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While Russian is the official language, many Russians also speak English as a second
language. More than 100 minority languages are spoken in Russia today, according to
the BBC. The most popular is Dolgang, spoken by more than 5.3 percent of the country's
population, according to the CIA. Other minority languages include Tartar, Ukrainian,
Chuvash, Bashir, Mordvin and Chechen.

Religion has always been a primary component of Russian life, even

during times of oppression," Wagner said.There are nearly 5,000
registered religious associations in Russia. More than half follow the
Russian Orthodox Church, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
the Russian Federation.

In the old days Maslenitsa was for remembrance of the dead. So the
burning of the figure of Maslenitsa means her funeral, and blini
(pancakes) – coliphia. But with time the Russians longing for fun and
entertainment turned the sad holiday into jolly Maslenitsa with blini -
round, yellow and hot as the sun, sledding and horse sleigh riding,
fistfights and mother-in-law chatting.

The following peoples are officially recognized minor indigenous peoples

of Russia. Many of them are included into the Common List of Minor
Indigenous Peoples of Russia approved by the government of Russia on
March 24, 2000.

The official languages of Kazakhstan are Kazakh with

5,290,000 speakers around the country and Russian which
is spoken by 6,230,000 people. Both Kazakh and Russian are
used on equal grounds.

According to various polls, the majority of Kazakhstan's citizens, primarily ethnic Kazakhs,
identify as non-denominational Muslims, while others incline towards Sunni of the Hanafi
school, traditionally including ethnic Kazakhs, who constitute about 63.6% of the
population, as well as ethnic Uzbeks, Uighurs, and Tatars.Less than 1% are part of the Shafi`i
(primarily Chechens) and Shi'a.

KAZAKHSTAN has a well-articulated culture based on the nomadic pastoral economy of the
inhabitants. Islam was introduced to Kazakhstan in the 7th to 12th centuries. Besides lamb,
many other traditional foods retain symbolic value in Kazakh culture. Kazakh culture is
largely influenced by the Turkic nomadic lifestyle.

Kazakhstan's (historical) Uighur minority are for the most part the remnants of the vast
Uighur Empire which towards the 8th Century stretched from the Caspian Sea to
Manchuria. Eventually to be overrun by the tribes that became the Kazakhs, most Uighurs
migrated into what is now China, though some remained in the Almaty oblast close to

Azerbaijan is an overwhelmingly Muslim country. Estimates include 96.9% (CIA),90.7%

(Berkley Center, 2012),99.2% (Pew Research Center, 2009) of the population identifying as
Muslim.Most are adherents of Shia Islam (approximately 85%), with a minority (15%) being
Sunni, differences traditionally have not been defined sharply.Most Shi'a are adherents of
orthodox Ithna Ashari school of Shi'a Islam.

Azeris love music and poetry. In one form of music call Azeris ed mugam, a singer
recites classical Azeri poems to the accompaniment of folk instruments.
A mugam performer has to have thorough knowledge of
traditional mugam repertoire and a knack for improvisation.

Azerbaijanis or Azeris are a Turkic people living mainly in the Iranian region of
Azerbaijan and the sovereign (former Soviet) Republic of Azerbaijan. They are the
second-most numerous ethnic group among the Turkic peoples after Turkish
people.They are predominantly Shia Muslims.

Armenia is an ethnically homogeneous country, in which Armenian is the

official language and is spoken as a first language by the majority of its

The predominant religion in Armenia is Christianity. Christian communities have

been established in Armenia since 40 AD by two of Jesus' twelve apostles –
Thaddeus and Bartholomew – who preached Christianity in Armenia.

Traditionally, Armenians make a bonfire, go round it and

jump over the fire on the evening of February 13

Indigenous Armenians constitute the majority of the

population of Armenia.

Georgian is a Kartvelian language spoken by Georgians. It is the official language

of Georgia. Georgian is written in its own writing system, the Georgian script.
Georgian is the literary language for all regional subgroups of Georgians,
including those who speak other Kartvelian languages: Svans, Mingrelians and the

The wide variety of peoples inhabiting Georgia has meant a correspondingly rich
array of active religions. Today most of the population in Georgia practices
Orthodox Christianity, primarily in the Georgian Orthodox Church whose faithful
make up 82.4% of the population.

Georgians believe drinking Borjomi mineral water, from the eponymous town in
the centre of the country, can magically cure everything from food poisoning to
hangovers. It’s from a volcanic region and is naturally carbonated, giving it a
unique flavour and imbuing it with the minerals that supposedly give it its cure-
all properties.

