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Is communication
influenced by
information and
Media Literacy, Information Literacy,
Technology Literacy are important for training
active citizen who exercise their roles
responsibly and effectively participate in
Media Literacy

• Media refers to radio, television, computers, films,

and other information and communication tools.
• Media Literacy is the ability to read, analyze,
evaluate and produce communication in a variety
of media forms.
Media and Information Literacy pertains to the
essential competencies and skills that allow citizens
to engage with media and other information
providers effectively and develop critical thinking
and life-long learning skills in order to socialize and
become active citizens.
• Buyer: How much is a kilo of this rice?
• Seller: 60 pesos per kilo.
• Buyer: The radio said it is only 45 pesos.
• Seller: Then buy rice from the radio.

Who are talking in the conversation above?

What information did the buyer get from the
seller? Was the information accurate? Why do
you think the information from the radio was
• Media can affect the way we get information.
Information heard is different from information
experienced. In the same manner information
communicated by word of mouth is different from
information communicated orally with visuals and a give
and take of feedback. Media producers communicated
differently from media users and consumers. For one,
they have a great many tools at hand and skilled
personal who are adept at their work of producing and
using media.
Media and its Sources

1.Primary sources refer to original materials. These

sources are unfiltered and unevaluated. They are usually
the first results in physical, print or electronic formats.

Examples are artifacts (e.g. excavated jar), audio recordings (e.g. radio
programs and interviews) original documents (i.e. birth certificates,
marriage licenses, trial transcripts), patents, photographs, proceedings
of meetings, conferences and symposia; records of organizations, and
government agencies (e.g. annual reports, government documents).
2. Secondary sources are accounts written after the fact. These
usually contain the “benefit of hindsight.” These are
interpretations and evaluations of the primary sources. Note
that secondary sources are not evidence themselves but
discussions or comments about a given evidence.

Examples include bibliographies, biographical works,

commentaries, criticisms, dictionaries, encyclopedias, histories,
and textbooks.
3.Tertiary sources contain information which are
already a collection of primary and secondary
sources. They can already be filtered and/or
Multiple Roles of Media
1. Informative Role is when media is the source of information. This enables
everyone to be an “informed citizen.”
2. Educative Role is when media assists in the understanding and
comprehension of information. This includes understanding of scientific
terms or government policies.
3. Platform Role is when media is used by different groups, organizations or
institutions as a kind of voice. Media is then used as a “platform” where
their side of the story is heard.
4.Entertainment Role is when media is used to entertain
the people.
5.Other Roles: The Adversarial Role of media is when it
is used as a “watch dog” for an institution such as the
government. The Advocacy Role of the media is when
it becomes a place where ideas are heard, broadcast or

• The American Library Association defines

information as a set of abilities requiring
individuals to “recognize when information is
needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate,
and use effectively the needed information”
• Information can simply mean data or facts.
• Information Literacy is more fundamental than all
the other literacies as proponents and
practitioners of teaching information literacy skills
see it as research.
• Information literacy is the fourth “R” that
completes reading, ‘riting’ and ‘rithmetic’
(Eisenberg and Berkowitz, 2011).

• According to Jeff Wilhelm (2000), technology has

“everything to do with literacy. And being able to use the
latest electronic technologies has everything to do with
being literate.”
• Technology Literacy is more than awareness of
• It involves more than knowing how to used a set of
• It is the ability to responsibly use appropriate
technology to communicate, solve problems, and
access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create
information to improve learning in all subject
areas and to acquire lifelong knowledge and skills.
• Technology literacy may be know as tool literacy
which is the ability to use current information
technology tools of software, hardware and
• It may be also be expanded to the “ability to adapt
to, understand, evaluate and use emerging
technology innovations in information technology
(Wilson, 2001).”
• Technology or Digital
Literacy is the ability to
use digital technology,
communication tools or
knowledge to locate,
evaluate, use and create
• It also refers to the ability to understand and use
information in multiple formats from a wide range of
sources when it is presented via computers and to a
person’s ability to perform tasks effectively in a digital
• It also includes the ability to read and interpret media, to
reproduce data and images through digital manipulation,
and to evaluate and apply new knowledge gained from
digital environments (University of Illinois).
• The term Information and
Communication Technology (ICT)
is used to refer to a group of
technologies that use electronics to
store, process and communicate
• These technologies include
computers, telephones, radio,
television, video, digital cameras
and other devices.
1. A computer is an electronic device that can
accept data as input, stores and processes the
data and generate information as output.

2. A telephone, or phone, is a
telecommunications device that allows two or
more people to conduct a conversation when
they are physically apart.
3. Radio and Television broadcast to a
large audience, but require that all
audience receive it at the same specific

4. Video is an electronic medium for

the recording, copying, playback,
broadcasting, and display of moving
visual media.
5. A digital camera is a device that
records and stores images and videos
in digital form.

6. The Internet is an electronic

communication network that allows people to
access public information from many other
users round the world. It is also used for
worldwide communications and for any type
of exchange of information among users.
Application of Technology to Media and
1. Web 2.0 sites allow people to interact and collaborate with
each other in a social media dialogue as creators of user-
generated content in virtual community. Common
examples include social networking sites, blogs, wikis, and
video sharing sites.
2. Electronic mail, most commonly called email or e-mail
since around 1993, is a method of exchanging digital
messages from an author to one or more recipients that
operates across the Internet or other computer networks.
Application of Technology to Media and
3. Online advertising or Internet advertising is form of
marketing and advertising which uses the Internet to deliver
promotional marketing messages to consumers.
4. Streaming media is video or audio content transmitted in
compressed form over the Internet and played immediately,
rather than being saved to the hard drive. It is an alternative to
downloading because the media is sent in a continuous stream
of data it can play as it arrives. Users can pause, rewind or fast-
forward, just as they could with a downloaded file, unless the
content is being streamed live.
Application of Technology to Media and
5. Virtual reality is an immersive multimedia or computer-
simulated reality, replicates an environment that simulates a
physical presence in places in the real world or an imagined
world, allowing the user to interact in that world. Virtual
realities artificially create sensory experiences, which can
include sight, hearing, touch, and smell.
6. Empathetic media is a smart technology that anticipates one’s
needs and delivers customized experiences. Systems that learn
over time to predict desires are getting more sophisticated and
Application of Technology to Media and
7. Visual Network is a social networking like Instagram and
Pinterest which makes visual imagery play in social
conversation and communication. This allows connecting and
photographing life experiences while instantly sharing with
them their connected network.
8. Dronevertising is the user of robotic technology in a variety of
industrial application. Drones are now being used to make
home deliveries and can also deliver things like medical
products into hard-to-reach areas.
Application of Technology to Media and

9. Cloud Computing is a kind of Internet-based computing where

shared resources, data and information are provided to
computers and other devices on-demand. It uses the word
cloud as a metaphor for “the Internet”. It provides different
services such as servers, storage and applications that are
delivered to an organization’s computer and devices through
the Internet.
Application of Technology to Media and

10.Mobile Computing is a technology that allows transmission of

data, voice and video via a computer or any other wireless
enabled device without having to be connected to a fixed
physical link. Some of the most common forms of mobile
computing devices include: portable computers, mobile
phones, smart cards and wearable computers.
Chapter Summary
• Media Literacy is the ability to read, analyze, evaluate and
produce communication in a variety of media forms, e.g.
television, print, radio, computer etc.
• Information Literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to
recognize when information is needed and have the ability to
locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.
• Technology literacy is the ability to use digital technology,
communications tools or networks to locate, evaluate, use and
create information.

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