Our Special Thanks TO: Joginpally B.R. Engineering College Hyderabad

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K.PRUTHVI RAJ (14J21A0378)

Under the guidance of

Mr. K.VENKATESHWARLU {Resection Engineer}



I hereby declare that the project entitled "POWERPACK ASSEMBLY" in "DIESEL


Diesel LocoShedKazipet for a period from 19/06/2017 to 15/07/2017 and is

submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree
of Mechanical engineering from Joginpally BR Egg College, Hyderabad. The
results embodied in this project have not been submitted to any other university
or Institution for the award of anydegree


I take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to all the people who have
Been associated in the successful completion this mini project work. we would
like to show our greatest appreciation to the highly esteemed and devoted technical staff,
supervisors of Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet. I highly indebted to
them and their tremendous support and help during the completion of our project.

I am grateful SHRI.PRADEEP KUMAR(Sr.DME) Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet, for admitting

us in the shed for our mini project in Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet, For providing us all the
facilities in the shed and supporting us throughout the project period.

I thank Sri M.RAVI KIRAN(PRINCIPAL DTCC)for his esteemed co-operation and guidance
throughout the period of our training without which we wouldn’t have seen the great insight and
expertise of INDIAN RAILWAYS.

I would also like to show our gratitude to Sri.K.MAHENDAR(CI,DTTC).we thank all the
staff of DIESEL LOCO SHED, KAZIPET for their support during this onemonth.

Finally, we have strived hard to gain knowledge during the training and present a good project











The shed was opened on 21 s t April ,1973 with a fleet of 30 WDM2

locos and grown up to present loco holding of 145 locos of different
types of diesel locomotives . Diesel shed ,kazipet is certified for


Maintenance of WDM2,WDM3A ,WDG3A,WDG4,WDG4D types.

Yearly schedules of PSU(NTPC/MSEB) locos under deposit
works.Maintenanace and operation of 140T BD crane.Mantenance
and operation of ART(MFD re-railing equipment).Diesel traction
training centre for imparting training to running staff as well as
maintenance staff.

Type of locomotives NO.of .locomotives
WDM3A 38
WDG3A 53
WDM2 10
WDG4 59
WDG4D 26
HSD oil tank capacity 456KL(2 tanks)
Installed on 2 2 - 0 3 - 1 9 7 7 232KL+224KL
HSD oil daily issues 25KL
Lube oil tank capacity 100KL(2 tanks)


Following independence in 1947,India a decrepit rail network.About

40% of the railways then passed through newly independent
republic of Pakistan.A total of forty-two separate railway systems,
Including thirty-two lines owned by the time of independence
spanning 55,00km.
In 1985,steam locomotives were phased out. Under RAJIV
GANDHI,reforms in the railways were carried out.In 1987 first
computerisation for reservation carried out in NEWDELHI and in
1989 the train numbers were standardised to four digits.
The Indian Railways (hold your breath!)carryover eleven million
passenger’s everyday. That is almost the entire population
of Australia! And one million tonnes of freight every day. It has
a network of62,725 kilometres of track, linking 6,896stations
and across 1,21,699 bridges And yes, it covers each day three
and halftimes the distance to the moon. The Indian Railways
run about 12,000trains every day. The Ninth Five Year Plan,
1997-2002, has an outlay of Rs. 45,413crores for the Indian
Railways. By almost any stretch of imagination, it’s a staggering
operation. Our trains move more people than any other
system anywhere. No wonder then, the Indian Railways are
known as the Iron Ganga of India. And like the historic river, the
coming of the railways changed the course of man lives in India.
Just 25 years after the world's first train had made its successful
run in England, railways had come to India. The very first
locomotive to run in India was in December1851 near Rookie,
an engine named ‘Thomson' which was used to build the Ganga
canal. However, it was on April 16,1853, when the inaugural
train ran between Bombay and Thane, a stretch of 21
miles(approximately 35 kilometres). This was thirst railway line
built in India by the Great Peninsular Railway Company. The first
train with fourteen railway carriages carrying 400 guests left
Boribunderat 3.30 p.m. "amidst loud applause ofvastmultitudeand
to the salute of 21 guns"!They reached Thane at about 4.45 p.m.
Refreshments were served and the new company was felicitated.
The Indian Railways operate on three gauges-broad gauge,
metre gauge and narrow gauge. Today most of the trains run on
broad gauge (measurement between the tracks being 1.68
metres or 5 feet 6 inches),be it they carry cargo or passengers.
Metre gauge (which is simply a metre wide, that is,
approximately 3 feet 3 inches) trains can be seen connecting
small places but not on trunk route. And narrow gauge (which
measures 2 feet 2 inches) trains run in the hilly areas like
Darjeeling, Oozy, and Sheila.


A locomotive or engine is a rail transport vehicle that provides the motive power
for a train. The word originates from the Latin loco – "from a place", ablative of
locus, "place" + Medieval Latin motivus, "causing motion", and is a shortened
form of the term locomotive engine, first used in the early 19th century to
distinguish between mobile and stationary steam engines.
A locomotive has no payload capacity of its own, and its sole purpose is to
move the train along the tracks. In contrast, some trains have self-propelled
payload-carrying vehicles. These are not normally considered locomotives, and
may be referred to as multiple units, motor coaches or railcars. The use ofthese
self-propelled vehicles is increasingly common for passenger trains, but rare for
freight (see CargoSprinter). Vehicles which provide motive power to haul an
unpowered train, but are not generally considered locomotives because they
have payload space or are rarely detached from their trains, are known as power
Traditionally, locomotives pulled trains from the front. However, push-pull
operation has become common, where the train may have a locomotive (or
locomotives) at the front, at the rear, or at each end.



Engines are basically divided into different types based on the

a)Number ofstrokes.

b)Type offuel.
c)Typeof combustion.

Number of strokes:

According to no.of.strokes :
a)Four stroke engines:The engines in which piston takes four rotataions to
complete one cycle.

b)Two stroke engines:The engines in which piston takes two rotataions to

complete one cycle.
Type of fuel used:

a)Spark ingnition.

b)compression ingnition (or ) Auto ignition.

Type of combustion:

a)External combustion.b)internalcombustion

Engine :
The engine may be defined as selfpropelled system in which power is produced
by chemical energy.

Types of transmission:

a)Diesel –Mechanical b)Diesel-Electrical c)Diesel-Hyradulic.

Indian railways uses the Diesel-Electrical transmission types

It had divided the locos into three types based on a)power

b)type of use.



The main components of the Loco regarding mechanical are: 1)Engine

2)Turbocharger 3)Lubrication oil 4)Fuel oil 5)Brake system 6)cooling

system 7)suspension system.

