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Stock Market- barometer of the


Presented by,
Kumar. Anand
Rama. Devi
Smithu. Desai
 Stock market is a term used to describe all transactions
involving the buying and selling of stocks issued by a

 Stock market Index is used to give information about the price

movements of stocks.

 A stock market index is created by selecting a group of stocks

that are representative of the whole market or a specified
sector of the market.
Stock market indices are useful for a
variety of reasons

 They provide a historical comparison of returns on

money invested in the stock market against other
forms of investments such as gold or debt.
 Indices help to recognize broad trends in the market
 It is a lead indicator of the performance of the overall
economy or a sector of the economy
 The investor can use indices to allocate the funds
rationally among the stocks

 Technical analysts use indices to predict future

 Stock is a share of ownership in the assets and
earnings of a company
 Shareholders are entitled to a particular percent of the
firm’s profit after tax
 Value of the share is enhanced in the Stock Exchange
where lot of buyers demand for them.
 Reflects that more wealth is generated
 If the same demand grows year after year, it indicates
that the economy of the nation is on the growing path
Role of stock exchanges in the

 Raising capital for businesses

 Mobilizing savings for investment
 Redistribution of wealth
 Facilitates capital formation
The Wealth Effect

Stock prices  Household Consumption

wealth  GDP 

 An increase in stock prices will raise GDP

 While a decrease in stock prices will decrease

 Shares and securities traded in the Stock Exchanges
act as a barometer of the economy.

 If the shares of most of the large companies go up on

value steadily over a period it indicates that the
economy is healthy.

 More and more investment pours into the shares from

people observing this bullish trend of Stock markets.
SENSEX Vs FDI inflows
Financial year(April- Total FDI inflows(in US Sensex
March) $ million)
2003-04 4322 4492.29

2004-05 6051 5704.29

2005-06 8961 7000-11,000

2006-07 22,826 12,000-14,000

2007-08 34,835 15,000-21,000(8th Jan

2008-09 26,506 15,644.44

The market as the barometer for
economic performance

 Economic growth
 Low inflation
 Low interest rates
 Good employment figures
 Good governance
 Political stability
Although stock market is an economic indicator, it
should be used in conjunction with other leading
indicators such as interest rate, rate of inflation and
money supply

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