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 Coined from the French word cerhier, which means

“seek”. The prefix “re” means to repeat. Literally,

RESEARCH is to repeat looking for something.

 RESEARCH is a systematic process geared towards

working on exhaustive inquiry, investigation or
experimentation with the aim of finding new facts
(knowledge) in explaining the problems associated
with our day to day relations with our environments
(social, natural, political, economics) and coming up
with solutions in facing them.
 Itdeals in bringing in something new
or novel through analytical reasoning,
which the product is an organised
 Itis the crux of human development—a
human product that is generating more
and new products and/or ideas.
• To become research literate
• To develop critical thinking
• To generate knowledge
• To come up with solutions to a certain
 Post-positivist – Researchers in this
category subscribes to the idea that
everything should be quantified to
produce meaningful concrete results.

 Constructivist – Researchers believe that

experience expressed through words
can paint a better picture of a certain
 Transformative – Researchers support the
idea that research should be conducted
to increase quality of life and produce
better societies.

 Pragmatic – Researchers promote the

use of both quantitative and qualitative
and quantitative data in expressing
research findings.
 Qualitative Research – an approach for
exploring and understanding the
meaning individuals or groups ascribe to
a social or human problem.
Most common designs:
Narrative; Phenomenological;
Ethnography; Case studies; Grounded
 Quantitative Research - an approach for
testing objective theories by examining
the relationship among variables.
 Mixed Approach – inquiry involving
collecting both quantitative and
qualitative data, and integrating the two
forms of data.
Types of Mixed Approach:
Convergent Parallel; Explanatory
Sequential; Exploratory Sequential
 Basic / Fundamental / Theoretical
or Pure Research—done for the
purpose of knowing, understanding or
explaining natural and social
-uncovers general principles and develop a
theory to explain such phenomena without
direct or specific use at once;
-most academic form of research.
 Discovery – where a totally new or novel
idea or explanation emerges and may
revolutionise thinking.

 Invention – where a new technique or

method is created.

 Reflection – where an existing theory,

technique or group of ideas is re-examined
possibly in a different organisational or
social context.
 Applied or Practical Research—
done for the purpose of testing or
applying an existing principle or theory
with specific purpose of improving
human condition.
 Innovation - done in developing and coming up with
a new, better or practical product, process or
technique out of the existing ones. Product
development & packaging research are part of this.

 On-Farm or On-Field Level Research - done by

testing the theories in the field or limited area of
application prior to implementation in large-scale.

 Developmental Research - done by applying the

results of applied or practical research in a wider
scope of analysis and interpretation prior to mass
implementation or production of outputs or results.
 Evaluation or Assessment
Research — pursues to find out the
worth, merit or quality of a certain
object, program or project.
 Orientational Research—done for
the purpose of advancing an
ideological position.
-more focus on inequality, discrimination,
empowering and emancipation of the
marginalized groups or ideas to eliminate
alienation and domination.
Action Research—based on the
concept that ‘action is both an
outcome and a part of research’.
 -focuses on solving local problems or
immediate problematic situation for the
practical concerns of the involved

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