Componenets regarding Electrical:

1)Alternator 2)Traction motor 3)Rectcrifiers 4)circuits

Here the loco consists of 4 or 5 digits unique number








The Electro-Motive GT46PAC diesel-electric locomotive
is equipped with a turbocharged 16 cylinder diesel engine,
which drives the traction alternator. (The traction
alternator is an important component of the main
generator assembly.) The traction alternator converts
diesel engine mechanical power into alternating current
electrical power. Internal rectifier banks in the main
generator assembly convert traction alternator output
alternating current to direct current.
Rectified DC power produced by the traction alternator is
distributed through the DC link to DC/AC inverters in the
Traction Control (TC) cabinet. Based on inputs from the
locomotive computer (EM2000), traction inverters supply
3-phase AC power to four traction motors. The EM2000
responds to input signals from operating controls and
feedback signals from the power equipment.
The traction control converter (TCC) is an electrical
device that can convert AC to DC and invert DC into AC
(traction power). The terms converter and inverter are
used interchangeably in this manual.
Each traction motor is geared directly, with a single
pinion, to a pair of driving wheels. The maximum speed
of the locomotive is set by locomotive gear ratio (ratio of
traction motor revolutions to wheel revolutions) and
wheel size.
Although each GT46PAC locomotive is an independent
power source, a number of locomotives may be
combined in a multiple-unit (MU) tandem to increase totalload capacity. The
locomotives in tandem may be
equipped with either AC or DC traction motors. Operating
control functions are trainlined through a 27-conductor
MU cable. This enables the lead unit to simultaneously
control other locomotives in tandem.
The GT46 PAC & MAC short hood or cab end is
considered the front of the locomotive, although the
GT46PAC can be operated in either direction. The cab
has two drivers consoles: one forward facing and one
rearward facing.
Model Designation : GT46MAC
Under Truck : CO-COType
Nominal Locomotive Power :4000HP
Engine Model (s) : 710G3B
Number of Cylinders : 16
Engine Type : Two-Stroke, Turbo Charged

Compression Ratio : 16:1

Displacement per Cylinder : 11635cm3 (710 Cu.In)
Cylinder Bore : 230.19 mm (9-1/16”)
Cylinder Stroke : 279.4 m m(11”)
Rotation (Facing Generator End) : Counter- clockwise)
Full Speed : 904 RPM
Normal Idle Speed : 269 RPM
Low Idle Speed : 200 RPM
Engine:Engine is considered as heart of the loco.It is power producing unit.
The whole system runs on the engine.

A diesel engine is an internal-combustion, oil-burning engine using

compression ignition. Such an engine gets its power from the burning of a
charge of fuel within a confined space called a cylinder.
Ignition occurs when the fuel is ignited solely by the heat of compression,
caused by injecting the fuel
into the highly compressed air in the cylinder.
The engine is supported by the bedplate, mounted on the locomotive frame,
which serves as a
housing for the crankshaft and as a reservoir for the engine lubricating oil. The
main structural part of water jacket
All diesel-electric locomotive engines have essentially the same parts and work
the same way.
The major difference among them is in the arrangement of the cylinders. The
three most common
cylinder arrangements are the V-type, the vertical in-line, and the horizontal.
Figure 1.3 shows parts of
a V-type engine, so called because the arrangement forms a "V"; it is used in the
most powerful
locomotives. The vertical in-line arrangement is used mostly in low-power
engines, and the horizontal arrangement where a very flat, under floor mounting
Moving up and down inside the cylinders are pistons, connected by connecting
rods to the
crankshaft. The crankshaft, shown in figure 1.4, transmits mechanical action
from the pistons to drive
the generator. The generator changes the mechanical action into electricity and
transmits it through
cables to the traction motors, which change it through a gear arrangement back
into mechanical force to
turn the wheels.

 Crankshaft:Crankshaft is the major part of the
engine,by which the reciprocating motion is translated
in the rotary motion.It is the shaft to which crank nose
are mounted in between the connecting rod is connected
with CR bolts
The crankshaft is a part of an engine which translates reciprocating
linear piston motion into rotation. It convert the
reciprocating motion into rotation by crankpins, additional bearing
surfaces whose axis is offset from that of the
crank, to which the big ends of the connecting rods from each cylinder
attach. It is also known as crank. Crankshaft
is generally connected to a flywheel to reduce the pulsation
characteristic of the fourstroke
cycle and also act as a
torsional or vibrational damper at the oppositeend.
The crankshaft is designed to convert the up and down motion of the
pistons into horizontal

rotation. The shaft is one solid piece made from cast iron or forged steel.
Steel is usually used in high loading
situations, such as diesel or turbocharged engines. Oil passages are
either cast or drilled into the crankshaftto
distribute lubricant to the main and rod journals
SHAFT: Shaft is a mechanical component for transmitting torque and
rotation, and usually used to connect other
components of a drive train that cannot be connected directly because of
distance or the need to allow for relative
movement between them. Here one side of the shaft is connected to the
flywheel and the other end is connected tothe clutch plate and gear box

CRANKPIN: In a reciprocatingengine, the crank pins are the journals of

the offcentrebearings of thecrankshaft.
The bigger end of the connecting rod is connected to the crankpin, so as
to convert reciprocating motion into rotarymotion ofthe engine.
Diagramatical representation of crankshaft

In a reciprocating piston engine, The connecting rod connects the piston to the
crankshaft. It is fastened to the piston
at its small end, by a piston pin, also known as a gudgeon pin. Together with the
crank, they form a simplemechanism that converts linear motion into rotating
motion. The big end is attached to the crankshaft at the crankpinjournal.
Connecting rods convert rotating motion into linear motion. A connecting rod is
rigid, it may transmit either apush or a pull and so the rod may rotate the crank
through both halves of a revolution, i.e. Piston pushing andpiston
pulling. In a few twostroke
engines, the connecting rod is only required to push.They are cast or forged to
form an H near the small end and an I near the big end. This shape provides
greaterstrength to resist the stresses than a solid rod of the same mass. To
maintain engine balance, all the connecting rodsin an engine are a matched set.

