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Phenomena and Hazards

I. Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the students
should be able to:
1. Identify different hazards caused by
hydrometeorology phenomena
2. Give practical ways of coping with
hydrometeorological hazards caused
by typhoon and floods.
3. Cite ways to prevent or mitigate the
impact of typhoon and floods in the
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: Hydrometeorological Phenomena
and Hazards
Instructional Material: Chalk, Visual- aids,
Pictures, and Internet
References: Curriculum Guide
Earth and Life Sciences K-12
Philippine Edition
Strategy: 4 A’s
III. Learning Tasks:
A. Routine Activity
- Opening Prayer
- Checking of Attendance
- Checking of Assignment
B. Simple Recall
- Review on Previous Lesson
C. Motivation
- Ask the student with ff. questions:

1. Are you familiar with the word


2. Can you cite an example of these

3. How about these pictures, Is there a link
or connection among these phenomena?
4. Do you think all of these can caused the
loss of life or injury and can damage our
environment ?
D. Lesson Proper:
1. Activity:
• Group the student into 3. Let them select a
reporter from their group to discuss the
output of the activity in the class.
• Each group will be given a hand-out for
them to analyze a given situation in the
• They will be given 5mins. To prepare with
the assigned topic.
• Specific/ certain group will be assigned to
each phenomena; typical cyclones,
monsoons, flood or ipo-ipo for them to act-
out or dramatize portaying such
2. Analysis:
– How do you feel about the activity?
– Did you find any difficulty based on the
given situation.
– Reporting System
3. Abstraction:
– Teacher’s additional explanation/input.
– Summarizing the idea on phenomena
such as; tropical cyclones, monsoons,
floods or ipo-ipo.
4. Application:
How can we prevent these phenomena in
our environment?

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