mixing or stirring or agitation of the content of the digester
10. Retention time or rate of feeding (30-45 days)
11. Type of feed stock
12. Toxicity due end product
13. Pressure
14. Acid accumulation inside the digester.
70 60
20 30 40 50


10 20 30 40 50 60 70 TEMPERATURE
By regulating the daily feed volume , the
retention time can be controlled.
Periods for different materials to get well
fermentation are:
1. Cow & buffalo dung. 50 days
2. Pig-dung 20 “
3. Poultry dropping 20 “
4. Night soil 30 “
This period also depends on the ambient
Toilet, Kitchen and Garden Waste
+ Manure
1. Concept
What are Small-Scale Anaerobic Digesters? “The Ecocycle of biogas”

Cattle Dung / Cooking


Toilet Products
(Excreta, Biogas
Kitchen / Garden
Organic Waste
(Green Waste)

What is Anaerobic Digestion ? (1/3)
Degradation of organic material by bacteria. In the absence of air (anaerobic). Four
• Cleavage of a chemical compound through the reaction with water.
• Insoluble complex molecules are bracken down to short sugars, fatty acids and
amino acids.
•Fermentation (Acidogenesis)
• Products from hydrolysis are transformed into organic acids, alcohols, carbon
dioxide (CO2), hydrogen (H) and ammonia (NH3).
• Organic acids and alcohols are converted into hydrogen (H2), carbon dioxide
(CO2) and acetic acid (CH3COOH). Therefore, oxygen is consumed and anaerobic
conditions are created
• Methanogenic bacteria (methanogenesis), transform the acetic acid, carbon
dioxide and hydrogen into biogas.
What is Anaerobic Digestion ? Contd...
Factors Affecting Generation of Biogas

The rate of production of biogas depends on the

following factors:

1) Temperature & Pressure

2) Solid concentration & Loading rate
3) Retention period
4) pH value
5) Nutrients composition
6) Toxic substances
7) Digester size & shape
8) Stirring agitation of the content of digestion
Classification of Biogas Plants

1. Continuous & Batch types ( as per the process)

a)Single stage process
b)Double stage process

2. The Dome & the Drum types.

a)Floating gas holder plant
b)Fixed dome digester

3. Different variations in the drum type.

Continuous plant

A single digester in which raw materials are charged

regularly & the process goes on without interruption except for
repair & cleaning etc.

The raw material is self buffered or otherwise

thoroughly mixed with the digesting mass where dilution
prevents souring & the biogas production is maintained.

The continuous process may be completed in a single

stage or double stage process.
Schematic Diagram of Single-Stage and
Double-Stage Continuous Plant: Contd…

The main features of continuous plant are as follows:

1.It will produce gas continuously.

2.It require small digestion chambers.
3.It needs smaller period of digestion.
4.It has less problem compared to batch type
and it is easier in operation.









i) The entire process of conversion of complex organic compounds
into biogas is completed in a single chamber. The chamber is
regularly fed with the raw materials while the spent residue
keeps moving out. Series problems are encountered with
agricultural residues when fermented in a single stage continuous



ii) Double stage process
The acidogenic stages & methanogenic stage are physically
separated in to two chambers. The first stage of acid production is
carried out in a separate chamber and only the diluted acids are fed in to
the second chamber where bio-methanation takes place & the biogas
can be collected from the second chamber.
Batch Type Biogas Plant
The batch plant:
The feeding is between intervals, & the plants emptied once the
process of digestion is complete. A battery of digesters are charged along
with lime, urea etc. & allowed to produce gas for 40-50 days. These are
charged and emptied one by one in a synchronous manner which maintain
a regular supply of the gas through a common gas holder. The bio gas
supply may be utilised after 8-10 days. Their installation & operation being
capital & labour intensive.
The main features of Batch type plant are:

1.The gas production is intermittent, depending upon the clearing of the

2.It needs several digesters or chambers for continuous gas production,
these are fed alternately.
3.Batch plants are good for long fibrous materials.
4.This plant needs addition of fermented slurry to start the digestion process.
5.This plant is expensive and has problems comparatively, the continuous
plant will have less problems and will be easy for operation.
Different Digesters:
The Dome and the Drum Type
Mainly two types of biogas plants are normally used:

1.The Floating gas holder plant (Also known as KVIC plant), and

2.Fixed dome digester. (Also known as Chinese Plant)

In a floating gas holder, gas holder is separated from the digester.