It Carry the engine motive energy directly to crank, attaining high level
performance. Connecting rods must be light
and yet strong enough to transmit the thrust of the pistons to the crankshaft.
Connecting rods are drop forged from a
steel alloy capable of withstanding heavy loads without bending or twisting.
Holes at the upper and lower ends are
machined to permit accurate fitting of bearings. These holes must be parallel.
beam design is stronger and more durable than traditional rods. The thickness of
the web at the
beam is increased. This reduces the early signs of fatigue, providing a long life
rod that can withstand stress of high
revolution engines.
MATERIALS: Only a handful of materials are considered appropriate for the
use in engine connecting rod
construction. Titanium and aluminum are two popular materials used in the
construction of connecting rods,
specifically for performance vehicles. Drop forging steel alloys into connecting
rods results in a connecting rod that
is capable of handling heavy loads without bending, breaking or twisting.
CROSS GRAIN FLOW: Our exclusive process creates a memory actionthat
keeps the caps round even during
extreme high revs. When our rods are made, they have grain patterns, just like
wood. We make the body/neck ofthe
rods with the vertical grain direction, while the caps are made in the horizontal
FACTS: Connecting rods for internal combustion engines need to be durable
but relatively light weight. They need
to be able to withstand piston thrust and effectively transmit thrust to the
crankshaft, Connecting rods are available in
an assortment of sizes.
To produce power through an interval of time, a diesel engine must perform a
definite series of
operations over and over again. This series is known as a cycle in which
suction, compression, ignition,
and exhaust take place in the order listed. If the engine requires four strokes of
the piston and two
revolutions of the crankshaft to complete a cycle, it is known as a four-stroke-
cycle engine; one
completing the cycle in two strokes of the piston and one revolution of the
crankshaft is a two-strokecycle
engine. Figure 1.5 illustrates the operating cycles of the two types of engines.
In the four-stroke-cycle engine, air is drawn into the cylinder through the intake
valve as the
piston descends on the intake
Air enters the cylinder at high pressure. The amount of fuel entering the
cylinder is therefore limited because it has to be related to the amount of oxygen
available to mix with it.
If too much fuel enters the cylinder and is left unburned, it settles on the
cylinder wall and pistonand
dilutes the lube oil film. This prevents a tight fit and causes leakage of air and loss
of power. Therefore,
used to furnish supercharging air. The kind most commonly used on diesel-
electric locomotives is the amount of entering fuel must be carefully regulated.
Also, it must enter the cylinder so that the first
fuel entering begins burning before the rest of the fuel enters, providing gradual,
even combustion. If all
the fuel enters the cylinder before ignition begins, it all burns at once--explodes-
-and a loud knock from
the explosion, called combustion knock, occurs.
A pressure-charged engine provides a method of putting more air, more fuel, and
resulting greater power into cylinder
b) Cam flywheel:It is attached at another end to run the cam shaft
according to speed of crankshaft.
 Water jackets :It is placed around the cylinder inorder to cool the
 Lubricration sump:It is a resorvior which collects the
drained,dissposed lube oil in thesystem.

 Exhuast manifold:It is a pipe which collects the exhaustgases
produced in the engine.
 Turbosupercharger:It is a equipment which is a combination of
turbo&super charger.It consists a turbibe&compressor.

 Water pipes:Itis used to supply the water used for cooling of

 Filters :They are used to filter oil&fuel& air.
 Rocker arms:It is used to operate the valves according to
movement of cam shaft.

 Rocker :It is used to control the flow of fuel according to speed of

the governer.
 Rocker scale:it is ued to measure the ammount the fuel supplying
according to the speed of the engine .
 Governer : It is a mechanical equipment works according to the
speed of the engine in order to supply the sufficient fuel.

Gudgeion pin:it is used to connect the piston &connecting rod.

Fuel Injection System:
The fuel system, often referred to as the heart of the diesel engine, squirts the
proper amount of
fuel into the cylinder at the proper time. The most important part of the system
is the injector, which
measures out the right amount of fuel, injects it into the cylinders under high
pressure, and reduces it to
a fine spray. Other parts of the fuel system are a tank to hold the fuel; a fuel-oil
pump, driven by the
motor, to get oil from the tank to the injectors; filters to clean the oil as it passes
through the system; an
injection nozzle to direct fuel into the combustion chamber in the best pattern
for combustion; and an emergency fuel cut-off valve to stop fuel from flowing
from the tank in an
Generally speaking, fuel begins to enter the combustion space of the cylinder
when the piston is
about 15 degrees before top dead centre. When the kindling-combustion
temperature of the fuelis
reached, the sprayed droplets of fuel begin to burn. The fuel still being injected
then burns as soon as it
leaves the injection nozzle. When fuel is delivered by the injection pump under
sufficient pressure,the
nozzle valve lifts against spring pressure; fuel enters the nozzle and is sprayed
from it into the
combustion chamber. Several types of combustion chambers are used.The
simplest type, and the one
most commonly used in military diesel-electric locomotives, is the direct or
open chamber. The entire supply of air is in the cylinder, with a depression in
the piston crown providing
the combustion space. With this type of combustion chamber, heat loss is small
and fuel consumption
low. Also, the engine can start quickly during cold weather.
Fuel injection system is the most important section next to engine.It is used to
supply the fresh charged fuel according to the requirement.
The fuel injection system consists of the following parts ,namely:

a)Fuel tank b)Fuel pipes c)Fuel filters d)Fuel motor e)Fuel pump

Fuel tank:It is a resorviour to store the fuel tobe supplied to the engine.It has a
capacity of 6000ltrs. The fuel is contained in a tank fitted with
baffle plates to prevent surging and with a pit to catch sludge and
water so that they can be drained out. Since the fuel pumps alone
cannot raise the fuel to the cylinder's intake port, two alternative
methods of supplying fuel can be used. A small service tank can
be located above the pumps and the fuel can enter the pumps by
gravity or, if the service tank is not used, fuel can be pumped from
 the main tank by a mechanical or electric pump.
 Fuel pipes:These are used to supply the fuel to the required parts without

 Fuel filters :There are two filters placed at different positions

Since dust and grit in the fuel are the main causes of diesel engine trouble, the
most important of all precautions is fitting efficient filters in the fuel oil
The equipment is
quickly ruined if fine particles of dust and grit are allowed to enter the fuel line;
irregular running, loss
of power, and poor starting will result. The plunger in the fuel pump and the
helix opposite the spill port are usually worn
first when dirt is in the fuel.
 1)primary

2)secondary.These are cylindrical in shape in which iron shell is rounded with

holes in it. Most diesel engines use two

kinds of fuel filters: a primary or coarse filter between the
supply tank and the fuel supply pump, and a main or fine filter between the
supply pump and the
injection pumps. They are made of either metal or fabric. Metal filters are used
as primary filters
because the fine particles that pass through them are not as harmful to the
supply pump as they would be
to the injection pump. They are cleaned by scraping the metal disks. Because of
their greater filtering
qualities, fabric filters are usually used as main filters to protect the fuel
injection pump. They have
 bags which are turned inside out to get rid of dirt, then washed and
 Fuel motor:it is used to draw the fuel from tank to fuel filter &engine.

