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 Thermal
conductivity refers to
the intrinsic ability of
a material to transfer
or conduct heat.
 It is denoted by k,
λ, or κ.
Fourier’s Law
Thermal conductivity in solids,
liquids and gases

 In solids, heat can be conducted through two mechanisms.

1. Lattice vibrations
2. Flow of free electrons.
 In liquids and gases, heat conduction occurs mainly through
two mechanisms.
1. Collision between atoms, molecules or ions,.
2. Molecular diffusion.
Thermal conductivity of metals
and non-metals-:


= the thermal conductivity due to lattice vibrations

= the thermal conductivity due to electronic effect

• In Pure metals, the electronic effect plays a

dominant role. Thus, they have relatively higher
values of thermal conductivity.
• In Non-metals, the lattice vibrations effect plays a
dominant role.
Variation of thermal conductivity
with temperature
 For metals , as the
temperature increases
,thermal conductivity
 For non-metals , the thermal
conductivity of non-metals is
approximately constant at low
 The thermal conductivity of
liquids decreases with increase
in temperature.
 The thermal conductivity of a
gas increases with increase in
Variation of thermal conductivity
with pressure

 Asmost solids and liquids are

incompressible in nature, thermal
conductivity does not vary with pressure.

 Thethermal conductivity of gases is

independent of pressure in a wide range of
pressures encountered in practice.
Methods to measure thermal

Steady state Methods Transient state


 Equilibrium state Non equilibrium state

 Accurate reading  Readings are not exact

 Do not requires signals to
 Constant signals obtain a constant value
 Slow method  Readings can be taken
during heating of material.
Pirani Gauge
 The Pirani gauge is a robust thermal conductivity gauge.
 It is used for the measurement of the pressures in
vacuum systems. It was invented in 1906 by
Marcello Pirani.
 It is one of the most common and cost effective gauge for
vacuum pressure measurement.
 It cab be used to measure pressure between 0.5 Torr to
0.0001 Torr .
 A conducting wire gets heated when electric current
flows through it. The rate at which heat is dissipated
from this wire depends on the conductivity of the
surrounding media.
 The conductivity of the surrounding media in-turn
depends on the density of the surrounding media.
 If the density of the surrounding media is low, its
conductivity also will be low causing the wire to become
hotter for a given current flow, and vice versa.
The main parts of the
arrangement are:

 A pirani gauge chamber

which encloses a platinum
 A compensating cell .
 Wheat stone bridge
circuit .
 A constant current is passed through the filament .
 The filament gets heated and assumes a resistance which is measured
using the bridge.
 Now the pressure to be measured is connected to the pirani gauge
 Temperature of filament changes due to applied pressure.
 The resistance of the filament also changes.
 The change in resistance of the filament is determined using the
 This change in resistance becomes a measure of the applied pressure.
Advantages Disadvantages
 They are rugged and  Pirani gauge must be
inexpensive checked frequently.
 Give accurate results  Pirani gauge must be
calibrated from different
 Good response to pressure gases.
changes.  Electric power is a must
for its operation.
 Relation between pressure
and resistance is linear for  It has a poor transient
the range of use.
 It’s calibration is non-
 Readings can be taken linear.
from a distance.





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