The Georgians or Kartvelians are a nation and indigenous

Caucasian ethnic group native to Georgia and the South Caucasus.
Large Georgian communities are also present throughout Russia,
Turkey, Greece, Iran, Ukraine, United States, and throughout the
European Union.

Kyrgyzstan is the only former Soviet Central Asian republic to start out with two
official languages, in this case Russian and Kyrgyz. An aggressive post-Soviet
campaign was established to make the latter the official national language in all
commercial and government uses by 1997; Russian is still used extensively, and
the non-Kyrgyz population, most not Kyrgyz speakers, are hostile to forcible

Islam is the main religion in Kyrgyzstan, but the constitution guarantees freedom
of religion. Kyrgyzstan is a multi ethnic and multi religious country with Islam
(including Sunni, Shia, and Ahmadiyya), Buddhism, Baha’i, Christianity
(including Russian Orthodox Church, Roman Catholicism, and Seventh-day
Adventist Church), Judaism, and other religions all having a presence in the

Kyrgyz clothing reflects the lifestyle and regions of Kyrgyzstan,

with designs and materials drawn from nomadic life. Wool, felt,
leather, skins, and coarse cloth are the main materials used for
Kyrgyz clothing, with ornamentation taken from tribal traditions
and nature.

According to official 2016 government data, minority groups

include Uzbeks 878,615 , Russians 360,580, Dungans 67,622,
Uyghurs 54,810, as well as groups of Tatars 27,454 , Kazakhs 34,615 ,
Ukrainians 12,691, Germans 8,403, Tajiks 52,279 , Koreans 16,957,
Jews 472

Tajik or Tajiki also called Tajiki Persian is the variety of Persian spoken in
Tajikistan and Uzbekistan by Tajiks. It is closely related to neighboring
Dari Persian with which it forms a continuum of mutually intelligible
varieties. Since the beginning of the twentieth century and independence
of Tajikistan from Soviet Union, Tajik has been considered by a number of
writers and researchers to be a variety of Persian.

Islam,the predominant religion throughout Central Asia, was brought to

the region by the Arabs in the 7th century. Since that time, Islam has
become an integral part of Tajik culture. Tajikistan is a secular country,but
the post-Soviet era has seen a marked increase in religious practice in the

Tajikistan’s traditions cover a large part of daily life, from clothing

to entertainment to ceremonies and celebrations. In many parts of
Tajikistan, people hold their traditions close to daily life, meaning
that Tajik traditions are not lost to time.

Tajiks are a Persian-speaking Iranian ethnic group native to Afghanistan,

Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Tajiks are the largest ethnicity in Tajikistan,
and the second largest in Afghanistan which constitutes over half of the
global Tajik population. In Tajikistan, since the 1939 Soviet census, its
small Pamiri and Yaghnobi ethnic groups are included as Tajiks.

Turkmen is the official language of Turkmenistan (per the 1992

Constitution), although Russian still is widely spoken in cities as a
"language of inter-ethnic communication".Turkmen is spoken by 72% of
the population, Russian 12%, Uzbek 9%,and other languages 7%.

The Turkmen of Turkmenistan, like their kin in Uzbekistan, Afghanistan,

and Iran are predominantly Muslims. According to the CIA World
Factbook, Turkmenistan is 89% Muslim and 10% Eastern Orthodox. Most
ethnic Russians are Orthodox Christians. The remaining 1% is unknown.

The Turkmen people have traditionally been nomads and equestrians,

and even today after the fall of the USSR attempts to urbanize the
Turkmens have not been very successful. They never really formed a
coherent nation or ethnic group until they were forged into one by Joseph
Stalin in the 1930s.

Turkmens are a nation and Turkic ethnic group native to Central

Asia, primarily the Turkmen nation state of Turkmenistan. Smaller
communities are also found in Iran, Afghanistan and North
Caucasus (Stavropol Krai).

Uzbek is a Turkic language with about 16.5 million speakers mainly in

Uzbekistan. but also in Australia, China, Germany, Israel, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkey (Asia), Turkmenistan, Ukraine and
the USA.

According to WIN-Gallup International's 2012 Global Index of religiosity

and atheism, 79% of the respondents from Uzbekistan who took part in
the survey considered themselves a religious person, another 16% stated
they were not religious, 2% convinced atheists, and 3% had checked no
response box

The Uzbek ethnic group is one of the most ancient and colorful on the
planet, and the most numerous in Central Asia. Lands in the upper
Amu Darya, Syr Darya and in the foothills of the Tien Shan have
always differed in ethno-cultural component from other regions of
Central Asia.

The Uzbeks are a Turkic ethnic group native to Uzbekistan

and wider Central Asia, being the largest Turkic ethnic group
in the area.

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