Fuel pump:Fuel pump is the major mechanical device which increase the
pressure of the fuel as required &stores the fuel to be sent to injector. A fuel
injection pump, not only creates the injection pressure but determines
the amount of fuel injected. Its toothed rack, controlled by the
engine governor or by the speed control lever, varies the amount of
fuel and actuates all the pump elements. The pump is primarily a
piston or plunger, sliding in a barrel. The lower end of the plunger
has two projections which engage slots in the control sleeve. Oil
enters the intake port and is trapped above the helical groove and
slot whenever it rises to cover the spill port. Various positions of
the groove and slot are shown in figure 1.8. Position (a) shows the
plunger at its lowest point and position (b) shows it when both
ports are closed during its rise in the cylinder. Positions (c), (d), and
(e) show the plunger when the locomotive
 The fuel pump consists of some other mechanical devices namely:
 Casing:It is iron body that surronds the internal parts.
 Barrel:It is a internal part of fuel pump.It is a circular shape with
two holes used for injection of fuel.it stores the fuel

 Plunger:It is a piston that is inserted in the barrel .It pushes

(or)pumpes the fuel with high pressure into high pressure tank.
 Buffel ring:it is used to lock the barrel withplunger.
 Delivery tube:It is a two diameter cylinder consists of low volume
to increase the pressure of the fuel.
 Cabnut:It is used to tight the barrel to the casing,inorder not to

 Fuel rack:It is a cylindrical scale ,which is cpnnected to the

governer,on which soction of fuel takes place based on the load.
 Regulating sleeve:It regulate the lack of fuel from the fuel pump.

Fuel support:which is connected to cam shaft in order to control

valves & fuel injector
 Low spring :Low spring is a circula spring ,which is used for
upward movment &downward of plunger &guide cap.

 ‘O’ rings:These are ‘O’ in shape made up of rubber,used fortight

atatchment of cab nut &plunger.
 Guide cap:It is a circular shape hallow cap.It is place don the top of
low spring inorder to guide the plunger for howmuch of fuel to be
supplied as per load.It works on the movmement of fuel injection


 Outer spring:It is used to lock the guide cap.

 Plunger bolt:It is a ‘T’ shaped nit through which fuel is passed.
 Zebbar valve:It acts as connection between hp tube &fuel pump.

 High pressure tube:It is a ‘L’ shaped tube through which fuelis

 Fuel injector:It is aa mechanical device in which the pressure of the
fuel is increased then the pressure of the air in the cylinder.It has a
nozzle through which fuel is sprayed with 9 holes.
A naturally-aspirated engine is one common type reciprocating piston I.C engine
that depends solely on atmospheric pressure to counter the partial vacuum in the
induction tract to draw in combustion air. In a naturally aspirated engine; air for
combustion or an air/fuel mixture is drawn into the engines cylinders by
atmospheric pressure acting against a partial vacuum that occurs as the piston
travels downwards toward bottom dead centre during the induction stroke. Due
to restriction at intake track, a small pressure drop occurs as air is drawn in,
resulting in a volumetric efficiency of less than 100 percent - and a less than
complete air charge in thecylinder.


A supercharger is an air compressor used for forced induction of an internal

combustion engine . The greater mass flow-rate provides more oxygen to
support combustion than would be available in a naturally-aspirated engine,
which allows more fuel to be provided and more work to be done per cycle,
increasing the power output of the engine. A supercharger can be powered
mechanically by a belt, gear, shaft, or chain connected to the engine's
crankshaft. It can also be powered by an exhaust gas turbine. A turbine-driven
supercharger is known as a turbo charger.

A turbocharger is a small radial fan pump driven by the energy of the exhaust
gases of an engine. A turbocharger consists of a turbine and a compressor on a
shared shaft. The turbine converts exhaust heat to rotational force, which is in
turn used to drive the compressor. The compressor draws in ambient air and
pumps it in to the intake manifold at increased pressure, resulting in a greater mass
of air entering the cylinders on each intake stroke.
The pressure in the atmosphere is no more than 1atm ,there ultimately will be a
limit to the pressure difference across the intake valves and thus the amount of
airflow entering the combustion chamber.
Because the turbocharger increases the pressure at the point where air is entering
the cylinder, a greater mass of air (oxygen) will be forced in as the inlet manifold
pressure increases.
The additional air flow makes it possible to maintain the combustion chamber
pressure and fuel/air load even at high engine revolution speeds, increasing the
power and torque output of the engine. The increase in the inlet pressure of air by
any means is called as boost. General setup of turbo charger is shown.

1Compressor Inlet
2Compressor Discharge 3

Charge air cooler (CAC)

4 Intake Valve

3 Exhaust Valve

4 Turbine Inlet

Sometimes, oil is used for cooling as well as for lubricating. When this is done,
a separate oil
radiator with its own cooling fan is provided with the main radiator. Usedfor
bearing lubrication, the
oil's circulation rate is lower than when it is used for piston cooling and
lubrication. Oil hits the
underside of the piston in a fine spray. The crankshaft, end bearings, operating
gear, and camshaft are
lubricated by oil under pressure; oil without pressure, free return oil, lubricates
the camshaft driving
gears and cylinder walls. Contaminating particles can usually be filtered out.

Some contamination of oil is inevitable. For example, the oil itself will oxidize
and form corrosive acids. These acids are prevented from harming the engine
by additives
which either keep the oil from oxidizing or provide a protective coating on the
parts they touch? In
addition, the oil should possess some detergent properties to keep the
contaminating matter in
suspension so that it will be drained off when the crankcase isdrained.
Contaminating materials found
in the oil may be any of the following: metal bits caused by wear of the engine,
carbonaceous particles
resulting from fuel incorrectly burned or caused by breakdown of the oil itself,
sunburnt fuel, cooling
water that has leaked in, and acid water caused by cooling of burnt gases which
have passed by the


