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Program Design Language (PDL)

Slides by: Noppadon Kamolvilassatian

Source: Code Complete by Steve McConnell,
Chapter 4

Steps in Building a Routine

PDL Overview
 PDL (Program Design Language) is for designing
at a slightly higher level that the code itself.
 Use English-like (or Thai-like) statements that
precisely describe specific operations
 Write PDL at the level of intent
 Write PDL at a low enough level that generating
code from it will be nearly automatic

Example of Bad PDL

Example of Good PDL

PDL Benefits
 PDL makes reviews easier
 PDL supports the idea of iterative refinement:
architecture->interface & PDL->source code
 PDL makes changes easier
 PDL minimizes commenting effort
– PDL will be turned into comments for source code
 PDL is easier to maintain that other forms of
design documentation

Design the Routine
Example: ReadErrorMessage()
RecordErrorMessage() takes an error code as an
input argument and outputs an error message corresponding
to the code. It’s responsible for handling invalid codes. If
t h e p r o g r a m i s o p e r a t i n g i n t e r a c t i v e l y,
RecordErrorMessage() prints the message to the user. If it’s
operating in batch mode, RecordErrorMessage() logs the
message to a message file. After outputting the message,
RecordErrorMessage() returns a status variable indicating
w h e t h e r i t s u c c e e d e d o r f a i l e d.

Design the Routine
 Check the prerequisites
– check if the job of the routine is well defined and fits
into the architecture
 Define the problem that the routine will solve
– State the problem in enough detail
– State the Input, Output, Internal data, Error handling
 Name the routine
– Use precise, unambiguous name (like
ReadErrorMessage() )
– Avoid names with the words ‘Handle’, ‘Process’ or
other vague words
Design the Routine
 Decide how to test the routine
– Think about testing cases, the method to use, etc.
 Think about efficiency
– In general, refining overall design helps a lot more.
 Research the algorithms and data structures
– Don’t “reinvent the wheel”
 Write the PDL
– Begin with the purpose of the routine, followed by the

Design the Routine
 Think about the data
– If data manipulation is the main purpose, think about it
before the logic.
 Check the PDL
– Make sure you really understand PDL. Otherwise, how
can you understand the code written from it?
 Iterate
– Try as many ideas as you can in PDL before start
– Refine until each PDL statement can be translated into
one or a few lines of code
Turning PDL into Code
 Write the routine declaration
 Added the header comment
 Turn the PDL into comments
 Fill in the code below each comment.

Turning PDL into Code

 Check the code informally

 Clean up the leftovers
 Repeat steps as needed
– In some cases, you may need to move back to design.
 Formally review the code
– Until you are sure that you understand why the
code works!
– The main difference between hobbyists and
professional programmers grows out of moving
from superstition into understanding.
Example of a Header Comment

Example of PDL

Example of Expressing PDL Comments
as Code

Example of Expressing PDL Comments
as Code

Complete Routine

Complete Routine

Complete Routine


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