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Narrative Text

By: Dido Riszky Pratama

Narrative is an imaginary story that aims to entertain
the reader. Of course, what is called an imaginary
story is not necessarily effective because it could be
just an imagination or a fictional story made by
someone or a story made by a group of people who
have not proven the truth.
Social Function
The social function of narrative is to amuse, entertain
and to deal with an actual or vicarious experience in
different ways. It also deals with problematic events
which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind,
which in turn finds a resolution.
Generic Structure
Orientation : It is about the opening paragraph
where the characters of the story are introduced
Complication : Where the problems in the story
Resolution : Where the problems in the story is
Coda / reorientation (optional) – lesson from the
Language Features
• Using Past Tense
• It is logical since the stories typically happen in the past. They
can use simple past, past continuous or past perfect tense.

• Using action verbs
• Action verbs are verbs that show the performance of action.
They specifically describe what the subject (person, animal,
force of nature, or thing) of the sentence is doing, e.g.: run,
walk, cry, scream, explode, kick, etc.

• Using temporal conjunction
• Temporal conjunctions express relationships with time, in the
flow or sequence of events, e.g.: before, after, during/while (a
period or an activity), since, until, when.
Narrative Text
I'am comeback!!

Last week, I along with 11th grade students of SMAN 3 Cirebon visited one of the cities in
East Java, namely Malang and Probolinggo. Our goal is there in the context of a study tour. In
Malang, we visited a lot of places we had never visited before. There we spent 5 days. 2 days
for travel and 3 days for visiting destinations.

On the first day. Actually our initial agenda is to go to Apple picking agro tourism. However,
due to time constraints, we visited Brawijaya University first. There we got an explanation
about Brawijaya University. After that, we visited the picking apple agro tour. We learned a
lot about apple cultivation in Malang. The next day we headed to the hotel to check in. At
night, we play on the Batu Night Spectacular (BNS). Then we returned to the hotel to rest.
On the second day. We visited Jatim Park 1. There we played a variety of fun and educational rides.
After that, we continued the activity to the town square of Batu city. We drive around the square. In
the afternoon we headed to the Malang center souvenir. We bought a lot souvenirs for our family.
In the evening, we continued the journey to the city of Probolinggo.

On the third day. We arrived at Mount Bromo. We continued the journey to the top of Bromo in a
jeep. We enjoy the sunrise. During the day, we headed for the whispering sand beneath the peak of
Bromo. There we were very enthusiastic about climbing the peak of Bromo. We were very satisfied
when we arrived at the highest peak of Mount Bromo. On the same day, we were on our way back
to Cirebon. In the middle of the trip we took a break at the Surabaya Grand Mosque. Yes, this is my
birth city! I'm very happy to be back, even if it's not long. I wish I could return to my hometown

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