Oil circulation pumps are protected from contamination by gauze screens that
remove the heavier substances from the oil; smaller particles are removed by
metallic strainers made of
very fine gauze, steel wool, or closely spaced plates. The finest materials and
carbon carried in
suspension in the oil are removed by absorbent filters made of special papers,
cotton, or felt. Two
methods of routing the oil through the filters are used: full -flow filtering, which
passes all the oil through the filter; and bypass filtering where only a part of the
is continuously bypassed through the filter. Full-flow filters have relief valves
that can open to take the
oil out of the filter's path when the pressure drop across the filter is excessive.
Heat originating in the engine is absorbed by circulating water and dissipated in a
radiator. In a diesel-electric locomotive, the fan is driven by a motor powered
by an auxiliary generator.
Since heated water helps the engine to reach its best operating temperature more
quickly, the radiator is
not brought into the water circuit until the water is quite hot. Temperature of the
water can be regulated
by louvers on the front of the radiator.
The water is circulated by a pump driven from the engine. It goes through water
jackets between
the cylinders and cylinder liners, and is then routed through the radiator to be
cooled. With a well regulated
radiator, water enters the engine at 100°-120° F. and leaves it at 150°-180° F.
Because heat
and cold cause metal to expand and contract, it is better to use a high rate of
water circulation with a
small difference in temperature of the water entering and leaving the engine
than to circulate the water more slowly and have a larger difference in entering
leaving temperatures.
Water in the cooling system is treated to remove hardness, to minimize
corrosion, and to remove
suspended impurities. Hardness, a term used to express the presence of scale-
forming salts in raw water,
can be removed by a water softener. Dry compounds should not be poured into
the radiator as they may
clog the system. Water should be treated in a separate container first and solids
allowed settling before
drawing solution off for the engine. If treatment is improper or ineffective,
radiators and water jackets
will become clogged and cylinder liners corroded.
Radiators: Radiators are used to cool the engine .It is a heat exchanger which
exchanges the heat.
ance vehicles or stationary applications. In particular MW-class installations,
coppeRadiators are heat exchangers used to transfer thermal energy from one
medium to another for the purpose of cooling and heating. The majority of
radiators are constructed to function in automobiles, buildings, and electronics.
The radiator is always a source of heat to its environment, although this may be
for either the purpose of heating this environment, or for cooling the fluid or
coolant supplied to it, as for engine cooling. Despite the name, most radiators
transfer the bulk of their heat via convection instead of thermal radiation.
Spacecraft radiators necessarily must use radiation only to reject heat.
The Roman hypocaust, is an early example of a type of radiator for building
space heating. The heating radiator was invented by Franz San Galli, a Prussian-
born Russian businessman living in St. Petersburg, between 1855 and
1857.Radiation and convection
Heat transfer from a radiator occurs by all the usual mechanisms: thermal
radiation, convection into flowing air or liquid, and conduction into the air or
liquid. A radiator may even transfer heat by phase change, for example, drying a
pair of socks. In practice, the term "radiator" refers to any of a number of
devices in which a liquid circulates through exposed pipes (often with fins or
other means of increasing surface area). The term "convector" refers to a class
of devices in which the source of heat is not directly exposed.

Radiators are used for cooling internal combustion engines, mainly in

automobiles but also in piston-engined aircraft, railway locomotives,
motorcycles, stationary generating plants and other places where such engines
are used.
To cool down the engine, a coolant is passed through the engine block, where it
absorbs heat from the engine. The hot coolant is then fed into the inlet tank of the
radiator (located either on the top of the radiator, or along one side), from which
it is distributed across the radiator core through tubes to another tank on the
opposite end of the radiator. As the coolant passes through the radiator tubes on
its way to the opposite tank, it transfers much of its heat to the tubes which, in
turn, transfer the heat to the fins that are lodged between each row of tubes.
The fins then release the heat to the ambient air. Fins are used to greatly increase
the contact surface of the tubes to the air, thus increasing the exchange
efficiency. The cooled coolant is fed back to the engine, and the cycle repeats.
Normally, the radiator does not reduce the temperature of the coolant back to
ambient air temperature, but it is still sufficiently cooled to keep the engine from

This coolant is usually water-based, with the addition of glycols to prevent

freezing and other additives to limit corrosion, erosion and cavitation. However,
the coolant may also be an oil. The first engines used thermosiphons to circulate
the coolant; today, however, all but the smallest engines use pumps.
Up to the 1980s, radiator cores were often made of copper (for fins) and brass
(for tubes, headers, and side-plates, while tanks could also be made of brass or
of plastic, often a polyamide). Starting in the 1970s, use of aluminium
increased, eventually taking over the vast majority of vehicular radiator
applications. The main inducements for aluminium are reduced weight and cost.
However, the superior cooling properties of Copper-Brass over Aluminium
makes it preferential for high performr-brass constructions are still dominant
(See: Copper in heat exchangers). CuproBraze is a copper-alloy heat exchanger
technology for harsh temperature and pressure environments such as those in
the latest generations of cleaner diesel engines mandated by environmental
regulations. Its performance advantages over radiators made with other
materials include better thermal performance, heat transfer, size, strength,
durability, emissions, corrosion resistance, repairability, and antimicrobial
Since air has a lower heat capacity and density than liquid coolants, a fairly large
volume flow rate (relative to the coolant's) must be blown through the radiator
core to capture the heat from the coolant. Radiators often have one or more
fans that blow air through the radiator. To save fan power consumption in
vehicles, radiators are often behind the grille at the front end of a vehicle. Ram
air can give a portion or all of the necessary cooling air flow when the coolant
temperature remains below the system's designed maximum temperature, and
the fan remains disengaged.

Radiators Of WDG4
Radiators of WDM 3A

INTERCOOLER:An intercooler is any mechanical device used to cool a

fluid, including liquids or gases, between stages of a multi-stage compression
process, typically a heat exchanger that removes waste heat in a gas compressor.
They are used in many applications, including air compressors, air conditioners,
refrigerators, and gas turbines, and are widely known in automotive use as an air-
to-air or air-to-liquid cooler for forced induction (turbocharged or
supercharged) internal combustion engines to improve their volumetric efficiency
by increasing intake air charge density through nearly isobaric (constant
pressure) cooling.

Internal combustion engines

Intercoolers increase the efficiency of the induction system by reducing
induction air heat created by the supercharger or turbocharger and promoting
more thorough combustion. This removes the heat of compression (i.e., the
temperature rise) that occurs in any gas when its pressure is raised or its unit
mass per unit volume (density) isincreased.
A decrease in intake air charge temperature sustains use of a more dense intake
charge into the engine, as a result of forced induction. The lowering of the
intake charge air temperature also eliminates the danger of pre-detonation
(knock) of the fuel/air charge prior to timed spark ignition. This preserves the
benefits of more fuel/air burn per engine cycle, increasing the output of the
Intercoolers also eliminate the need for using the wasteful method of lowering
intake charge temperature by the injection of excess fuel into the cylinders' air
induction chambers, to cool the intake air charge, prior to its flowing into the
cylinders. This wasteful practice (before intercoolers were used) nearly
eliminated the gain in engine efficiency from forced induction, but was
necessitated by the greater need to prevent at all costs the engine damage that
pre-detonation engine knocking causes.