While in fixed dome digester, the gas holder and the digester are

The fixed dome is best suited for batch process especially when
daily feeding is adopted in small quantities.

The fixed dome type plant is generally built below the ground level
and is suitable for cooler regions.
Digester Design Considerations
Design Principle’s
Basics: Process Parameters

Anaerobic digestion = Biological system of bacteria

Optimal conditions required that bacteria feel wealthy…
• Performance
• Retention time
•pH: Wide range, but methanogenesis requires neutrality (6.5-7.5).
•Total solids (TS)
• Solids for digestion (organics) - Liquid for fluidity of slurry.
• Optimal TS content: 5 to 10%.
•COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand: Methane production potential
Design Principle’s

Basics: Daily manure yield for different cattle

Design Principle’s
Basics: Gas yields for different feedstocks
Design Principle’s
Basics: Biogas Guideline data

Suitable digesting temperature 20 to 35 °C

Retention time 40 to 100 days
Biogas energy 6kWh/m3 = 0.61 L diesel fuel
Biogas generation 0.3 – 0.5 m3 gas/m3 digester
volume per day
Human yields 0.02 m3/person per day
Cow yields 0.4 m3/Kg dung
Gas requirement for cooking 0.3 to 0.9 m3/person per day
Gas requirement for one lamp 0.1 to 0.15m3/h
Bio-digester Design Considerations

Components of Bio Digester:

1. Body Construction
2. Material of construction
3. Sealing
4. Safety Valve
5. Capacity
6. Baffles
7. Shape of Bio-Digester
8. Batch Time
Bio-digester Design Considerations
Parameter Value
Volume 0.39 m3 (390 L)
Height 2m
Diameter 0.5 m
Temperature 35 oC
Working pressure 1 atm
Retention time 40 days
Height to diameter ratio 4
Type of head Hemispherical
Wall thickness 0.019 m
Head thickness 0.021 m
No. of baffles 4
Width of Baffle 0.042 m
Height of Baffle 1.5 m
Power per unit volume 1.3
Sewage sludge loading 290 L/day
Acti-zyme loading 0.0195 L/day
Typical composition of biogas

Compound Molecular formula %

Methane CH4 50–75

Carbon dioxide CO2 25–50

Nitrogen N2 0–10

Hydrogen H2 0–1

Hydrogen sulphide H2S 0–3

Oxygen O2 0–0
Floating Drum plants
Floating Drum plants
Floating-drum plants consist of a digester and a
moving gas-holder.

The gas-holder floats either direct on the

fermentation slurry or in a water jacket of its own.

The gas collects in the gas drum, which thereby


If gas is drawn-off, it falls again. The gas drum is

prevented from tilting by a guide frame.
Advantages & Disadvantages
Advantages: Disadvantages:
High gas yield. It has higher cost.
Heat is lost through
No problem of gas metal gas holder.
Requires painting of
Works under constant drums to avoid
pressure naturally. corrosion at least twice
a year.
No problem of mixing of
biogas with external air,
Requires maintenance
thus no danger of
of pipes and joints.
Fixed-Dome Type
Fixed Dome Digester
A fixed-dome plant consists of an enclosed digester with a fixed,
non-movable gas space. The gas is stored in the upper part of the

When gas production commences, the slurry is displaced into the

compensating tank.

Gas pressure increases with the volume of gas stored; therefore the
volume of the digester should not exceed 20 m3. If there is little gas
in the holder, the gas pressure is low.

Advantages: Disadvantages
* Cost of plant is less compare * Needs skilled labour to
to floating drum type plant. operate.
* Loss of heat is negligible * Gas production per m3 of
since these are constructed
digester volume is less.
underground. *
No corrosion problems as in * Gas is produced at variable
fixed dome type. pressure.
* It is maintenance free.
Different Variations in the Drum Type

There are mainly two variation in floating type plant. One with
water seal and other without water seal.

