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Nama anggota :

1. Agnes Febri S
2. Ayu Tutut K
3. Muhammad Rifandi A
• Nurse 1 : Good morning
• Patient : Morning
• Nurse 1 : How are you today ?
• Patient : I feel better, only I still feel a
little tight
• Nurse 1 : oh yeah mom, them to help
mothers deal with mothers
complaints, I will provide
nebulizer therapy to yhe
mother to reduce tightness and
help thin the phlegm to make it
easier to get out.
• Nurse 2 : are you willing ?
• Patient : Yes of course
• Nurse 2 : please you can semi fowler ?
: please use this mask
• Patient : yes
• Nurse 1 : mom, don’t talk during therapy
• Nurse 2 : now, the treatment is over mom,
please remove the mask.
• Patient : Thank you sus

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