Intercooler attched to
Intercooler connected to compressor

A heat exchanger is a device used to transfer heat between a solid object and a
fluid, or between two or more fluids. The fluids may be separated by a solid wall
to prevent mixing or they may be in direct contact.They are widely used in space
heating, refrigeration, air conditioning, power stations, chemical plants,
petrochemical plants, petroleum refineries, natural-gas processing, and sewage
treatment. The classic example of a heat exchanger is found in an internal
combustion engine in which a circulating fluid known as engine coolant flows
through radiator coils and air flows past the coils, which cools the coolant and
heats the incoming air. Another example is the heat sink, which is a passive heat
exchanger that transfers the heat generated by an electronic or a mechanical
device to a fluid medium, often air or a liquid An intercooler is any mechanical
device used to cool a fluid, including liquids or gases, between stages of a
multi-stage compression process, typically a heat exchanger that removes waste
heat in a gas compressor. They are used in many applications, including air
compressors, air conditioners, refrigerators, and gas turbines, and are widely
known in automotive use as an air-to-air or air-to-liquid cooler forforced
induction (turbocharged or supercharged) internal combustion engines to
improve their volumetric efficiency by increasing intake air charge density
through nearly isobaric (constant pressure) cooling.
Heat exchanger of WDG3A

Heat exchangers of WDG4

In understanding the electric system, it may help to compare it to a water system
.The path of the water system, the pipe, compares to the wires of the
electric system, which form a path called a circuit. In the water
system, the pump supplies energy and the turbine absorbs it. Similarly, in the
electric system, the
generator supplies energy and the motor absorbs it.
In the water system, the pressure the pump supplies varies; the size of the pipe
must allow for
this variance of pressure. Different size pipes offer different resistance so that
the quantity of water
flowing through the pipe is affected. The characteristics of the water system are
paralleled by like
factors in the electric system where they are called volts, ohms, and amperes.
These and other basic
principles which govern the flow of electricity and its related magnetic effects
are discussed in this

Voltage is the pressure that forces current through a circuit. The pressure is
supplied by an
electric generator or battery and is often called potential difference or
electromotive force (elf). When
a circuit is available, the voltage causes a current to flow; when the circuit is
closed or broken, the
current will not flow. In practice, a volt is defined as a potential difference of
pressure that will cause
one ampere to flow through a resistance of one ohm. Voltage is the pressure that
forces current through
a circuit.
Resistance is the property of a material, or conductor, which opposes the flow
of current when
voltage is applied and which converts electrical energy into heat. An ohm is the
unit used to measure
resistance. Very small resistances are measured in millionths of an ohm, called
micromesh. Large
resistances are measured in millions of ohms, called me ohms.
Materials that offer very large resistance are called insulators orconductors.
Conductors carry
electric current easily, while insulators offer more resistance to the flow of
current. Although there are
no perfect insulators and conductors, organic and vitreous substances such
as rubber, oil, ceramics, and glass usually make good insulators;
metals usuallymake
good conductors. The resistance of an insulator is expressed in me
ohms and is measured by an
instrument called a mugger.

Altenators are divided in to two types:
a)Main alternator:The diesel engine dives the main alternator which provides the
power to move the train.The generator generates electricity which is used to
provide power for the traction motors mounte on the trucks.

The main alternator converts the power output of the diesel engine into
electric power for the operation of the traction motors. Directly connected to the
diesel engine, the
generator's speed varies with engine speed. The alternator r is self-ventilated by
a fan mounted on its
shaft. The main field of the generator is supplied by a battery or by an exciter
controlled by a load
regulator. A differential field, in series with the generator, is wound to oppose
the main field. The purpose is to vary the total field strength to obtain a constant
kilowatt output. Other fields, such as starting fields, are used when cranking.
The main pole pieces of the generator are of laminated steel riveted together and
bolted to the
frame. The field coils are impregnated and baked with insulating compounds to
guard against
movement and chafing within the coil and to permit flow of heat to the surfaces.
Built to withstand high
speed and vibrations, the armature of this generator is balanced both before and
after winding to reduce
vibration. It is supported at one end by an antifriction bearing and at the other
by the engine crankshaft
b)Auxiliary alternator:
Locomotives used to operate passenger trains equipped with an auxiliary
alternator .This provides power for lighiting ,heating ,aircondittioning .on the
loco.used to start system.
Traction motor :

It ia an electrical equipment mounted on the frame.it is used to transfer power to

wheels with help of an pinion gear.it is a variable speed motor. Similar to a
generator, a direct-current motor such as the traction motor can be connected in
shunt or in series. Shunt motors are used where a constant speed is des ired;
output of the motor varies
little with a change in load. Series motors have good traction, but must always
be connected to a load;
otherwise they will speed up so fast that they will be damaged.
Traction motors are series-wound, direct-current motors geared to the
locomotive axles and
wheels, as shown in figure 1.1, item 33. They convert the electrical energy of
the generator into attractive
effort or mechanical energy. Half of the motors' weight is supported on the truck
frame and half on the
axle. The motors are either connected permanently in series-parallel or arranged
for transition from
series to series-parallel connection. The armature turns on roller bearings in the
motor housing. The
axle bearing is a split-sleeve type.
Traction motor fields are provided with shunts which divert a portion of the
field current when
the motors cannot absorb the full power output. Field shunting contactors can be
pneumatically by magnet valves or by electric relays. A relay operation is one
of the easiest to
understand. Relays open and close at certain generator voltages, closing the
field-shunting contactors
and permitting some of the current to flow through the shunts and weaken the
Blowers are provided in larger locomotives to force a large quantity of cooling
air through the
traction motors and thus prevent them from overheating. A locomotive must not
haul a train unless the
traction motors are adequately cooled because heat generated by heavy currents
will damage the motors
if it is not carried away. Blowers are mounted on the floor of the locomotive and
ducts carry the air
through the under frame to the motors; they may be mechanically driven by the
engine or electrically


These are attached to alternator in order to transform electricity.

