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•A seashell or sea shell, also known simply as

a shell, is a hard, protective outer layer

created by an animal that lives in the sea.
Seashell is the most universally identifiable
part of a creature known as a Mollusk.
•Mollusk (sea Shells) are invertebrate animals
(think of a snail) with an unsegmented,
basically symmetrical body, generally
consisting of head, foot, visceral hump and
•Mollusks (Seashell) are descendants from
primitive wormlike creature inch around
in the ooze of primeval seas millions of
years ago. As dissolving land masses
began to feed salts and chemicals into
oceans, the first Mollusks (Sea Shell)
digested them eventually used them to
build durably shelter

•The ancient people utilized mollusks and as for

making tools ornament.
•The belmet shell cassis comuta or
“budyong” are widely blown by farmers and
a fisherman using their mouth as a means of
communication .
• Shells was also used as personal abdomens among
Filipino settlers, especially among tribal communities
•The abalone shell “kapin” balioris is
reportedly being used in the healing
practices among indigenous “tambalan”
communities in Sangat Island, Palawan
shells are gathered around the waste of a
sick person to cure/ heal the ailment.

•The shell necklace and bracelets worn by

the Solomon and trobiand islander
indicate a high rank status
among the villagers.
Philippines is the major fishery products in
the trade market.



1.Hard but brittle

2.Easily broken when drop on a hard surface
or hit by a hard object.
3.When polished it has shiny pearl-like
1. Ornamental Shells these are shells that are
exploited for their whole decorative value, used as
souvenir items and decorations. They are relatively
cheap and plentiful in the trade.
2. Rare Shells these are shells sometimes
endemic species of mollusks that are usually
found in the deep seas.
3. Commercial Shells these are mollusks that
are harvested for their nacre or mother
4. Shellcrafts/handicrafts refers to the
products made by shells or in combination
with other native raw materials, they are
usually hand crafted by skilled individuals.
1. Gleaning or “panginhas”- is a typical activity
among coastal people throughout the country.
It is usually done early in the morning and late
in the afternoon during low tide. When
gleaning is done at night it is called ” manulo”
using a torch or “sulo” made out of dried
coconut leaves as light gathering of shells either
for food and collection is both equally enjoyed
by old and children alike. To others gathering
of shells is a form of relaxing and away of
relieving stress.
2. Tangle Net -the tangle net, or tooth net,
is a type of nylon fishing net. Left in the water
for no more than two days, and allowing by
catch to be released alive, this net is
considered to be less harmful that other nets.
The tangle net is used in the Philippines by
commercial fishermen, as well as by the
scientific community.
3. Push nets “sud-sud”- a small triangular
fishing net with a rigid frame that is pushed
along the bottom in shallow waters and is
used in parts of the southwestern Pacific for
taking shrimps and small bottom-dwelling
4. Compressor diving - use an air
compressor attached to tubes that feed
oxygen to the divers, enabling them to
stay under water for few minutest to
several hours. Shells are collected through
browsing coral heads and other

5. Scuba diving - uses a special kind of

breathing apparatus to collect shell and
other invertebrates.
1. Soak the seashells - Put them in a 50/50 solution of
bleach and water. Make sure to wear gloves and safety
goggles when mixing the water and bleach.
2. Let your shells sit - Leave them to soak until they
look clean. There is no set time to clean each shell, it
depends on the size of the shell and how dirty it is.
3. Remove the seashells -Take the shells out of the
bleach solution and rinse them with water. Wear gloves
to protect your hands from the bleach solution.
4. Scrub the seashells - Remove any remaining
barnacles and other material off the surface. Use a
dental pick, a water pick, a toothbrush, or even a grill
brush if your seashell is large.
The Philippines is known worldwide for this
its beautiful seashells. This is not surprising because
our multi-island country has very long shoreline
that abounds with exotic seashells of wide variety.
Philippine seashells are different sizes and shape,
come in color that range from white to pastel to vivid
hues, and are sturdy. They are also both functional
and decorative. Because of these characteristics,
seashell, are favorite materials for craft purposes.
They can be made into various useful or decorative
articles. Large-size seashells can be used as ash trays,
holy water containers on churches, and vase.
Seashell of various size and shapes can
be used as material for lamp shade and
base, figurines, wall decors, and
curtains. Small seashell are fashioned
into chokers, earrings, brooches, hair
ornaments, belts, bags, and other
For seashell craft purposes, there are two general
kinds of seashell:

• The Plain Seashell is the more common

and simple kind. It comes in either white or
pastel. It size varies from large to medium to
• Seashells white design may either be able to
be grooved elongated, or corrugated, design are
usually abstract, and colors are bright and
attractive. Like plain seashell, with design vary
in size and shape.
• The coastline of the Philippines is
about10,850 statute miles. Our country in
composed of 7,091 islands and the shore are
filled with different kinds of shells which are
washed up from the bottom of the sea.
•These shells come in various sizes, shapes,
and colors. Assortments of shells with make
a good craft articles.
1. Mother of pearl shells- there are two kinds of
shells the back lip and the gold lip. These are
found in the bottom of the sea.

a.) Back lip pearl oyster are found nearly all along
the coast of the Philippines .

b.) Gold lip is abundantly found in the Southern

Pearl shell are used extensively in the manufactures
of buttons ,toilet articles, umbrellas, handles, fan,
card, case and many others these are exported in the
crude form. Rich pearling ground have been
discovered in polillo, visayas and sulo
Archipelago and on the coast of Palawan.
2. Ark shell- it is a box-like shell living in
crevices of rock. Other kinds of shell of this
type are milk ark and Noah’s ark. Milk ark is
the whit outside and partly covered by a
brown velvety epidermis and the inside
portion is white smooth and is porcelain like
Noah’s ark Is smaller than milk ark,
occasionally violet in color. The narrow
ribbed ark is a bugling shell rounder than
the ark varieties that live under stones.
3. Script shell-this species has a white or
yellowish ground marked by a series of
zigzag brown lines which at first glaces
resembles writing, hence it is named script.
The shell is oblong and thin. It is found
throughout the Philippines, and called “
Venus message”.
4. Giant clamp (tridacna), this kind of sea shell
product is the largest known among all living
mollusks. It weighs 500 pounds or more. It is
usually found near the coral reed of Celebes
archipelago. Divers use crowbars and hammers to
mash the shell. Tridacna meat is eaten by the
Malays. The meat is hard, but when roasted over a
fire it can be cut into pieces. Tridacna means “three
bite”. Filipinos call it tacobo Filipinos call it a lot
and the shell is called pasongan. It is remarkable
for its beautiful colors the Igorots of Mt. province
make fancy belt out of this shells, while natives of
south sea island manufacture knive and axes.
5. Gastropod- it differs from any other
shell, because it I a blue-valved shell, some
of it are beautiful ornamental purposes,
while others are for commercial purposes.
6. Kapis- Is scientifically classified as placena
placenta. The shell grows an inch a year in micathin
layers, so that a shell five inches in diameter is
five years old and so on. Kapis shell is
distinguished in two kinds according to their
forms, known as male and female. The female shell
us slightly convex while the male is practically flat,
through its edges are slightly turned. The female
shell is the hardest to cut cure and finish. The flat
kapis shell is also useful for making trays, and
many other interior home decorations.

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