Water sealing makes the plant completely anaerobic.

Cylindrical shape of the digester is preferred because cylinder

has no corners and so that there will be no chances of cracks
due to faulty construction. This shape also needs smaller
surface area per unit volume, which reduces heat losses also.

Moreover the scum formation may be reduced by rotating gas

holder in the cylindrical digester.



100mm Φ

1400 mm

450 mm

Advantages of floating drum plant:

1. Less scum troubles because solids are constantly submerged.
2. No separate pressure equalizing device needed
3. The danger of mixing oxygen with the gas to form an explosive mixture is minimized.
4. Higher gas production per cu m of the digester is achieved.
5. Floating drum has welded braces, which help in breaking the scum by rotation.
6. No problem of gas leakage.
7. Constant gas pressure.
Disadvantages of floating drum plant
1. Higher cost ( steel & cement)
2. Heat is lost through the metal gas holder
3. Gas holder requires painting once or twice a year( humidity & location)
4. Flexible pipe joining the gas holder to the main pipe requires maintenance.
( UV rays & rotation of the drum)

Advantages of Fixed dome type plant

1. Low cost (only cement).
2. No corrosion trouble.
3. Temperature will be constant.
4. Cattle & human excreta and long fibrous stalks can be fed.
5. No maintenance.
Disadvantages of Fixed dome type plant
1. Needs the services of skilled masons.
2. Gas production per cu m is less.
3. Scum formation is a problem as no stirring arrangement.
4. Variable gas pressure.
Advantages of Biogas

Cost of equipments used for making biogas is less and equipments

used are very simple.
Biogas can be used for lighting, running the engines, farm’s
machine and cooking gas in the kitchen.
Biogas is the best medium for cooking food.
Organic feed stocks used in the plants are easily available at all
places. Biogas plant gives efficiency as much as 60%.
Distribution of gas has no problems of any gas leakage and fire.
Waste product obtained from digester is best quality of fertilizer and
gives best yields.
Disadvantages of Biogas

Biogas produced from biogas plant has to be used at

near by places only. It can’t be transported over long

Biogas can’t be filled in the bottles. Biogas plant

requires more area.

It can be established in urban area where availability

of land is limited.
Application of Biogas
* Biogas is used as cooking fuel.
* Biogas is mental light gas burner for lighting purpose.
* Biogas is used for water heating.
* It is used as fuel in I.C. Engine.
* It is used as fuel to run agricultural machineries.
* It is used to run diesel engine generator set to produce
* Heat of biogas is utilized in the dryer for drying the
agricultural products.
* Heat of biogas is used to heat ammonia of refrigerating
* It is used for running pumps for irrigation purpose.
* Methane and carbon dioxide are used as raw chemical
feed stock to manufacture various chemicals.
Examples: Biogas Appliances

Biogas lamps

Biogas generator Biogas rice Biogas boiler

Site selection
Site Selection Contd…

Following factors must be considered while selecting the

site for a biogas plant:
2.Minimum gradient
3.Open space
4.Water table
5.Seasonal run off
6.Distance from wells
7.Space requirements
8.Availability of water
9.Sources of cow dung/materials for biogas generation
Parameters and conditions influencing AD
Anaerobic Digestion:
Effect of operating temperature
Anaerobic Digestion
Biogas properties

Biogas potential of some biomass substrate

Prospects of Biomass in India
thermal decomposition
of organic material at Involves chemical
elevated temperatures change of chemical
in the absence of composition and
oxygen physical phase

Endothermic Irreversible
 Pyrolysis does not involve reactions
with oxygen,water, or any other

 In practice, it is not possible to achieve

a completely oxygen-free atmosphere.

Because some oxygen is present in

any pyrolysis system, a small amount
of oxidation occurs.
Pyrolysis is :
Pyrolysis is :

Pyrolysis is :
Pyrolysis is :
Pyrolysis is :
Pyrolysis is :

Bio Oil

Operating temperatures above 430 °C.
 For agricultural waste, for example, typical
temperatures are 450 to 550 °C.
 Cheap and  Requires drying of soil
economical system
 Environment-  Ineffective in
destroying or physically
friendly, separating inorganics
 Energy-efficient from the contaminated

 Requiring proper
treatment, storage,
and disposal for
hazardous wastes.

