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Hyperobjecs 3.

Physical Graffiti
Timothy Morton
By coming to terms with an increasing range of objects,
human beings do not become nihilistic princes of darkness,
but actually the most sincere creatures the earth has ever
Graham Harman, Guerilla Metaphysics, 247

…not something that just is what it is, here and now,

without mystery, but something like a quest…a tone on
its way calling forth echoes and responses…water
seeking its liquidity in the sunlight rippling across the
cypresses in the back of the garden.

Alphonso Lingis, The Imperative, 29

1. Anything You Can Do I
Can Do Meta
Going Meta

The argument clinic

Monty Python
Les non-dupes errent

Jacques Lacan
Seminar 21
1) The essence of things is elsewhere
(in the deep structure of capital, the unconscious,

2) There is no essence

3) There is an essence,
and it's right here, in the object resplendent with its
sensual qualities yet withdrawn
2. Dancing about

Essence (or not)

substance matter
form nothing

“Pure matter without form”

Object-Oriented Ontology

realism (AI and anti-AI theory)


real objects sensual objects

Object-Oriented Ontology


Goddard Institute for Space Studies

3. Cool Atomism
A process is an atom just a lava-lampy one

A string is an atom just a sub-quantal one

A quantum is an atom just an indeterminate or “intra-

active” one (Karen Barad)
4. Physics without Matter I:
World Tubes
Strange stranger
Future future World Tube

Elsewhere elsewhere

5. Physics without Matter II:
Quantum Smears
Units (Ian Bogost)
Black Body Radiation problem
Max Planck
Complementarity (Niels Bohr)
Quantum Coherence
Fermi-Diract Condensates
Einstein-Bose Condensates
Casimir Forces
Entanglement & Nonlocality
Albert Einstein, Nathan Rosen and Boris Podolsky,“Can Quantum-Mechanical
Description of Reality be Complete?” Phys. Rev. 47 (1935), 777–780.
Yuri Aharanov and David Bohm, “Significance of Electromagnetic Potentials in the
Quantum Theory,” Phys. Rev. 115.3 (August 1, 1959), 485–491.
John Bell, “On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox,” Physics 1 (1964), 195–200.
Alain Aspect, Philippe Grangier and Gérard Roger, “Experimental Realization of
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm Gedankenexperiment: A New Violation of
Bell’s Inequalities,” Physical Review Letters 49.2 (2 July 1982), 91–94.

“We have demonstrated a tunable Cooper pair splitter device that opens the way to
studies of the entanglement of spatially separated mobile electrons. Because of its
remarkable splitting efficiency, such a device could provide a first test of the EPR
paradox in the solid state if it were implemented with ferromagnetic drain contacts
and noise measurements were performed on it.” (963)
L. Hofstetter et al., “Cooper Pair Splitter Realized in a Two-Quantum-Dot
Y-Junction,” Nature 461 (October 15, 2009), 960–963

David Bohm, Basil Hiley, Antony Valentini, Anton Zeilinger

Quantum Coherence

“Qubit excited-state probability, Pe, as a function of interaction time, τ, and detuning, Δ,

showing state transfer between the qubit and the resonator, in which a qubit excitation is
exchanged with a phonon in the mechanical resonator (left, simulations; right,
experiment). The red dash–dot line is at the resonator frequency, fr.” (701)

Aaron D. O’Connell et al., “Quantum Ground State and Single Phonon Control
of a Mechanical Ground Resonator,”
Nature 464 (March 17, 2010), 697–703
Quantum Coherence

“Pulse sequence to generate coherent phonon states. With the qubit at its resting
frequency, an on-resonance Gaussian pulse of fixed duration (5.0 ns) and variable
amplitude is applied to the resonator. The qubit is then tuned to Δ = 0 and left for an
interaction time τ; the qubit excited-state probability, Pe, is then evaluated. b, Measured
Pe as a function of pulse amplitude and interaction time, τ.” (702)

Aaron D. O’Connell et al., “Quantum Ground State and Single Phonon Control
of a Mechanical Ground Resonator,”
Nature 464 (March 17, 2010), 697–703
Quantum Coherence

“The cross-peaks, indicated by dashed horizontal lines in Fig. 3b (red is

the cross-peak above the diagonal, the black line is that below), are more
clearly seen in Fig. 3c, in which the beats are well resolved and markedly
anti-correlated—a signature of quantum coherence.” (646)

Elisabetta Collini et al., “Coherently Wired Light-Harvesting in Photosynthetic

Marine Algae at Ambient Temperature,”
Nature 463 (4 February 2010), 644–647
What Quantum Theory Isn’t

“Wheel without wheel” Field Ion Micograph

William Blake of tungsten atoms

The Copenhagen Interpretation vs. The Ontological Interpretation

Niels Bohr David Bohm
6. Viscosity
6. Nonlocality
Humiliations of the Human



The unconscious


Ecological interconnection

7. Squishing
Giorgio De Chirico, Mystery and Melancholy of a Street (1914)
“In his house in R’lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming”
8. The End of the World
Roman Jakobson

addresser message addressee

contact phatic statements


Suppose, for instance, that in the season of the

Cynosure [the Dog Days of summer] arctic cold
were to prevail, this we would regard as an accident,
whereas, if there were a sweltering heatwave, we
would not. And this is because the latter, unlike the
former, is always or for the most part the case.

Metaphysics, Epsilon 2, tr. Hugh Lawson-Tancred (Penguin, 1999),


Goddard Institute for Space Studies

vanadium porphyrin
from petroleuma chlorophyll a
there is no such thing as a “horizon”
Graham Harman, Tool-Being
(Open Court, 2002), 155
The Three Timescales

1) Frightening timescale
Several hundred years

2) Horrifying timescale
Thirty thousand years

3) Petrifying timescale
One hundred thousand years

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