Weebly - Presentation - TLC

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My goal is to create inclusive

environments were all students
are enjoying and developing their
emotional, physical, social and
mental skills in the time they spend
in the classroom. I believe
creating a warm, welcoming
environment for a child is essential
when teaching. In order for a
student to feel comfortable to
learn in a classroom setting, the
child first must feel as if they
belong, are valued and cared for.
 I believe building a rapport with students
and making connections with them is
crucial (MacGougan, pp.39, 2018) as an
educator. The shift from an authoritative
teacher to an approachable teacher,
provides students to opportunity to
connect with the teacher. In addition, it
allows the teacher to strengthen their
relationships with the students.
Furthermore, this positive relationship
between the teacher and the pupil
plays a key factor in the pupils sense of
belonging (Marsh, pp.161, 2012).
 My teaching philosophy
involves considering the
needs of all learners in the
classroom. My motivation
to create a classroom like
this stems from Gardeners
theory of multiple
intelligence which involves
eight ways of catering for
different types of learners in
the classroom (Campbell,
Role Model
 A teacher is not only an
educator. A teacher is a
role model for the students.
My philosophy includes
installing the ability for each
student in my classroom to
become a role model
student themselves.
However, not only do I push
for my students to be role
model students, but I push
for them to be role model
citizens in the community.

 I will make my students feel

empowered and valued by
allowing them to freely
choose the activities they
want to participate in besides
compulsory tasks.
Consequently, this freedom of
choice enables students to
develop a sense of maturity
and responsibility.

 Campbell, B. (1992). Multiple intelligences in action.

Childhood Education, 68(4), pp.197-200.

 MacGougan, H. (2018). Getting to know your students:

Lessons (worth learning) to establish relationships, English
in Aotearoa 93 (1), pp. 39-40. Retrieved

 Marsh, H. (2012). Relationships for learning: using pupil

voice to define teacher-pupil relationships that enhance
pupil engagement. Management in Education, 26(3),
161-163. doi: 10.1177/0892020612445702.

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