Matter Solids, Liquids, and Gases

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Solids, Liquids, and Gases

• Matter is anything that takes up space.
• Everything on earth is matter.
• Matter exists in three states:
• Solids

• Liquids

• Gases
• A solid does not change size or shape
when it is moved.
• You can measure the shape and the
mass of a solid.
• Examples: book, apple, shoes
• Can you think of anymore?
• How did we measure the volume?

• Liquids do not have their own shape.

• They take the shape of its container.
• Examples: water, juice, syrup
• How do liquids look and feel?
• Gas is matter that is all around you
and fills many kinds of things.
• For example, bubbles, balloons, and
balls are filled with gas.
• Air is also a gas.
• Can you think of another example?
The particle model
The difference between solids, liquids and gases can be
explained by the…

 All substances are made up of particles.

 The particles are attracted to each other. Some particles

are attracted strongly to each other and others weakly.
 The particles move around. They are described as
having kinetic energy.
 The kinetic energy of the particles increases with
Particles in a solid – animation
Particles in a liquid – animation
Particles in a gas – animation

• Solids, Liquids, and Gases are made up

of tiny particles called molecules.
• As a class we can act as if we are the
molecules that make up solids, liquids,
and gases!
• Everyone stand up and get ready to
have some fun!

• Get as close as possible to one

another, shoulder to shoulder.
• The molecules in a solid are very close
together and do not move very much.
• To act as a liquid we still hold hands,
but we spread out some and move
• The molecules of a liquid are loosely
tied together and flow freely.

• Everyone let go of your neighbor’s

hands and spread out.
• Walk around the room and slightly
bump into one another, like bumper
• The molecules in a gas have a lot of
space between them and move freely.
Can you think of an object
that can act as a solid, liquid,
and a gas?
Changes of State

There are six changes of state possible for

Changes from one state to another.
Description of Term for Phase Heat Movement During Phase
Phase Change Change Change
Heat goes into the solid as it
Solid to liquid Melting
Heat leaves the liquid as it
Liquid to solid Freezing
Vaporization, which
Heat goes into the liquid as it
Liquid to gas includes boiling and
Heat leaves the gas as it
Gas to liquid Condensation
Heat goes into the solid as it
Solid to gas Sublimation
Here’s what happens when it changes
from one state to another. It all depends
on the energy!!!!!

- The energy added causes the molecules to move faster,

once they move fast enough they can change state.

• Phase Change Demonstration Lab

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