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P-201, MIDC Area, Vidyanagar, POST: SARAVALI

This is to certify that this project on the topic
has been completed by Akshay Thakare of standard XI ‘A’ in partial fulfilment of the curriculum
of CBSE leading to the award of Senior Secondary Certificate for the academic year 2018-19

External Examiner Principal

Teacher –in- charge School Seal

 I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to
my teacher as well as our principal sir who gave me the
golden opportunity to do this wonderful project which
also helped me in doing a lot of research and I came to
know about so many new things. I am really thankful to

 Secondly , I would also like to thank my parents and

friends who helped me a lot in finishing the project within
the limited time. I am making this project not only for
marks but also to increase my knowledge.
 Pascal's law is a principle in fluid mechanics that states
that pressure at a point has infinite direction, and thus a
pressure change at any point in a confined
incompressible fluid is transmitted throughout the fluid
such that the same change occurs everywhere. A
change in pressure at any point in an enclosed fluid at
rest is transmitted undiminished to all points in the fluid.
Explanation Of Pascal’s Law
 It states that if gravity effect is neglected, the pressure at every
point of liquid in equilibrium of rest is same.
Proof : Consider two points C and D inside the liquid in a
container which is in equilibrium of rest. Imagine a right
circular cylinder with axis CD of uniform cross-sectional area A
such that points C and D lie on float faces of the cylinder in

 The liquid inside the cylinder is in equilibrium under the action

of forces exerted by the liquid outside the cylinder. These
forces are acting every where perpendicular to the surface of
the cylinder. Thus force on the flat faces of the cylinder at C
and D will perpendicular to the forces on the curved surface of
the cylinder. Since the liquid is in equilibrium, therefore, the
sum of forces acting on the curved surface of the cylinder
must be zero. If P1 and P2 are the pressure at points C and D
and F1 and F2 are the forces acting on the flat faces of the
cylinder due to liquid,
 The underlying principle of the hydraulic jack and hydraulic press.
 Force amplification in the braking system of most motor vehicles.
 Used in artesian wells, water towers, and dams.
 Scuba divers must understand this principle. At a depth of 10 meters under water, pressure is twice
the atmospheric pressure at sea level, and increases by about 100 kPa for each increase of 10 m
 Usually Pascal's rule is applied to confined space (static flow), but due to the continuous flow
process, Pascal's principle can be applied to the lift oil mechanism (which can be represented as a
U tube with pistons on either end). However, the lift height will be in microns because energy will be
drained and pressure will be diminished after each impact with the lifting material, but force exerted
will be equal.
 The underlying principle of hot isostatic pressing
 Hydraulic lift is a lift which makes use of a fluid.
For example: Hydraulic lifts that are used in car
service stations to lift the cars.
 Mathematically:- F2=PA2
where F2 = Resultant Force,A2 = area of cross-
F2= (F1/A1)A2 where P=F1/A1(Pressure P is due to
force F1 on the area A1)
F2 =(A2/A1)F1. This shows that the applied force
has increased by A2/A1.
 Because of Pascal’s law the input gets magnified.
 Inside a hydraulic lift there are 2 platforms , one has a smaller area and the other one has a
larger area. It is a tube like structure which is filled with uniform fluid.
 There are 2 pistons (P1 and P2)which are attached at both the ends of the tube. Cross-sectional
area of piston P1 is A1 and of piston P2 is A2.
 If we apply force F1 on P1, pressure gets exerted and according to Pascal’s law the pressure gets
transmitted in all the directions and same pressure gets exerted on the other end. As a result the
Piston P2moves upwards.
 Advantage of using hydraulic lift is that by applying small force on the small area we are able to
generate a larger force.
Project Evaluation Performance
Address – P-201,MIDC Area, Vidyanagar,
Post : Saravali, VIA Boisar, DIST. PALGHAR-
Student’s Name – Aryan Khera
Teacher’s Remarks –
I. Content , Accuracy and Originality
II. Presentation and Creativity
III. Process of project completion

Overall Remarks :
Teacher’s signature :
School Stamp :

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