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How GPS Works

Kristine M. Larson
Professor of Aerospace
Engineering Sciences
University of Colorado
• What is GPS
• How GPS works
• How GPS codes work
• Why I use GPS for my research
The Global Positioning System is a constellation of 31
satellites that is used to calculate your position.

How do you use these satellites to calculate your position?

Instead of satellites, lets use transmitters on the ground.
Grand Junction sends a signal to Radon’s GPS.
What kind of signal? it puts the time on the signal.


Grand Junction Radon in Boulder


For this to work, we’ll need for both the

transmitter and Radon to have clocks.
When Radon’s GPS receiver gets the signal, he
compares the time on the signal with the time on his

Time Difference (in seconds) * 2.99792458 108 meters/second =

Distance (in meters)

So, a GPS signal tells you how far you are from
the transmitter.
If the distance from the GPS transmitter is 250 miles, that means
you are somewhere on a circle of radius 250 miles.
Now add a 2nd transmitter in Ft. Collins.
Radon is at the intersection
And a third transmitter in Pueblo of the 3 circles
This only works if:
• You know where the transmitters are.
• GPS signals also transmit the satellite
• Everyone has good clocks.
• The GPS satellites have very good clocks. A
GPS user can use a 4th signal to piggy-back
onto the GPS satellite clocks.
• And you can tell the transmitters apart.
• The signals are made in a way so that you
can tell which transmitter sent them.
• For real problems, we use the intersection of
three spheres, not three circles.
Intersecting Spheres

But only 1 point is

on the Earth
When GPS receives a signal
• It compares that signal with all the known
codes (there are currently 37).
• The receiver determines which satellite it is.
• It decodes the timing information, multiplies
by the speed of light to find the radius of the
• Once it has done that for 3 satellites, it can
determine the location.
How do GPS signals send all
this information?
• They use codes! Binary codes.
• Each satellite has a different code.
For example, here are the first 1000 numbers of the code
for satellite 1

This is the code for satellite 6

• First we need to learn how GPS creates
these codes
• Then we need to come up with a way to
quickly tell the codes apart.
How do you create codes?
• You use binary addition rules.
• 0+0=0
• 1+0=1
• 0+1=1
• 1+1=10 (but only use the last bit, 0)
• GPS uses “shift registers.”
• The more shift registers you have, the more
complicated you can make your code.
Here is an example with 3 shift registers

Register1 Register2 Register3 Code

1 1 1 -

Start with all 1’s in your shift registers

Add Register 1 and Register 3

For this example, 1+1 =10 ==> 0

The answer 0 goes into Register 1 and

everything shifts to the right.
Resulting in

Register1 Register2 Register3 Code

1 1 1 -
0 1 1 1
Next 0+1=1

Register1 Register2 Register3 Code

1 1 1 -
0 1 1 1
1 0 1 1
After 2N -1 steps (N is the number of
registers), the code repeats

Register1 Register2 Register3 Code

1 1 1 -
0 1 1 1
1 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
0 0 1 0
1 0 0 1
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 0
For 3 shift registers, the code repeats after 7 steps.
Real GPS
• Uses 10 shift registers.
• They add different registers to produce
the codes for different satellites.
• Satellite 1 uses 2 and 6.
• Satellite 2 uses 3 and 7, and so on.
• A 10-shift register code repeats after
210-1, or 1023.
How do you compare codes?


Every time the numbers agree, add 1.

Every time the numbers disagree, subtract 1.
This example: 2 different satellites


14 agree

Total score: 3
11 disagree

Perfect agreement would be 35

This example: same satellite codes, but shifted

Not so good - score of -3.

But if you recognize they are shifted by 1:


Agreement is perfect
It’s useful to have a computer
to do these comparisons,
especially since you have to
test a lot of different shifts.
Then you can plot how good
the agreement is as a
function of shift.
Satellite 9 compared to Satellite 10 code
Satellite 10 compared to Satellite 10 code

Very good agreement here.

Satellite 10 compared to Satellite 10 code that has
been shifted by 200.
Why two peaks?

Start with 2 codes

Is red shifted by 200?

Or is black shifted by 823?

Why are the codes shifted? The shift gives the
GPS receiver the time difference.

Time Difference (in seconds) * 2.99792458 108 meters/second =

Distance (in meters)

What is a typical Time Difference? GPS

satellites are ~20,000,000 meters above
the Earth.
20,000,000/300,000,000~ 70 milliseconds
Plate tectonics

The Earth is a spherical jigsaw puzzle. Different tectonic plates

move in different directions at different speeds.
I mostly use GPS to study how the Earth
changes. I study plate tectonics,
volcanoes, and earthquakes.
Southern California
Iceland operating all over the world.
We have GPS receivers



Let’s use a GPS site in Canada as an example
Churchill, Manitoba
Each red dot tells
you the position of
a GPS receiver on
a single day.

Churchill is moving
1.9 cm/yr west, 0.6
cm/yr south, and 1.1
cm/yr up.
Churchill, Manitoba

The North American plate is rotating about the blue triangle

All the plates together

Blue boundaries are the different plates

Why is Churchill going up 1.1 cm/yr?
Canada was covered by ice 11,000-14,000 years ago.

And ice is very heavy.

Postglacial rebound

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