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La Nisina es la bactreriocina comercial más

usada en la Industria de Alimentos. La
produce el Lactococcus lactis

Su uso se permite en productos enlatados y

quesos fermentados para la inhibición del
crecimiento de C. botulinium y en procesos de
pasteurización para inhibir L monocytogenes.

Fuente. S.C. Beristain

En los vinos inhibiendo la fermentación de


Sobre otros
conservantes de
alimentos están
dadas por su no
Estabilidad térmica a
bajo pH. Es incolora
y no tiene sabor.

Impacto Social y economico: Nisin is a natural antimicrobial peptide produced by
strains of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis that effectively inhibits Gram-positive and
Gram-negative bacteria and also the outgrowth of spores of Bacilli and Clostridia.
Additionally it has been used as a biopreservative and a potential agent in
pharmaceutical, veterinary and health care products. This review focuses on the nisin
production in batch cultures utilizing milk skimmed and milk whey as an inexpensive
medium for cultivation of L. lactis, aiming to reduce the process cost. At the same time,
the exploitation of milk whey as a bacterial substrate can be considered
economically advantageous method
Impacto Ambiental: help diminish environment pollution problems.

Nuevas aplicaciones:
Besides this limitation our studies opened a new field for the application of antibiotics
in that part of fermentation technology dealing with the production of spirits like fruit
brandies. The application of not only nisin but also virginiamycin increased the
alcoholic yield from 41.6 g/l to 47.4 g/l with nisin and 50.6 g/l with virginiamycin.
Both antibiotics reduced the numbers of the lactic acid bacteria in the fermenting
mashes without any influence on the growth of yeasts. The flavour of the Grafensteiner
apple brandy was best with virginiamycin which is an antibiotic with common
application in the field of agriculture.

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