Power from the main generator is carried by electric cables to the traction
motors, which are
geared to the driving axles. The main power circuit is this path of current
flowing from the generator
through the cables and motors, and back to the generator. Locomotives have
three types of circuits:
series, parallel, and series-parallel. In a series circuit, the same current passes
through each device and
connection in completing its path to the source of supply, and the total
resistance of the circuit is equal
to the sum of the resistance of all its portions. In a parallel circuit, the current
from the source divides
through two or more parallel paths and the total current from the source equals
the sum of the current in
the parallel paths. The resistance of a parallel circuit is always lower than the
resistance of any of its
individual parallel paths. A series of Christmas tree lights in which all go out
when any one burns out
(opens the circuit) is a familiar example of a series circuit; each bulb can stand
only a portion of the
voltage from a house circuit. The lights in which the other bulbs continue to
burn when one burns out is
a parallel circuit; each bulb operates on house voltage. If motors are connected
in the same manner as
the lamps, the same circuit characteristics apply. The difference in operating
characteristics of motors at
different voltages is a chief reason for the relatively greater number of methods
used for connecting
traction motors.
Many different designs of main power circuits are used. Each circuit
independent of the
others, except for the small wires in the wheel slip relay circuit. Connections in
many locomotives are
permanently joined in series-parallel. A tie between the motor circuits exists
when portions of the
circuits are in series-parallel and no contactors are used. In order that full
generator voltage can be
applied when the motors are in series connection, a contractor will close if the
tying circuit is in use and
other contactors will open the circuit to and from the generator.
In electric drive, power can be easily varied. The throttle adjusts voltage,
current, and attractive
effort. While the throttle remains in the first notch, the current, or amperage,
decreases rapidly because
the motors, which are increasing speed, develop a greater counter-voltage. If the
throttle is moved to a
higher position, the fuel supply is increased and the engine and generator can
deliver more power.
When the throttle is advanced as far as possible, engine speed and generator
voltage are at their

Wheel slip relay: An indicating system using a wheel slip relay is

frequently installed on diesel-electric locomotives. The system's relays are
connected to resistors in the traction motor circuit.
If a pair of wheels slip, unbalanced voltage causes current to flow through the
relay. When this relay inactivated, the contacts energize a governor solenoid
which reduces engine speed and operates a warning
buzzer, an indicator light, or both in the engineman's cab. Interlocksreduce
generator excitation at the same time. When slipping stops, balanced voltage
again exists and power is automatically restored.
The buzzer or light is transmitted to all units in multiple, but engine speed is
reduced only on the slipping unit.


In the engine of the diesel-electric locomotive, as in all internal combustion
engines, the relay of force begins with the push of the piston in the power
stroke. Piston force travels through theconnecting
rod to the crankshaft, which transmits it to the rotary drive. Cranks of the
crankshaft are counterbalanced and designed to insure an even and smooth
distribution of force through the shaft.
Up to this point, power relay has been purely mechanical. If the locomotive
were equipped with gears for its transmission system, the relay of force would
be mechanical throughout. Gears in transmission similar to that in an
automobile, in order to be large enough to control a locomotive, would
be too large and bulky to be practical. A transmission is omitted, therefore, in
favour of wires that Forman electrical transmission. These wires lead from the
generator to traction motors that change the electrical power back to mechanical
power. Motors are mounted in the locomotive trucks on some
locomotives and are geared to the locomotive axles. About half of the weight of
the motor is supported on the truck frame through a nose on the motor frame
and the other half by bearings on the driving axle.
a. Electrical transmission: The task of the electrical transmission system is to
receive mechanical energy from an engine, convert it into electrical energy in a
generator, and transmit it by wires through controllers and relays to traction
motors which change it back to mechanical energy at the wheels. A complete
engine-generator set is called a power unit. Some locomotives have two or more
power units, each requiring fuel, water, and oil pumps; radiator fans; and
blowers. Besides the main generator, there is an air compressor and auxiliary
generator; also powered by the engine, they supply the engine-starting equipment,
airbrakes, pneumatic controls, and low-voltage light and power circuit.

b. Generator and traction motors: In diesel-electric transmission, a generator is

mounted directly to the engine crankshaft and an auxiliary generator is either
coupled to the main generator or driven by a belt. One or more traction motors
and their reduction gears are mounted on the driving axles of trucks and a final
reduction gear is located between the traction motor and the axle. No
mechanical parts are needed to reverse the engine, as is necessary with a totally
mechanical transmission system.
The power produced by the generator is converted by a traction motor into
mechanical driving force at the wheels. The motor can produce very high torque
at start which decreases as the load
on it increases. Adjustment of the generator field strength is made by a regulator
that introduces resistance into the circuit as indicated by the governor. The
governor acts on a valve which controls oil under pressure in its cylinder.
During increased engine load, the governor's piston rises, fuel is injected,
and the contacts are closed, causing the motor to rotate in the opposite direction
and to introduce resistance into the circuit.
The traction motor is cooled by filtered air forced in either electrically or
mechanically. The electrical method is preferred because it provides a full blast
of air at all speeds while the mechanical system blows at slow speeds when the
highest electrical current is in the motor.
c. Connecting-gear ratio: Ratio of the gears connecting the motors to the
axles is selected on the basis of the service the locomotive is to perform. High-
speed service, such as passenger service, calls for a ratio which keeps motor
speed low. When power is more important than speed, such as for
freight service, the ratio used is one that requires many revolutions of the motor
for only slight movement of the locomotive. Intermediate ratios are used for
general all-purpose service. Gear ratio is expressed by two numbers: one is the
number of teeth on the axle-mounted gear; the other the number of
teeth on the traction motor pinion. For example, if the axle-mounted gear has 60
teeth and the traction motor pinion 17, the gear ratio is 60-17 or 3.53:1.
During early 90s, fuel - efficient kit for original 16-cylinder DLWmanufactured
ALCO engines was developed,
which reduced specific fuel consumption by more than 6% and lube oil
consumption by about15%. The
reduction in fuel consumption at full load was from 166 gm/bhp/hr to 156
gm/bhp/hr at full load. Similarly, there
was reduction in the % lube-fuel oil ratio from 1.5% to 1.27%. The major
modifications in the design with their
estimated contribution to improvement in fuel and lube oil consumption is
described below:
Development of Efficient After -Cooler
After-cooler in a turbocharged engine cools the compressed air to engine,
thereby increasing the density of
charge air. A large after-cooler with higher effectiveness was designed for better
cooling of compressed air. The
size of the core was increased to get higher contact area between water and air.
The new after cooler, called
Large After-cooler, also resulted in lower cycle temperatures and lower thermal
stresses on the engine.