• Dry pyrolysis
 Low TemperatureAnalysis
 Medium TemperatureAnalysis
 High TemperatureAnalysis

• Oxidizing pyrolysis
Dry Pyrolysis

 Process of thermal decomposition

without access of oxygen (O₂)
 Product of dry pyrolysis are gas with high
heat of combustion, liquid and solid
carbon residue.
 Type of dry pyrolysis depend on
the temperature of the process.
Oxidizing Pyrolysis

 It’s impossible to achieve a completely oxygen-free

 Thus, a small amount of oxidation occurs. If volatile or semi-
volatile materials are present in the waste, thermal desorption
will also occur.
 Thermal decomposition of industrial waste by its partial
burning or direct contact with end product of fuel combustion.
 This method is used for neutralization of most wastes including
“inconvenient” ones for burning.
Gasification Process: Gasifiers- Applications

Heating of biomass
in presence of
limited oxygen and
air (deficient O2/air)
is called
gasification. it
produces gaseous
fuels like
of low Heating
• Conversion of solid
biomass into combustible
gas mixture called
Producer gas (CO + H2 +
CH4) in presence of
limited (O2/air)

• Involves partial combustion

of biomass (controlled

• Four distinct process in the

Gasifier types
• Updraft Gasifier

+ Suitable for moderate o/p’s [2-12 MWe]

+ Good fuel flexibility [fines, small & large
+ Good turndown
- Low gas quality
- Very high tars [100g/m3] – requires
extensive secondary tar cracking with
catalysts [Ni based or dolomite]
- High capital cost
Gasifier types
• Downdraft Gasifier
+ Very low tar gas [< 1 g/nm3]
+ Good gas CV [~5 MJ/nm3]
+ Simple gas train possible
+ Modular design
+ Simple construction and
- Limited scalability [0.5 MWe~ 500
- Precise fuel requirements [size,
shape, moisture]
- Engine costs can be high relative
to other costs
- Limited turndown
Gasifier types
• Twin-fire Gasifier
+ Suitable for large electrical outputs [> 5-
10 MWe]
+ More flexible in use of steam, air, steam/
O2 mix
+ High gas CV – 8-12 MJ/m3
+ High overall electrical efficiencies [gas
turbine use]
- Complex design
- Limited turndown
- Stable operation difficult [DPs, gas flows]
- High tar levels in gas – extensive
cleaning/catalytic cracking required [Ni
based or dolomites].
- Feed pretreatment to small particles
Gasifier types
Crossdraft Gasifier
+ Operable at very small scale
(10kW and below)
- Minimum tar conversion
- High exit gas velocity and

*Ignition temperature is between 650 and 750C
*Heating value is 18.7 to 26 MJ/m3
* Explosion limit: 5 to 14 % in air.
*Air to Methane ratio for complete combustion is 10 to 1 by volume.
*One cubic meter of biogas is equivalent to 1.613 liter of kerosene or
2.309 kg of LPG or 0.213 kW of electricity.
•No pre-treatment required Power generation
•Easiest way to use biogas •Both electricity and heat
can be produced in the
composition of 35% and
65% respectively

Vehicle fuel
•Requires considerable processing
•Water, impurities and particles must be
•Great environmental factors

•Used for heating premises,
district heating power
Gas network production, heating ovens
•Natural gas being used for gas etc.
cookers, heaters, baking ovens,
water heaters etc.
Bioethanol production process
Bioethanol production flow diagram

Feedstock: corn, wheat, sugarcane, rice, potato, …

Concluding Remarks

• 1. Biomass is a sustainable and reliable energy

2. The growth rate of biomass energy use is about 1 %
each year
3. Technological barriers have to be overcame in order
to promote the bioenergy development:
– Upgrading the bio-fuel quality by extracting harmful
species especially for biogas and syngas (ammonium,
sulfur compounds, silicon based compounds,
particulate, …)
– Enhance the reaction mechanism for both AD and
gasification processes

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