This modification increased cooling effectiveness of after cooler from 50% to

75% and decreased exhaust gas
temperature from 600ºC to 520ºC.
It is estimated that this development improved the fuel efficiency by approx. 1%
and reduced the lube oil
consumption by about2.5%.
Development of Improved Turbochargers
The original DLW manufactured locomotives were fitted with ALCO A720
turbochargers. These turbochargers
were replaced by fuel-efficient
• Napier NA295 A720; and
• ABB VTC-304 VG-13 turbochargers.
Global Efficiency of ALCO turbocharger is in the range of 50%, whereas the
new turbochargers have efficiency
of more than 60%. The rotor speed of these turbochargers at rated power is also
higher (23000 rpm) as
compared to the speed of earlier turbo (19000 rpm). With the increase in turbo
efficiency, the inlet air density
increased without changing the design of combustion chamber. Increase in
booster air pressure from 1.2 barsto
1.6 bars with these turbochargers, wasachieved.
Development of 12.5 Compression Ratio Steel Cap Pistons
Original ALCO engines had aluminium dish top pistons. Use of high efficiency
turbochargers and higher
capacity fuel injection pumps, as brought out above, led to higher peak firing
pressures. As aluminium pistons
cannot withstand these higher firing pressures, steel cap pistons were developed.
These steel cap pistonswere
provided with special crown profile for better combustion.

Aluminium dish steel cap

Steel cap pistons have additional advantages of longer life due to lesser wear of
ring grooves and ability to
withstand higher thermal load due to better cooling.
The estimated saving in fuel and lube oil consumption with use of steel cap
piston is about 1.5% and 4%
Modification of Fuel Injection Pump
The original fuel injection pumps used on ALCO Engines had plunger diameter
of 15 mm. The plunger
diameter of the fuel injection pump was increased from 15 mm to 17 mm.This
modification led to sharper fuel
injection i.e. injection at higher-pressure. The modification resulted in increase
of peak fuel line pressure from
750 to 850 bars and, thus, improvement in the fuel efficiency.
Fuel Injection Pump FIP CutSection
The estimated fuel and lube oil economy with this modification is approx. 1.5%
and 4% respectively.
Modification of Cam Shaft
Camshaft with increased overlap of 140 deg in place of 123 deg. was designed
to improve scavenging. The
exhaust & inlet air cam lobes were modified so that both the inlet and exhaust
valves are kept open forlonger
period. With this modification, pressurised inlet air was able to force out the
burnt gases for longer period. This
improved quality of charge air had significant effect on fuel efficiency of the
engine. The width of fuel cam lobes
along with the width of fuel cam roller was also increased to take up higher fuel
injection pressure.
The estimated saving in fuel and lube oil consumption with the above changeis
about 0.5% and 1%
Fuel-efficient 2600 HP ALCO Engine was upgraded to 3100 HP by increasing
the engine rpm from 1000 to
1050 rpm and introducing high efficiency turbocharger in the year 1992. Apart
from upgradation, the above
Modification of Cam Shaft
Camshaft with increased overlap of 140 deg in place of 123 deg. was designed
to improve scavenging. The
exhaust & inlet air cam lobes were modified so that both the inlet and exhaust
valves are kept open forlonger
period. With this modification, pressurised inlet air was able to force out the
burnt gases for longer period. This
improved quality of charge air had significant effect on fuel efficiency of the
engine. The width of fuel cam lobes
along with the width of fuel cam roller was also increased to take up higher fuel
injection pressure.
The estimated saving in fuel and lube oil consumption with the above change is
about 0.5% and 1%
Electronic Fuel Injection System:
Mechanical fuel injection pumps, which were being used on ALCO Engines,
had no provision of changing start
of injection at various notches. Since Diesel Engine consumes maximum fuel at
7th and 8th notches, the fuel
injection timing on this engine are optimised to give lowest specific fuel
consumption at these notches.
Electronic fuel injection pump has the advantage of setting the start and end of
injection for each cylinder
individually, which results in injection of optimum quantity of fuel in
combustion chamber at right moment. EFI
pump as well as the schematic diagram of the set-up of EFI system is shown
Apart from reducing fuel consumption of the engine at lower notches, the
Electronic fuel injection system also
eliminates a number of mechanical engine components, the most prominent
being the Governor itself, thereby
reducing maintenance effort and resulting in higher reliability. Other advantages
of the system include
elimination of hot engine alarms; better control and diagnostics; design
flexibility; automatic balancing; and
lesser exhaust emissions.
The Electronic Fuel Injection System has been developed by RDSO in
association with M/s Lucas Bryce, UK as
well as M/s MICO at Bangalore in India. The system has been optimised for
ALCO Engine at RDSO’s Test Bed.
The system has given the fuel saving of more than 2% over duty cycle.
Double Helix Fuel Injection Pump
RDSO has also developed double helix pumps for ALCO Engine in association
with M/s MICO. In double helix
design, helix is provided on the top and bottom edges (both) of FIP plunger, so
that opening of spill port is also
optimized and controlled resulting in the optimization of start of injection at part
load as well.
A diesel engine can be either two-stroke or four-stroke and, except for its
ignition, is much like
any other internal combustion engine. It is one of three types--V, vertical in-
line, or horizontal--
depending on the arrangement of its cylinders.
The fuel system includes the fuel tank, fuel and ignition pumps, filters, injection
nozzle, and
emergency fuel cut-off valve. The fuel tank has baffle plates to prevent surging
and a pit to catch
sediment so that it can be drained out. In some locomotives, the fuel tank is
above the pump and fuel
enters the pump by gravity. In others, fuel is pumped from the tank into the
main pump by anauxiliary
pump. The fuel pump creates the injection pressure and determines the amount
of fuel injected into the
cylinders by the injectors.
In an engine with a water cooling system, water is run through water jackets
between the
cylinders and cylinder liners. The water is directed through a radiator to cool it.
Louvers on the front of
the radiator can be opened and closed to regulate the heat escaping from it.
Occasionally, an engine is
designed so that the pistons are cooled also by their lubricating oil. When this is
done, a special oil
radiator, with its own cooling fan, is provided in addition to the water cooling
Lubricating oil should have some detergent properties so that contaminating
materials can be
kept in suspension and filtered out by strainers, made of gauze, steel wool, or
closely spaced plates.
Brakes for a locomotive can be the kind that control the locomotive, the train, or
both. Air
pressure for the brakes is supplied by a compressor.
The weight of the locomotive is carried by the trucks, which also absorb lateral
thrusts and
oppose the tilting tendency. A truck is made of frames, wheels, axles, journals
and journal boxes,
bolsters, springs, bearings, and brake rigging. Most locomotives are equipped
with chains to limit the
swing of the trucks in case of derailment. Locomotives larger than 40 tons use
four-wheel rigid trucks,
four-wheel swing bolster trucks, or six-wheel swing bolster trucks.
Accessories supported by the locomotive engine include a bell, horn, speed
recorder, windshield
wipers, sanding system, temperature controls, and engine and cabheaters.

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